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The Confederacy reaches DC!... to be friends.

Zoot Zoot

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President Moore and the representatives of Florida, Georgia and Alabama took the Presidential jet to Washington DC to meet with the American Commonwealth delegation. After a brief drive from the airport to the meeting location, all would enter the meeting room and take seats, waiting for the meeting to begin.

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The CSA delegation was met at the airport and escorted to the White House where a ceremonial band and color guard greeted them as they entered.  Once inside they were lead to the Blue Room where they were greeted by President Bronson.  "Welcome gentlemen" he said as he entered and began to shake their hands.  "Its good to see all of you here today.  My name is David Bronson, President of the Commonwealth.  Let's get down to business shall we?" he asked as he sat down across from the delegation.  "As you know things are no longer as peaceful as they were before Mexico collapsed, but I am glad to see that you gentlemen have managed to succeed despite that.  A new stable nation helps us take our minds off of potential trouble areas and concentrate on places that need help.  Now, there few conditions we'd like to ask for before we finalize the independence of the CSA".


"First is the joint use and administration of certain military bases and facilities in the area.  These include: Maxwell AFB, MacDill AFB, Patrick AFB, Cape Canaveral, Robbins AFB, NAS Pensacola, NAS Key West and Fort Benning.  Now this doesn't mean we plan on permanently stationing troops at all these facilities but we'd like the right to operate from these facilities if we need to.  We'd also like to request transit rights for Commonwealth military forces in your nation".


"We'd also like to help you get started off the ground with your new nation and would be happy and able to directly provide a large amount of grants and low interest loans to your new government.  We can also instruct major Commonwealth financial institutions to provide your government with extended lines of credit.  We are also willing to provide armaments and munitions to equip your forces for the time being until you can provide such things on your own.  If you're willing to agree to these terms we are also willing to create a mutual defense agreement between our nations if you'd like".

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The CSA delegation was met at the airport and escorted to the White House where a ceremonial band and color guard greeted them as they entered.  Once inside they were lead to the Blue Room where they were greeted by President Bronson.  "Welcome gentlemen" he said as he entered and began to shake their hands.  "Its good to see all of you here today.  My name is David Bronson, President of the Commonwealth.  Let's get down to business shall we?" he asked as he sat down across from the delegation.  "As you know things are no longer as peaceful as they were before Mexico collapsed, but I am glad to see that you gentlemen have managed to succeed despite that.  A new stable nation helps us take our minds off of potential trouble areas and concentrate on places that need help.  Now, there few conditions we'd like to ask for before we finalize the independence of the CSA".


"First is the joint use and administration of certain military bases and facilities in the area.  These include: Maxwell AFB, MacDill AFB, Patrick AFB, Cape Canaveral, Robbins AFB, NAS Pensacola, NAS Key West and Fort Benning.  Now this doesn't mean we plan on permanently stationing troops at all these facilities but we'd like the right to operate from these facilities if we need to.  We'd also like to request transit rights for Commonwealth military forces in your nation".


"We'd also like to help you get started off the ground with your new nation and would be happy and able to directly provide a large amount of grants and low interest loans to your new government.  We can also instruct major Commonwealth financial institutions to provide your government with extended lines of credit.  We are also willing to provide armaments and munitions to equip your forces for the time being until you can provide such things on your own.  If you're willing to agree to these terms we are also willing to create a mutual defense agreement between our nations if you'd like".

"Mr President you ask a lot, as did I during the territorial conferences. The Commonwealth has been nothing but a friend to the Confederacy from its birth to this very day so I see no problems with permitting the requested military facilities including transit rights across the Confederacy. But in exchange for such a big concession, I request that the commonwealth enter a trade agreement with the Confederacy and maybe even support our goal of bringing Mississippi, Tennessee and perhaps the Carolina's into our nation. In exchange for such an enormous concession of land, myself and the three representatives of the states with me today, have agreed to lend the Commonwealth military support in peacekeeping operations in states which are proving to be troublesome and rebellious against order." he said, nodding his head slightly in a knowing fashion when he referred to the R.A.S.


"The land concessions are of course negotiable and are by no means mandatory to to the agreement, you will get your bases and transit rights regardless."

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"A mutual trade agreement would be beneficial for both of our nations and so I don't see any problems with that.  As far as territorial concessions go the American Commonwealth has always operated under the principle that the people of any given area should have the right to self determination.   If they desire to join the CSA we would see nothing wrong in that.  That being said such actions cannot be taken until security and stability is brought to these territories so that people may decide for themselves free of coercion from unrepresentative elements what path they wish to choose.  That being said, providing CSA troops for peacekeeping operations would be helpful.  Extra forces could help expedite the process as well as positively influencing the local population to the idea of joining an established nation willing to look out and care for them.  Most of the states you inquired about are still undecided as to what course they wish to take but I do believe that the state of Mississippi has been making some noise about joining the CSA.  I'll have some people look into and if the sentiment is strong enough we can hold a state wide referendum to decide".

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"Well depending on the sort of presence you require, I am authorized to deploy up to two Divisions of the National Guard or a Brigade of regular soldiers, although this could be increased if peacekeeping operations were to expand or turn into a policing action to prevent a war. Well I assume it can" he said nodding back towards the other members of his delegation.


"Power with the States you see Mr President, such increases beyond what is already authorized would require the green light from the State representatives." he continued before drinking some bottle water.


"If the Commonwealth would be so kind as to allow referendums in said States at the earliest opportunities, we would be most grateful and as far as Mississippi is concerned, we have heard such rumours ourselves, I can deploy a brigade of National Guard into the State to assist in operations as well as win hearts and minds."

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"I can assure you that once things quiet down we will get the ball rolling on these as quick as we can.  In the meantime we'll accept whatever it is you are able to provide in terms of peacekeeping forces.  I will also look into beginning the Mississippi referendum as soon as possible once we determine its security status".

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"Well Mr President, I shall issue a General order to my military commanders to begin peacekeeping operations in Mississippi, Kentucky and Tennessee once I am on the plane back to Montgomery. Is there anything else I can help you with sir?"

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"We have intensified our efforts in securing Kentucky and Ohio so no additional troops will be needed in that area.  However, to do so we've shifted troops from the Carolinas, which we've decided is a safe move as the area has been very calm throughout these events.  But if you're willing to spare troops to assist Commonwealth forces there it couldn't hurt.  Other than that I feel we've covered everything President Moore" said Bronson as he rose and shook his hand.  "I'll get the ball rolling on the referendum in Mississippi as soon as possible.  I look forward to successful relations between our nations in the future".

Edited by MostGloriousLeader
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