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A Reunion on Capodimonte


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The Bourbon line was one strictly maintained and looked after, as such it was no surprise when Francisco showed up in New York the eyes of the Federation turned to North America. With the situation between the two movements cooling down and the world itself relatively stable Francisco has been invited to the Palace of Capodimonte to join Valerio on his summer resort while at the same time handling certain matters of foreign affairs. He was received at the airport by a delegation of High Guard which would take him to the palace. There he could still see guards busy removing old security barriers. What he probably wouldn't expect however was that rather than going to the palace the car went for the stables.

"The Emperor is currently out in the forests, he asked if you would join him there. A horse has been prepared, otherwise we can wait in the palace until he returns."

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Francisco would grin to the man speaking. "It's been some years since I went on a riding trip...this is a pleasant surprise." Unbuttoning his dress jacket and rolling up his sleeves he would mount the steed and begin a casual trot to meet the Emperor. After the first couple of minutes of regaining his paces his trot would turn full gallop as he went ahead with his escort trying their hardest to keep up. He would shout back towards his guards with a large laugh. "Do try and keep up!"

After a few minutes he would see a procession of men on horseback and an elaborately dressed man at it's head. He would ease up on the reigns and shout to Valerio with a wide grin on his face. "Great Uncle, it's nice to meet you finally...father always spoke so high of you back home." As he approached closer he would continue with a smile extending his hand to the Emperor. "Although I did meet you as a toddler I cannot consider it a proper meeting given how long ago that was...that being said, I must say this steed is amazing, what's his name?' He would brush the side of the steed, its fine black coat smooth and textured running between his fingers.

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Valerio had been enjoying the peace and quiet of the environment, it was a well deserved break from the pains of government and it sure was about time. As he heard his great-nephew he turned the horse around and moved closer to him immediately shaking his hand when offered.

"It should have happened way sooner, and your father must have forgot to mention some of the less positive things we did together." He said riding next to Francisco.
"That one would be Arion, named after the immortal horse from Greek mythology. So I read you have been making a record for yourself in the New World. I must say the way you handled those rebels on your own was impressive."

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Francisco would smile at Valerio's comment with a light laugh. "Oh yes, father neglected to mention those events. No doubt, if I'm a reflection of him... I can only wonder what all you did."

He would nod as his great uncle would bring up his handling of the situation in New York. "It was unfortunate having to deal with those secessionists, it wasted quite a bit of time really...I suppose I should have foresaw that other eyes would gaze on the land beside our own. Still, an acceptable solution was achieved for now. Though, I wouldn't be shocked if their regime turns to be short-lived and fall into disarray soon enough... in which case I'll be able to send in forces to properly reunify the state." Francisco continued riding alongside Valerio listening intently as his Great Uncle spoke to him.

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  • 2 weeks later...

"When that happens send me a reminder to come visit you once. It's been a long time since I've been in New York." Valerio said as the horses came to a rest on the top of the hill. "Now, where do you see relations between our states going?"

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Francisco would nod at the question before replying. "I could see the relations between our countries reaching great heights. With Athenian power in Europe & Asia Minor and our own growing influence in the Americas it would be a prime partnership from a strategic perspective. This would of course only be strengthened over time as our nation emerges from a regional power to a super-power...and when that occurs I'm more then confident Athens will prosper greatly from having a Vinsalian soldier at her back." Francisco would pause for a moment to reflect on his earlier notes. "Additionally, given our shared waters in the Atlantic trade could prosper to Athens and back to New York."

He would then pause and admire the lush countryside from atop the hill and listen as his great uncle replied.

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Francisco would ponder the suggestion. "Perhaps we could arrange something. We have been preparing to move our government from it's emergency footing where Lilly Group was in complete command to a more democratic one. While I still hold the means to authorize a signing however once formal elections are completed it's not guaranteed that it will remain. That is entirely dependent upon the next President of Vinsalia...and whilst I would presume to be the favored candidate, you never know what the end result may be."

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  • 3 weeks later...

"All handled, please follow me. I'll race you to the palace" Valerio said as he began heading for the palace where aides had already been prepared. Barely ending up first he'd step off the horse and walk into the palace to his office. Once Francisco was inside too he'd present the treaty draft.

[quote][center][size="5"][b]Vinsalia-Athenian Federation Mutual Defense and Optional Aggression Pact[/b][/size][/center]

In recognition of the relations existing between the Athenian Federation and Vinsalia, hereafter named signatory or signatories, the signatories agree to the terms of this pact and recognize both the spirit as the wording behind the articles.

Article 1:
The signatories shall not participate in any form of aggression against the other nor support a third party in doing so.

Article 2:
The signatories shall share all intelligence vital to the sovereignty of the other.

Article 3:
Should a signatory come under attack from a third party it is the obligation of the other signatory to assist by all means possible. A declaration of war in response to an earlier declaration of war by a signatory shall make such aid optional.

Article 4:
Should a signatory seek to attack another state it may request help from the other signatory, such aid however will remain optional.

Article 5:
Signatories shall maintain an open border policy to each other, such free access shall be guaranteed for both citizens as military.

Article 6:
This treaty may be cancelled when 72 hours notice has been issued.

Signed for the Athenian Federation,
His Imperial Highness Valerio Moretti of Bourbon, Emperor of Rome, Roman Consul

Signed for Vinsalia,

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Francisco would grin with pleasure as he raced his uncle to the Palace. Once inside he would remark "you're a skilled rider for a man of your wisdom." Reading the treaty he would nod and reply "It's nice to see this done."

He would quickly ad his signature to the document.
"Signed for Vinsalia,
President Francisco Bourbon"

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