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Thousand-Mile Detour

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After almost three weeks of constant flying and diplomatic engagements that stretched across the world, President Adolph Paton would lay down for an inflight nap. The President had tried in vain to try to alleviate the sleep deprivation he had incurred upon himself from constantly shifting across the time zones of the world as the South African Government airliner departed Marscury and headed southwest towards Africa once again. Over the western reaches of Tianxia, however, the South African president would be gently shaken awake by the Presidential Chief of Staff, Roland Zawilza.


"Lawrence called," said Zawilza, referring to the South African Foreign Minister as the President slowly lifted his head wearily from his pillow, and sat up on the large couch he had taken slumber on.




"He asked us to make two more stops, late invitations came through from two consulates last night," said Zawilza, slowly, taking measure of the President's demeanor carefully. "Of course, he'll understand if you w-."


"Where?" asked Adolph, interrupting Zawilza from possibly pushing him towards a decision that would make him not accept the invitations.


"Well, the Athenian Federation, and the Atlantic Commonwealth," responded Zawilza, looking at his notebook.


"Do we have diplomatic briefings on both nations?"


"We can get them."


"Flash a message to Pretoria and Cape Town, we won't be home tonight," nodded Adolph, standing up. "We're going to go to Athens first, then to the Commonwealth, inform Captain Indigwe of our course plan, and tell the Athenians we'll cordially accept their invitation. And get those diplomatic briefings for me, Roland."


"As you wish, Mr. President," nodded Zawilza, studying the man's face for a moment, before stepping out, as Adolph hit the call button, summoning a flight attendant so he could get a cup of coffee delivered. Minutes later, as coffee was being poured before him, he would feel the A380 make a gentle shift as the airliner set a new course for the Balkans.

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As the plane neared Athenian airspace the Hellenic Air Force would get two fighters ready to escort the plane safely to Athens. Once there it was guided to Athens AFB just outside the city so the security of the South African delegation could be ensured.

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Once making contact with Athenian air traffic controllers, the A380 would adjust its course accordingly to directions sent to it by the controllers. Making for Athens AFB, the A380 would fall into formation with the two fighters that were sent up to escort it, the pilots keeping the aircraft at a steady speed. As they neared Athens, Adolph Paton would be roused from a nap he had taken after reading a diplomatic briefing, and the South African leader would prepare for his meeting with his Athenian counterparts.

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