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[b]To: The American Commonwealth foreign Affairs Department[/b]
[b]From: Ephraim Halliwell, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Free Republic of Ontario[/b]


While we have not yet been in contact with each other, I would like to adress this shortcoming with this message. Due to our close proximity, it may be advantagous for both sides to establish a dialogue between our nations and to discuss future possibilities and chances, as well as challenges we may face as two nations this close to each other. For this dialogue, I would like to invite you to Ottawa, our capital. Of course, should you feel different about this and wish to change the location, we are open for discussion, just like we are open for discussion also on our future relations.

With regards,

[i]Ephraim Halliwell,[/i]
[b]Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Free Republic of Ontario[/b]

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[b]To: [/b][b]Ephraim Halliwell, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Free Republic of Ontario[/b]
[b]From: American Commonwealth State Department[/b]
[b]Topic: RE[/b]

Mr. Halliwell,

The American Commonwealth would be more than happy to start diplomatic ties with the Republic of Ontario as well as discuss future interactions between our nations. We have no objection to meeting in Ottowa and will dispatch a diplomatic envoy to represent our nation at this meeting.

-American Commonwealth Secretary of State,
[i]Joshua M. Stone[/i]


Peter D. Cooper was a senior diplomat of the Commonwealth State Department. Most of his service had been in the diplomatic corps of the Empire of Pravus Ingruo, but he had chosen to enter the service of the Commonwealth when his native state of Pennsylvania initially formed part of it. Due to the short distance to Ontario his transportation was arranged accordingly. An official State Department Lear Jet would take him on the short trip to Ottawa. Once given proper clearance, they would land and meet up with awaiting Ontarian diplomatic personnel.

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On Ottawa Macdonald-Cartier International Airport, Ephraim Halliwell already awaited the American diplomat. The Foreign Minister of the Free Republic would guide Stone to the government limousine, to get from the airport to 125 Sussex Drive, where Halliwell had his office. On the way, the car came to a halt, as they suddenly were surrounded by protesters, that still were up in arms, due to the ongoing protests against anglo-German aggression in Europe, but for now, that was not of too much concern to Halliwell. "Excuse the hold-up. They are marching past here, but in maybe ten minutes we can drive on.", the driver said though the window that connected him with the passengers. Ephraim shook his head and took out a bottle to pour himself some scotch. "Truely, I hope this blows over quick enough. It's just a pain, how this affair creates such an uproar. But well... Welcome to Ottawa, capital of Ontario. Shall we start here already, maybe some scotch?" Ephraim held up the bottle, to underline his offer.

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"Sure, why not?" said Cooper as he filled a glass. "I'm surprised to see such, um, enthusiasm over something occurring across the Atlantic but I suppose it gives people something to do" he joked before taking a sip. "But thankfully there hasn't been much conflict recently on our little corner of the world. North America's been very quiet lately and hopefully it will stay that way for a little longer but it'll come to an end sooner or later. The cycle of peace and war is a given constant in this world. That being said, the American Commonwealth is keen on pursuing peaceful and mutually beneficial relations with its neighbors. As of today that consists of only two nations, Ontario being one of them. I have been authorized by the President to negotiate and approve of any treaty or agreement within acceptable parameters".

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  • 2 weeks later...

"I hope so too, Mr. Cooper. War and conflict is a blight on the land and excuse me if I say that, but when your nation, that is still rather young, is one of the oldest still existing regimes of this continent, then I don't think it is wrong to say, that this piece and calm are a hard-earned luxury in this day and age. Sadly only a luxury..." Halliwell gulped down his glass in one shot. "Well, Ontario has only heard good things from your country. Not that I try to be one slimy diplomat, but I guess if you survived this long, it'll most likely be due to your foreign policy that aimed at realistic goals and only concluded the treaties that were necessary to be concluded and benefitial to your country. Though, you also helped out allies. As a Canadian, I still remember that. So, I guess, if you come to our country, we are still not a too established country, having no long history and not all too many contacts. And people still have uncertainties with policies of such a young nation. In this regard... I guess for starters, economic ties through the usage of Lake Erie and maybe a Non-Aggression Pact. One can never be too sure these days." Halliwell shook his head and sighed.

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"Well I can take this as a compliment for my nation. Our foreign policies have been carefully considered as we feel good relations are a tantamount to peace. Warmongering doesn't really make for a good national policy. As a result relations with our neighbors are especially important. I would have no problem with an non-agression pact with economic clauses and I don't think my government will either but rest assured my nation has no designs for aggressive expansion. While the Great Lakes may not be as important economically for us as they are to you, the Commonwealth still has a fair amount of economic activity occurring on the lakes so it is still something that we take an interest in".

Edited by MostGloriousLeader
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"Well, that is good to hear." Ephraim laughed. "There's enough aggression around these days, good enough if our little corner has its peace preserved." Suddenly the car set into motion again. The protesters had passed, 125 Sussex Drive would be the next stop. While the car was still on the way, trying to drive cautiously, despite the great amount of time lost, Halliwell would continue. "I have to say, I'm really hoping that this region remains stable. We are actually the youngest souvereign state, most of our neighbours are rather stable and I hope no aggressive actions will transpire." He poured himself another glass. "I guess I call one of those secretaries to get a draft finished till we arrive. We lost enough time, won't you agree? So, non-aggression, maybe free trade? What would you suppose for economic clauses?"

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  • 2 weeks later...

"Well, I'm not really an economist so I cannot give exact or specific measures. I would leave that to be hashed out between the appropriate agencies of our respective governments. Free trade, or at least reduced trade barriers, will definitely be a goal but like I said, I'm not too sure about the specifics. I have also been instructed to look into the possible joint administration of Lake Erie and Lake Ontario to facilitate additional economic cooperation and growth".

OOC: Sorry about the delay. Haven't been able to get on too much lately and I kind of forgot about this.

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Halliwell chuckled. "Fine by me. I'm no economist either. But about the Lakes, I guess a joint administration of Lake Erie could make sense, but Lake Ontario? Also, how would you imagine this joint administration?"

[b]OOC:[/b] It's alright. But don't forget that at the point of time of this meeting, Vinsalia still existed. I was already thinking about sending out diplomatic communiques to nations to update treaties afterwards.

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"Well shipping will also need to route through Lake Ontario to make it to the Saint Lawrence Seaway and if I remember my briefing correctly roughly 22% of the Commonwealth's Great Lakes based shipping requires access to the ocean. Even so, we are willing to defer on this issue for Lake Ontario if you prefer. As to how this arrangement would work. We would set up an inter-governmental agency that can handle and coordinate things ranging from the administration of port facilities, standardization of safety networks and protocols, security measures, navigation and other things like that".

Edited by MostGloriousLeader
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"Hmmm, that does not sound too bad, I'd say. I guess we can make Lake Ontario part of the agreement, given most likely the Commonwealth has some sort of agreement with Quebec regarding the Saint Lawrence Seaway. Now, I'll call my secretary, excuse me for a moment." Halliwell took up the phone that was integrated into the car. Quickly he dialed a number and waited. "Hey, John, do you have a minute? It's me, Ephraim..." It seemed the Minister was rather close with his department. But he would explain the situation and ask John to draft up a treaty. Just before finishing the call, he turned to Cooper again. "Anything to add?"

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  • 2 weeks later...

As the car finally arrived at its destination, the door would be opened by a young man, who seemed like one of these aspiring young men in their suits, with steep careers and busy schedules. Halliwell exited first, then helping Cooper. "This is Mister John Tinsberg, my secretary." Then he turned to John. "The draft's ready, I suppose?" "Of course, Mister Halliwell. It is on your desk. I already readied the pen and seal." "Good work, John. I know, you don't let me down." As the two diplomats entered the elevator, John left the group, to tend to his other duties. "A fine lad he is. I think, one day he may very well be my successor."

Once they reached the office, Halliwell quickly went to his desk, looked over the few lines and handed the sheet to Cooper.


[center][u][size=5]American Commonwealth - Ontario Agreement on Peace and Order in the Great Lakes[/size][/u][/center]


[center]Recognising the importance of the Great Lakes for industry and commerce of both countries, the American Commonwealth and the Free Republic of Ontario, with this treaty, want to lay the foundations for a peaceful and lasting friendship, to secure the mutual interest of stability and progress.[/center]

[center][u]Article I[/u][/center]

[center]Both countries agree to not use military force as means of solving conflict with the other country, but to establish a possibility for peaceful negotiation on matters.[/center]

[center][u]Article II[/u][/center]

[center]Both countries agree to recognise the other country's full sovereignity over their respective territory and population, to not infringe on that principle and to not take any steps that would undermine this sovereignity.[/center]

[center][u]Article III[/u][/center]

[center]Both countries agree to establish a common authority over Lake Erie and Lake Ontario, in regards to civilian shipping. This authority, the Eastern Great Lakes Shipping Organisation (EGLSO), shall be staffed equally by both sides and be responsible for the instittion of all tariffs, disputes, shipping licenses, environmental laws and surpression of crime pertaining Lake Erie and Lake Ontario. Responsibilities may be added at any later point of time, should the two signatory countries agree to it.[/center]

[center][u]Article IV[/u][/center]

[center]This treaty is in effect for as long, as the two countries, or in the case of one nation ceasing to exist, a legitimate and clear successor to that country, or one of the countries decides to cancel this treaty. Should one side decide to cancel this treaty, notice has to be given 6 months prior to this treaty being deactivated.[/center]


[center]For the American Commonwealth,[/center]

[center]For the Free Republic of Ontario,[/center]


"I hope this treaty is acceptable. Tell me if anything needs to be changed."

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