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Lessons in Latin


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Recently appointed Minister of Foreign and American Affairs Charlotte Dunois was on her way to Athens. Among the treaties that Greenland had signed was a MDoAP with the Athenian Federation. For better or for worst Athens was an American nation, having New Orleans and parts of the Caribbean. It was in the interest of Quebec to maintain at least a neutral position with the Federation, and if possible, take Greenland's place as the Northeastern American ally. It was a tall order, but perhaps not too impossible.

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Due to the ongoing war against Colombia and the resistance in Italy some security precautions were taken. While diplomats would normally arrive at Athens International the plane was now relocated to Athens AFB so the foreign diplomat could be escorted by military rather than the High Guard to the Tower of the People in Central Athens. A staff member of the Magistrate of American Affairs would greet the Minister at her arrival.

"Welcome to the Athenian Federation miss Dunois, apologies for the precautions. Considering everything we can't guarantee your safety without them"

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"I perfectly understand the situation. It is indeed awkward that one of Quebec's treaty parties acted in such a..... rash matter. I hope that things are not too problematic for Athens." With such small talk done, she was escorted to the Tower of the People, where the meeting would be held.

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"According to our Commanders they have walked into a meatgrinder as such I have no doubt we will manage" The aide sad before escorting the Minister to a car that would take her through the center of Athens to the Tower of the People. Once there she would be escorted to the floor belonging to the Magistrate of American Affairs and one of the conference rooms set up for said department. Once inside she would face the Magistrate himself but also a fair part of his staff and some foreign guests of which one she had to recognize.

Viktor approached Charlotte and extended a hand. "Welcome to the Athenian Federation, I hope your trip was enjoyable" He said before turning to the other people. "I have arranged for my staff to be ready to process all things. Prince Leopold Yuan-Hapsburg is here as a diplomatic intern and Lord Nigel Patten as his guide."

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Leopold looked at the girl, he had not been in Europe for very long before he was sent into this task, he was about to speak before the Tianxia Ambassador walked forward. The man smelled heavily of scotch and cigarettes and his suit was wrinkled.

"We can introduce ourselves." Nigel said with a sly smile, his british accent thick. Nigel went up to Charlotte taking her hand to kiss it. "I am Lord Nigel Patten, hereditary of Barnes, grandson of the last British Governor of Hong Kong, Minister Plenipotentiary of the Government of His Imperial Highness Yuan Jia to the Athenian Imperial Court, and I must saw I am in splendor at your magnificent breasts. May I grasp them?!"

The Prince tried hard not to burst out laughing at the man's shamelessness.

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