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Othel Military Movements


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[center][quote][b]By direction of the Council of Othel

[/b] Be it known that on this day of July 1st, 2XXX, A census has been directed in order to establish the true population of the islands of Othel. Please report to your local government center within the month; all those who give their census data will be rewarded.[/quote][/center]

Census data would be combed by the budding Interior Ministry (15 people including the Minister herself) and analyzed during the twice monthly Council meeting. Over the past few months, Othel had been hard at work in contract negotiations with Hyundai E&C, building it's state run medical service, and enjoying the idle pleasures of peace.

But Song Jiang, the inestimable President of the council, was not a fool; a military veteran, he understood that even the greatest humans were imperfect, and that some day his people might be called to fight for their homes. In session, he told the members that it was their duty to designate men of good quality who were not over-possessed of themselves to serve as soldiers, defenders of their homes and islands.

The Interior Minister stood, directing attention to the projection on the wall. "Ladies, Gentlemen, here is the latest census data; it has been narrowed down to exclude everyone who is not military aged, fit, healthy, and able to serve."

President Jiang reclined in his chair. "So, 57,000 odd men and women. That's a massive chunk of the population.I do not think that we will need so many, though I can imagine a good part of them will want to join; I have been lead to understand some of the younger people in the Northern Group have been getting bored."

Everyone laughed; the only thing going on in Othel that was making news was the first step in the project to reclaim land in the Southern Group; citizens traveling brought strange news of outsiders, Tianxians, and other foreigners; with them was coming music, culture, and work.

Minister of the Press Khendon stood. "Sirs, Ladies, if I might make a recommendation?"

The President nodded. "Proceed, friend."

Khendon cleared his throat. "Instead of drafting all of this people into active military units, why not provide training to the majority of them, and then dismissing them to their homes and careers? In this way we could hold a large, semi-trained force in reserve, while not disturbing the islands with an overlarge military force."

Jiang nodded, seeing the agreement on the faces of his council. "I think that's an outstanding idea. It appears we are all in agreement? Mind you, I don't consider the implementation of that program necessary yet; we scarcely have the materials to arm the proposed active force. My recommendation to this body is that we approve it, but table it until a sensible purchase of arms and armor can be made, and our active force is sufficiently trained enough to in turn train our..Reservists?"

A consensus was reached, and the discussion continued.

The Interior Minister stood again. "My recommendation is that we bring a 100 or so men to Nuka Hiva, have them overseen by a cadre of our most experienced police officers and veterans, and then in turn deploy them to train others."

The Foreign Affairs minister, and leader of Tahuata, shook his head. "I disagree, Madam. There is a need for military expertise here, one that these islands find themselves lacking in. There is no warlike tribe within our borders, and the only soldiery we have close by is that of Tianxia. And what will they say when we show up to battle with trainees of police batons and ticket-giving?"

The Press Minister stood, clearing his throat to address the Council. "That is...inaccurate, Sir. There are two groups within our borders that have...military awareness. We are all familiar, of course, with Captain Morgan and her organization; it was her we awarded the position of Naval Adviser. But there is another....I realize most people view the Marchar's stories as either flights of fancy, allegorical, or associate their military past with ancient history. This is...not exactly the case. Many Marchar youth still go out into the world for a few years, or to other enclaves in other nations; often joining the military of the countries they travel in. Previously, I would not have made mention of it, but now that we are independent...."

Jiang looked at him square in the face. "You mean to say that we have had men of foreign service in our borders since before we became independent? Why would you have kept that secret?"

Khendon shook his head. "No one on Mota, indeed, no Marchar in the islands, is currently enlisted or commissioned in any foreign service. Previously, Tianxian Governance would have looked down upon such people; I myself did not exactly approve of the practice, but having no formal power over them until my election, did not feel it right to surrender them to authority. And now....now, they have skills that the islands feel themselves in dire need of. So it is thusly that I bring them to your attention."

Jiang nodded slowly. "There is no sense in damning the past, and this may be a wind-fall. Khendon, direct some number of those willing here to the capital, and we shall also put out a message to veterans of the Tianxian military; perhaps some will wish to enlist. The basic issue I see is setting up their leadership, and organizing them into units. I am setting a goal to train at least a thousand men sufficiently to make up one battalion; we shall see about making more in the coming months. We have enough arms and equipment. Put out the message, and we shall set up a commission to look them over; as for the "contractors" with Captain Morgan, we shall see if any of them wish to become apart of a more...regular service.

"Make it happen; by next Council, we should have a group of men training hard, in austere conditions, to make the best warriors we can; it is thus we shall be able to guard the tranquility of our land."

Edited by Margrave
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