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Zoot Zoot

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1701 was the year and King James of Scotland sat in his throne, surrounded by his Councillors in Edinburgh Castle. The Dark Mark to the South was in the way of unifying his island. He sent riders across Europe declaring that Scotland is a free state. The Scottish Navy set sail into the Irish Sea the the aim of securing the West coast from the Irish, a nation King James soon hoped he would conquer.


On the border, nearly a million soldiers had begun gather with a quarter of a million cavalry, ranging from heavy cavlary, right down to light dragoons and scouting regiments. 45,000 artillery pieces from 18 pounders to horse drawn 6 pounders marshalled all along the border, preparing to reclaim England for the legitimate crown and unification of great Britain.






Just some hard numbers for reference.


12,705,100 population

1,905,765 soldiers

635,255 cavalry

95,288 artillery pieces total

-4568 Naval Artillery



10 First Rate Heavy Ships of the Line, 140 guns(Battleships  are CN equivalent)

7 First Rate Ships of the Line, 104 guns (Carriers are CN equivalent)

7 Second Rate Ships of the Line, 90 guns (Destroyers are CN equivalent)

8 Third Rate Ships of the Line, 70 guns ( Cruisers are CN equivalent)

8 Fourth Rate Ships of the Line, 55 guns ( Frigates are CN equivalent)

7 Fifth Rate Ships of the Line, 30 guns ( subs are CN equivalent)

10 Sloops, 20 guns (Corvettes are CN equivalent)

10 Bomb Ketches, 40 mortars (Landing ship is CN equivalent)


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