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On the run


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"Major Ramirez, if you'd be so kind as to suit your people up and deal with our friends' Wraith problem, I'd be very thankful." Stephanie said, nursing her arm as she leaned against the holo tank, having been knocked down by parting Wraith weapons impact, landing at just the right angle on the edge of the nav console.

"Aye aye, Skipper. I'll have the First Platoon suited up and out the door before you notice I've left the room."

Nearly true to his word, Tomas Ramirez had his best platoon suited up and on the [i]Falcon[/i]'s only assault shuttle in a mere ten minutes, the bayfull of battle-armored Marines clutching flechette guns and pulsers as they made their way to the wounded refugee ship.

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"This team 6 taking heavy fire from wraith, pinned down and requesting backup." "Team 9 is responding, sit tight." "This is stasis chamber 3, the wraith are trying to get in here, not sure how long that door will last for." "We will get a team in has soon as we can, we are spread thin here already." The control center of the ship had become the command center, maps of the ship laid out across the now useless control pannels as they tried to map out wraith and Gremlon positions. "How many damn soldiers did they beam in to the ship? They are everywhere. All right tak your team and make a push to the hangar bay, hopefully the troops are still there." "Yes sir."

As the shuttle approached the ship they would see it sitting eerily still, and badly damaged. Getting onboard the ship would be a sight to see however, as most of the holes were to small fit a soldier in.

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The assault shuttle pulled up alongside the Goliath's hull, as Lieutenant Chambers launched from the [i]Falcon[/i], taking her pinnace-full of battle-armored Marines to the disabled Wraith ship to capture it. "There's some heavy buckling of the armor here, Major, but nothing we can get one of you guys through." called out the exceedingly young flight lieutenant from the cockpit intercom.

"Just find us one of their airlocks. Anything will do..." said the New Edenian. Tomas Ramirez was a massive man, with an earthquake-deep voice and shockingly soft temperament for such a large person. His voice was smooth, rolling the vowels and consonants of his speech with the accent native to his home region of San Martin.

The assault shuttle moved along the beast's hull, as the flight lieutenant searched for entrances.

"Here's one, sir. Looks like it accesses their stasis chambers, if the bulk of this particular section is anything to run by." the lieutenant called, opening the bacydoor to space, the already-suited-and-helmeted Marines disengaging their seat restraints and activating their mag-boots, making ready for entry while the Major surveyed the airlock.

"It looks like we can pry it open. Let us hope we can shut it again afterwards, it would be unfortunate if our friends were to die because we couldn't close the door behind us. Sergeant Major? If you'd do the honors." he said, beckoning a short woman forward from the rear of the group, her loping grace belying her age as she made her way out the bay door, leaping off and flipping end for end, boots slamming into and locking onto the airlock door. It was slightly ajar, with no more than just enough room for a battle-armored soldier to slip their suited fingers into the gap.

She mag-locked her gauntlets to the door, walking down the door until she stood upright before it, and locked her boots down once again as she slid her fingers into the gap. And then she began to [i]pull[/i].

The nanotech-based musculature of the suit stood out sharply, suddenly, around her upper arms and torso, where it wasn't hidden from view by the impact, heat, and radiation resistant plates that protected the user from harm. She pulled the doors apart, and at first it seemed she was having no effect. But, slowly and surely, she began to push it apart, and when it was widened to four inches, the door began to open in earnest. One foot open, two foot open - then she got between the halves of the airlock door, and placed her feet on the edge of one half, pushing harder with her feet than she could with just her hands as her back braced against the opposite half, pushing it open as well.

When the door was wide enough for a Marine to get through comfortably, she got out of the way, and the remainder of the Marines did precisely that - get through.

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The marines had managed to get themselves inside stasis chamber 3, and before them they could see row upon row of stasis pods. Unlike the outside of the ship the inside showed the true quality of Gremlon ship building, one would find it hard to believe it was the same ship. Has the last marine entered, the doors failsafe kicked in and the door slammed shut and locked, the room they were in flooded with air once again. on the far side of the room a hatch could be seen opening into a hallway leading to the next row of stasis pods. Beyond the slight hum of the pods the distant sounds of battle could be heard if one took the time to listen.

"Our defense around stasis pod 3 is crummbling, and if we take any men off from the other positions we will open a hole in our defensive line." "Very well then, tell my team to gear meet me in 30 seconds." "You cant be serious, admiral." "Im very serious, unless you would rather go and back the defense up there yourself?" Admiral Ereson geared up in his battle suit, it was prototype built during the final stages of the war. But now was as good has any to test it out. He grabbed two balsters and a rifle and his battle sword. It felt very familar in his hands, yet at the same time felt like a distant memory. He could remember cutting down many wraith with this blade, fighting off entire platoons on his own. But that was a long time ago, or to him it felt that way anyways. His team waited for him, 6 of the best trained fighters in his crew. "Lets move!"

Onboard the wraith cruiser, the marines would easily be able to enter the open hangar doors of the cruiser, which couldnt close without the command center being brough back online. However, once in the ship taking it would be a challenge, most of the wraith rather fighting to the death then surrendering to their food source.

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The Lieutenant lead her battle-armored troops through the bowels of the cruiser, their flechette guns belching clouds of razor-sharp, spinning tungsten rods, acting like an armor-piercing, flesh-shredding modern version of a shotgun as they mowed through the lightly-armored Wraith with near-impunity, the Wraiths' stunner shots managing, at most, to lock their armor for a few seconds as the suit's systems overcame the EMP effects of the impact, leaving the Marine inside unharmed. Two Marines stayed behind and guarded the open docking bay, while the rest of the platoon spread out in teams of four and proceeded to slowly take the ship.

Meanwhile, the Major and his Marines were rather disconcerted by the lack of people about. "Where are the crew..?" the Sergeant Major murmured to herself.

"Sarge, I hear shots down the corridor. It's faint, but it's there." a three-striper sergeant reported, leaning into the frame of a doorway, listening with his helmet's audio system.

"Well then, take Stevens, Mira and Lovell and recon it, Sergeant." she replied.

"Aye, Sarge." the man said, beckoning the indicated privates and corporal to follow him as they set off down the corridor at a brisk pace, their footsteps preceding them by mere seconds thanks to the padding on the soles of their armored boots.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The wraith on board the cruiser changed to different tactics, using the more powerful and deadly blasters instead of their stunners. Also equipped with more armor and grenades, the objective turned from capture the attackers to kill the attackers. Wraith would wait in ambush. To pounce on the attackers and feed on them as well, making the advance more difficult.

On the Goliath the marines would find the battle going strong, the wraith and gremlons fighting hard, in some cases even going in hand to hand combat.

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The Lieutenant grinned a bloody smile as her flechette gun belched away on full auto, the heavily-overbuilt left shoulder of her battle armor cratered with blaster impacts. "Looks like they found their backbones, ladies and gents!" she called out over the vox net, triggering the gun's integral underslung grenade launcher, flinging a boarding grenade down the corridor before she pulled back into the cover of the doorway she stood in, reloading her weapon. All of the sudden, a Wraith charged her, a strange-looking blade in hand and a weird toothy-looking hand stretched out before him as he swung the blade down at her. Dropping her gun, she grabbed the Wraith's wrist and squeezed hard, breaking his hand and causing him to hiss in rage - directly before she lifted him up, grabbing him by the ankle with her other hand, and [i]pulled[/i].

Throwing the two halves of the Wraith back at his allies, she grabbed up the flechette gun and finished reloading it, and began to trigger off further bursts, even as her troops slowly advanced, making full use of the organic ship's natural cover in the process as the IR/EM sensors built into their helmets lit their foes for them in the darkness and mist.

The Major and his Marines joined the battle with gusto, charging in on the flank of the Wraith, catching them off guard with guns blazing away.

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As the wraith on the cruiser lost more and more of the ship, they became more self sacrificing, hiding in wait then blowing holes in hallways making the area around them start venting atmosphere, charging into the enemy with active grenades attached onto their armor, anything they could do to fight back their attackers was done. As a last resort, the self destruct was armed and ready to be activated, should the situation become to difficult.

The appearance of the marines on the Goliath startled many of the guards battling the wraith, but they continued to fight and let the marines do their thing for now. Admiral Ereson came onto the battle, his men fighting encircling the wraith to prevent escape or more wraith from entering the battle.

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