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change color??


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[quote name='Zacharias' timestamp='1354583242' post='3060146']
It depends on the alliance. Some require you to be a specific color, others don't

In terms of choosing a colour for your nation, [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=113935&#entry3051292"][b]this might provide some guidance[/b][/url].

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[quote name='Igumen' timestamp='1355272585' post='3062776']
In terms of choosing a colour for your nation, [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=113935&#entry3051292"][b]this might provide some guidance[/b][/url].

Really? :facepalm:

RobKouch, if you still happen to check this topic, the colors don't have a deep ideological meaning. Red is red. Grey is grey. Blue is blue. So on and so forth

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[quote name='Zacharias' timestamp='1355275663' post='3062820']
So because I don't find meaning in colors means I don't have an imagination?[/quote]

No. We've had other discussions in which I could discern this - not that I said you had "no imagination" specifically, but then you have a propensity for misreading the subtleties of the English language. What you've written today is just a bit of extra evidence for your - quote- "unimaginative materialism."

[quote name='Zacharias' timestamp='1355275663' post='3062820']
And how do I force this upon others?

Your manner of writing, in which your choice not to read meaning into the colours is stated as fact to another, newer, member who you obviously expect/hope to listen to what you say. This manner of speech could be put down to clumsy expression, but regardless of the reason or your intent, that is how it comes across.

I say: "this might provide some guidance."

You say: "the colors don't have a deep ideological meaning. Red is red. Grey is grey. Blue is blue..."

Might, maybe, perhaps, are not just filler words. As I have got older I have realized their importance. Without having to modify or compromise my own deeply held beliefs with "mights" and "maybes", I can still appreciate these words when speaking with other people.

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[quote name='Zacharias' timestamp='1355277532' post='3062865']
I'm not going to bother to get into past conversations with you because you are just incredibly hypocritical.[/quote]

Another subjective opinion stated as fact? How terribly predictable. Still, you probably have evidence for me being "incredibly hypocritical." You're welcome to post it.

[quote name='Zacharias' timestamp='1355277532' post='3062865']All I meant to say is they are colors. No maybes, mights, or perhaps about it. They don't have to have a complicated meaning. It's that simple[/quote]

They don't [i][b]have[/b][/i] to have a complicated meaning (implying that they can). See, I bet you didn't even find it difficult to temper your previous comments with a caveat. Good luck for the future.

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[quote name='Igumen' timestamp='1355307038' post='3062948']
They don't [i][b]have[/b][/i] to have a complicated meaning (implying that they can). See, I bet you didn't even find it difficult to temper your previous comments with a caveat. Good luck for the future.

So now you are attacking my character. Hats off to you sir.

I would dig through the blogs and topics me and you have argued in to find one of many examples of your hypocrisy, but frankly I don't really want to. Here was the original question in case you have forgotten.

[quote name='Robkouch' timestamp='1354582159' post='3060138']
Do i need to change my color to be in an alliance?

He didn't ask "What color should I pick". So, you have misread his question. Therefore, an example of you being hypocritical. And the best part is I didn't have to look very far.

One last point, it was a simple question. So, it deserves a simple answer. Not a "soul searching" journey.

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[quote name='Zacharias' timestamp='1355351483' post='3063050']
So now you are attacking my character.[/quote]

What I said does not equal an attack on your character. I really do bet that your later, more moderate, statement was relatively easy for you to write. Therefore, me picking you up on your previous "forceful" statement, and how it comes across, wasn't inappropriate (it would've been inappropriate if I thought you couldn't write in anything but a forceful manner). If what I said is an attack on your character in your eyes then I apologize, but also suggest your sensitivity is not suitable for the rigors of forum posting.

[quote]I would dig through the blogs and topics me and you have argued in to find one of many examples of your hypocrisy, but frankly I don't really want to.[/quote]

How utterly unsurprising. :rolleyes:

[quote]He didn't ask "What color should I pick". So, you have misread his question. Therefore, an example of you being hypocritical.[/quote]

Firstly I didn't misread the question. I quoted you and agreed with the answer you gave. So why reply to Robkouch at all? To provide the link for the additional, but related, information on choosing a colour for your nation. Perhaps I could have reworded it thus: [i]"If you also want to know about choosing a colour for your nation, [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=113935&#entry3051292"][b]this might provide some guidance[/b][/url]." [/i]; nevertheless, I knew what Robkouch was asking, and specifically answered that before moving on to the deeper meanings colours can be given.

Secondly, even if I had misread the question, why would that be an example of hypocrisy? Did I say [b]you[/b] misunderstood Robkouch's question?

[quote]One last point, it was a simple question. So, it deserves a simple answer. Not a "soul searching" journey.

It got both. What's wrong with that?

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[quote][color=#EE82EE][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][b]Pink[/b][/font][/color][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif] is the color of Weeaboos and Bronies. Those who identify with pink are showing that they are willing to reach out to the dispossessed and marginalized of society just as Christ did, and are also not afraid of ridicule as a result. It is, therefore, a color of bravery and disregard for the opinion of man.[/font][/color][/quote]
Hahaha. That was almost funny enough to make up for how petty, hateful, and weak you really are.

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It is true that this world is illusory, and that for all of us there is a reality that transcends the one we become so obsessed with. Mystics have spent lifetimes atop mountains, or hidden in caves, trying through asceticism and prayer to commune with this transcendent reality. For the inhabitants of Bob, the same transcendence can be achieved by the slightest of actions: turning around, looking out of a window, or closing down a web-browser.

But not all of us are ready for this transcendent reality, Tom. And so some continue to dwell in the illusions and distractions that Bob has to offer.

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[quote name='Bowwow' timestamp='1355356931' post='3063087']
What has this forum come to? Arguing over colors...

It's a proxy argument, over the real, yet subconscious, conflict over who has the edgiest skull/gothic avatar. Clearly, the answer is that neither of us have edgy avatars precisely [i]because[/i] we chose one containing skulls, which are too contrived to be edgy or shocking.

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[quote name='Igumen' timestamp='1355356758' post='3063085']
It is true that this world is illusory, and that for all of us there is a reality that transcends the one we become so obsessed with. Mystics have spent lifetimes atop mountains, or hidden in caves, trying through asceticism and prayer to commune with this transcendent reality. For the inhabitants of Bob, the same transcendence can be achieved by the slightest of actions: turning around, looking out of a window, or closing down a web-browser.

But not all of us are ready for this transcendent reality, Tom. And so some continue to dwell in the illusions and distractions that Bob has to offer.
[/quote]Are you high?

[quote name='Igumen' timestamp='1355357494' post='3063095']
It's a proxy argument, over the real, yet subconscious, conflict over who has the edgiest skull/gothic avatar. Clearly, the answer is that neither of us have edgy avatars precisely [i]because[/i] we chose one containing skulls, which are too contrived to be edgy or shocking.
[/quote]Apparently you are.

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[quote name='Igumen' timestamp='1355357494' post='3063095']
It's a proxy argument, over the real, yet subconscious, conflict over who has the edgiest skull/gothic avatar. Clearly, the answer is that neither of us have edgy avatars precisely [i]because[/i] we chose one containing skulls, which are too contrived to be edgy or shocking.

Please, it is clear I have the edgiest avatar as it is a girl while I'm a [i]boy[/i]

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[quote name='Igumen' timestamp='1355357494' post='3063095']
It's a proxy argument, over the real, yet subconscious, conflict over who has the edgiest skull/gothic avatar. Clearly, the answer is that neither of us have edgy avatars precisely [i]because[/i] we chose one containing skulls, which are too contrived to be edgy or shocking.
I took a break. It turns out it feels pretty nice to base my self-worth over something other than hatred of others. You should give it a shot.

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[quote name='Armed Society' timestamp='1355364252' post='3063145']
It turns out it feels pretty nice to base my self-worth over something other than hatred of others. You should give it a shot.

Not basing your actions on the hatred of others was more or less the gist of my criticism towards you on previous threads. Still, if you have honestly had a change of heart and come to this realization yourself then I'm happy for you. Just drop the chippiness against me and I'll guarantee your "pretty nice" feeling will only increase. ;)

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