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I can feel it coming the air tonight...

Zoot Zoot

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James's Diary Entry One


It started in Miami, a single woman was found dead in her hotel room after spending a night out partying with her friends across the city. At least that's what we have been led to believe by the Government at this time, but this was three weeks ago. Everybody who went out with her that night has also died under the same circumstances. A previously unknown influenza virus which has been designated H1N1-S, the S meaning severe I imagine, I am no scientist, I don't even know what the hell it is, only that its flu, and it kills you. Did I mention everyone she was out with is dead? oh I did? good. Did I mention that dozens more since have died and hundreds have fallen sick and overwhelmed the hospitals?


The Government is trying its best to play down the situation, but it has no vaccine as of yet and the radio said earlier that reports of outbreaks in nearly every other state had been reported. The National Guard has been deployed across the country to shut down state crossings and airports have been closed down, so have the ports. Hell, it wouldn't surprise me if the President quarantined the whole damn country.


The Government have no idea where this thing has come from and now they are pissing into the wind.


Entry Two


Its been four weeks since my last entry and things have gotten worse. Tens of thousands are sick, thousands have died. The Army has been deployed to ration food, water and to keep order on the streets. Miami is a ghost town, most people have fled north to try and get out of the cities and into the countryside but the military is stopping them at every turn. Yesterday I heard on the radio that the nearly the entire navy had been called back to our own waters to enact blockade. The land borders have also been shut. Still no word on a vaccine, but I have seen men and women from the CDC on the news and even in Miami doing things. I wasn't really listening. Soldiers were digging up the school field behind my apartment. Hundreds of linen wrapped bodies were being lowered into a mass grave. A priest wearing no protection walked up and down the rows of bodies, blessing each one of them.


I have not left the house for a month and my food supply is running low. Having to go onto half rations to stay inside as long as possible.


Official Government Announcement

From this point onwards all air and maritime travel to and from the Peoples Socialist States of America has been ceased. The PSSA Navy has been ordered to prevent any ships from entering or leaving our waters. The PSSA Air force has been authorized to use deadly force to prevent a breach of our airspace.


All land borders are now closed and PSSA Army Groups Delta and Echo have been deployed to the borders, along side Army Groups Bravo and Charlie to enforce the closing of the borders.


Anybody found to be in breach of this, will be detained and held in a secure facility until a later date.


We must insist to our regional neighbors that these measures are adhered to, and that they must not see these deployments as a threat. They are for your own security more than ours.


In summary for those who do not find this clear.


The Peoples Socialist States of America are in effect, under quarantine for an undetermined amount of time.


President Mark Hughes






This takes place in a different timeline, just after the civil war, which I still have to roleplay out.

Edited by Zoot Zoot
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Week 28 Diary Entry


The Government put the country under quarantine a few months ago, as well as putting individual cities under quarantine to try and contain the spread of the virus. I have heard horror stories about soldiers rounding up sick people and putting them into Prisons. I mean I can see why they are doing it, but there are simply too many sick people, it keeps them contained to one place, and its not like they are being left to die either. My next door neighbor is a Doctor and he works at one of the Prisons. He is only a GP, but all Doctors and medical staff are needed. He says that whilst the Hospitals are under so much strain, Prisons are being used as field hospitals and containment facilities to prevent more spreading of the virus, not to mention sports stadiums, warehouses. Basically any building that can fit many people inside are being set up as field hospitals.


I ventured outside for the first time in over a month to get food from the local army ration distribution point. Got myself some water, bread, cheese for short term, and some salted meat for long term, not to mention a good few ration packets. My stockpile is still considerable so I should be good for a few more weeks.


I have taken to moving my food and such into the fallout shelter my father built in the cold war, that's where i am living now. The army is stopping looters as and when they can, but some still find there way into peoples houses so I am taking no risks. I have my gun, plenty of ammo and I have my fallout shelter.


The news is still running daily and no vaccine yet. Apparently, we got close, but the virus mutated causing the CDC to start over or something. There hasn't been any reports of infection outside of the PSSA either which I suppose is good, it means the Presidents quarantine is holding up.


Casualties are in the tens of millions now. The Government is now burning bodies.They are exterminating birds, rodents, farm animals and insects on mass using poisons, gasses. The TV said it is estimated nearly thirty million people are dead and nearly twelve million more are sick. All the healthy people are either staying locked up in their houses, gone native, or fled to Alabama. They say Montgomery is a safe zone. The army erected huge walls around the city by the end of the second month and all the sick were moved to other hospitals in the state area. I do have a full tank of gas in my car and extra jerry cans in the trunk if I ever did decide to leave and go to Montgomery.


Better put this map in here as well, took me ages to find it from the internet. It outlines the safe zone in Montgomery.



Edited by Zoot Zoot
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