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An Ultimatum to the American Commonwealth and Georgia

Sarah Tintagyl

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[i]Boston, The Iron Coast[/i]

On a shinning morning in the late summer, a few weeks after the declaration of the Iron Coast, Olmadi and Chung Ho left a small tavern in Boston Harbor and looked at the ships sailing gently in the water. They had been given the offer and the necessary resources to return to Polynesia, but the two members of the Passion's Pain decided to try their luck in this new country where it seemed prosperity could be gained through hard work, a bit of wit and intelligence, and not taking !@#$ from anyone who crossed your path. Cities across the Iron Coast were currently alive with activity, small marine regiments were drafted in the precaution of a renewed Nutmeg attack on the Coast and even the Bosses of New Haven and Providence had come to Boston to seek refuge from potential Nutmeg upstarts. In addition to the threat from the mainland, there was also the Iron Coast's desire to look beyond their shores for wealth and fame.

In order to strengthen the economy which had to rely on raw imports in the hope of lucrative export trade, the New Englanders, with an abundance of ships, men, and desire turned to an old practice which would not only give them economic strength, but new political clout on the continent. Piracy.

Many wealthy business owners and especially those who had stakes in the shipbuilding or trading business began to form their own raiding companies, impressing men and women both from the city streets across the Coast onto ships. These 'sailors' who knew little of naval warfare or of the greater world in general, found their impressment both a form of enslavement and a form of adventure and when the two Polynesians looked down at the harbor, most of the ships were flying flags of the Corsairs.

Olmadi and Chung Ho were one of the few volunteers in the a Corsair crew and stepping onto the [i]Nadine[/i] they were greeted by a crew that seemed more unruly than that of the [i]Pain[/i]. Ship officers barked orders, throwing men and women to their work, the sailors all the time wearing confused faces. They bled from their hands, not used to the work and the Polynesians could see cuts along their backs and waists where the officers whipped them. As they set down their bags, one of the officers approached with a scowl.

"Who are you two, if you aren't listed on my register, get the $%&@ off my ship."

The Polynesians looked at each other confused and nearly reached for their pistols, before a thin black man with dreadlocks walked up to the officer. He smelled of meat and gravy and wore a long brown apron. "Jones, cool it man, they look a lot more fierce than you do. Probably real corsairs, not an impressed Nutmeg officer."

"I just need to know if they're on the registry," said Jones eying the Polynesians hands on their guns.

"My name is Olmadi, this is Chung Ho, we signed up on the [i]Nadine[/i] yesterday, don't know if our names are on your bloody register. But I can tell you we probably know more than half your damn crew."

Jones turned around, his dirty Nutmeg uniform, ripped and tattered. "Clark here," he said pointing to the cook, "Will take you below, get you situated, be back up here soon. We're sailing."

After the officer left, Clark took the two Polynesians by the shoulders and walked towards the underbelly of the corvette. "You shouldn't worry about Jones, he isn't important, you only need to worry about the captain, he's the one who knows how to sail."

"Where are we sailing to?" said Chung Ho as they walked down the stairs. "We just signed up yesterday."

"South, there are shores ripe for the taking."



[i]To the Governments of the American Commonwealth and Georgia,


In this troubling time when foreign nations attack North America from across the seas, when North America does little but offer verbal support to their dying brothers and sisters, the Iron Coast will shine in their steads. We have learned, through simple research that your two states do not have navies and being coastal nations with cities vulnerable from the water, this is a risk to your very existence. For a price, the Iron Coast will provide security from hostile nations and dismal raiders from the sea to make sure that your nations will always be protected.

We regret however that this request must be returned to our government in Boston with all haste, as we cannot protect you from coming hurricanes surely already on the ocean.

Spoken for the Five,

Louie Baxter [/i]

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Atlanta City Hall

"This is outrageous and totally unacceptable. This message of protection is nothing more than extortion and I will not be bullied!!" roared Morgan James one of the many owners of the businesses in Georgia, along with him many other assembled business owners and managers shouted their support and Governor Smith quickly stood and urged them to calm down before speaking. "Ladies and gentlemen I can assure you that we will not be bullied or extorted in any manner. We will not give in to their demands. Georgia does not and never will need their protection." This time the whole assembly erupted in applause and shouts of support, Smith smiled and quickly waved for them to stop but as they did he noticed that someone was still clapping slowly and mockingly and turning to the entrance to the hall he noticed that a group of armed and armoured figures had entered and already the few security guards in the room were moving to intercept them.

Eyeing the newcomers wearily he waited to see what they wanted and more importantly who was their leader though he guessed it was the figure in front still mocking him. "Well said, well said indeed for a fool" spoke the figure the voice distorted but defiantly female "I had hoped to allow you to keep running this pitful nation for at least a short time longer but I guess that is no longer possible. You try to sound defiant but you have no foundation to stand on to refuse this 'request' would put all our shipping at risk and we can not afford that. Therefore I must demand your immediate resignation."

"How dare you!!" roared Smith his fist crashing down on the desk before him "I will not all..." Anything else he might have tried to say was cut off by a series of gunshots that tore into his chest which erupted in spashes of bone and gore spraying a few unlucky members of the assembly next to the now dying Governor. Within seconds the other soldiers raised their rifles and fired upon the stunned and shocked security guards all of who went down in a hail of lead whilst the assembly members dived for the floor screaming and crying and praying for mercy. Striding across the room with her handgun in her grip the female figure came to a stop above Smith who to his credit was trying to hold onto life. Placing a hand on his chest the woman shook her head before placing the muzzle of her gun against where his heart lay. "You should have just stood down" she said before pulling the trigger and putting the man out of his pain.

Rising the woman settled into the seat Smith had just vacated and reached up and removed her helmet setting it on the desk's surface as the other soldiers took up positions around the chamber. Looking at the cowering figures of the businessmen and woman of the nation as well as the assembly leaders she gave them a smile that did nothing to reassure them of their safety and wellbeing. "Ladies and gentlemen as of now Georgia is under our control. If you follow all orders and commands then you will not be harmed, refuse and you will die" as if to emphasise her point she placed her weapon on the desk in front of her. Knowing they had little choice the assembled Georgians settled back into the seats and waited for the woman to continue.

"I am Commander Sanders and any of you who wish to address me will do so as Commander. Now on to this offer of protection from the Iron Coast. Quite simply gentlemen we will send a response back informing them we will accept their offer but will ask to discuss the costs. However, no matter what we agree you will all follow it without complaint understood?" said Sanders eying the whole crowd all of who quickly nodded and voiced agreement. Grinning Sanders settled back and allowed one of Smith's old assistants to take over as she contemplated how easy it had been to lead this coup and take over all of Georgia.

[quote]To the Government of the Iron Coast

Dearest Cousins,

We have recieved your kind and honourable offer of protection for our shipping and it is with great pleasure that we can say we are glad to accept it. We ask that a representative come to Atlanta City so that we can discuss the costs of this protection which we are sure can be made to benefit both sides. We look forward to hearing your reply.

Signed for the new Chancellor of Georgia

Simon Gregory[/quote]

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"Well that was quick." Said Nicole Lyonnais reading over the Georgian response as she flew from Boston towards Atlanta and looked up at Louie Baxter. "I expected them to put up more of a fight."

Louie smiled and took a long drag of his cigar, holding it tightly in his thick fingers. "That's one, I didn't expect Georgia to do too much. I'm more worried about how the Commonwealth takes us, but we'll have a bit more muscle with Georgia's economy coming directly into our coffers."

"Which we have to decide," the Boss of Providence said tapping her finger against the window of the small jet. "What would be an appropriate amount to finalize our deal?"

"Play with them, if they're willing to respond to threats in this manner, they shouldn't be treated kindly."


When the plane touched down, only Nicole stepped out onto the tarmac. Her blonde bob cut fluttered gently in the breeze as she waited for Georgian officials to receive her and take her to their conference place. In return, the raid against the Georgian Coast would be halted momentarily, but would resume under orders from Boss Baxter if the negotiations did not go as the Iron Coast hoped.

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Meeting Nicole on the tarmac as she stepped down from her plane was Simon Gregory wearing an expensive suit and shoes with him was a pair of armed and armoured Hellghast soldiers who stood by, one watching the surrondings with the other watching Nicole. These soldiers would be fully armed with rifles rather than handguns like the team meeting the Cuba investigators. Stepping forward Simon would offer Nicole his hand in greeting as he spoke. "Welcome to our land madam. First I should inform you that there has been a few major changes since our last contact. Firstly we are no longer the people of Georgia we are now the people of the Hellghan Ascendancy and secondly there has been a change in protocal and as such I will be taking you straight to the city hall to meet with the Chancellor. May I ask for your name? As I was expecting a Mr Baxter."

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"I see," said Nicole taking his hand. "Well it seems you and your new government have things quite well under control, Mr. Gregory. Hellghan, Georgia, it makes no difference to us, your nation's territory and capabilities remain the same. As to Mr. Baxter," she continued, "I am actually the de-facto representative when it comes to economic matters in the Confederacy. Thus, I and colleagues, including Mr. Baxter believe it would be best that I handle this transaction that your government so delightfully agreed to. I am Nicole Lyonnais, Boss of Providence, it is a pleasure. If would could get along, however, Mr. Gregory, I would like to meet the Chancellor as I have drawn up the figures for our protection agreement."

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[quote][u][b]DIPLOMATIC RESPONSE[/b][/u]
The American Commonwealth has considered the offer given by the new government of the Iron Coast and must politely decline. We appreciate your concerns over our lack of naval assets but we feel that it is not in our nation's best interests to outsource our nation's defense to a nation that has just recently established itself. Rest assured our naval defense capabilities are adequate for existing threats and we are capable of using non-naval assets to defend our coasts. We would however, like to initiate further diplomatic discussions with the Iron Coast, being our new New England neighbors, about the possibility of further cooperation between our nations. We extend an offer to discuss things either in your nation or ours about matters of mutual interest. We look forward to your response.

[i]American Commonwealth Department of State

The true meaning of the message received from the Iron Coast was not lost on Commonwealth analysts or the military. Monitoring of the naval and air activities of New England was stepped up and enhanced with the deployment of several AWACS and JSTARs aircraft to bolster monitoring by the Vigil OTH Radar network. Aircraft were alerted for possible activity and the navy's missile patrol craft were ready to sortie.

OOC: My internet's been pretty jacked up for a bit and it seems to have gotten worse today. I got a tech guy coming tomorrow but my internet usage window is more or less random at this point. Also, what does this mean for your Pittsburgh city state thing seeing as you now have a new nation? Hopefully I can start getting to be more active when I get this junk fixed tomorrow.

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"Ah right away. If you would follow me?" replied Gregory taking Nicole to a waiting car which he got into with Nicole and the two guards. The journey would not take long and Nicole would see the same camera systems being put in place as the Cubans had seen. Eventually they came before the City Hall and leading Nicole inside Gregory would take her through the foyer and straight to Chancellor Sander's office passing a number of government workers and soldiers on the way. Inside Gregory would introduce Nicole to Sanders before leaving leaving the two guards inside to watch over the meeting. Sanders would greet Nicole from behind her desk, she no longer wore her soldier's uniform instead wearing a heavy grey jacket and black top which concealed the bullet proof vest underneath and she had combed bak her hair to keep it neat and tidy. Of course this mean the burns to her face were visible and she always found it entertaining to see how people reacted to her looks when they met her.

Holding out one black gloved hand in greeting she smiled to Nicole as she spoke. "Ah Nicole Lyonnais the Boss of Providence I presume. It is good to meet you in person allow me to congratulate you and your fellow collegues on forming the Iron Coast. I hear you have an offer for the protection of our maritime assets. Is that correct?"

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"You presume correctly," smiled Nicole as she took Sanders' hand. "And my thanks and the thanks of all our Confederacy for your congratulations and may I offer my own to your new nation. You seem as though you're quite well versed in the struggle of military action." She said eying the woman's scar. "But yes, I have come to negotiate on behalf of the Confederacy of the coast of our protection from enemy states and other terrors which currently roam the seas. This would also include protection of your state as a whole, as maritime trade is equally effected by the condition of your country on land. Given your Ascendancy's size and history on the North American continent, the Confederacy believes that an amount of thirty percent of all your maritime trade would be sufficient to provide protection."

Taking a few papers out of her coat, the Boss handed Sanders the figures of trade which would be delivered to the Coast. "If you would find these sufficient, Ms. Sanders, I can be on my way and dispatch the fleet to your waters."

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"Thank you" Sander's replied simply before taking the papers and taking the time to carefully and fully read through them noting any figures, facts and espically any hidden details or small print. "This does seem acceptable to me Madam Lyonnais may I ask though when you say thirty percent of our Maritime trade do you mean in terms of actual monetary value or in raw goods?" she asked.

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"Either or, Ms. Sanders. We accept all forms of payment; raw goods, hard currency, debit, credit, and money order." Nicole said with a smirk. "So long as it equals to those numbers there on the sheet then we won't have any problems. However, if everything is acceptable to you then I should be on my way. It was a pleasure meeting you and seeing your country. I'm sure that I will return before long."

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"This does indeed seem acceptable, the first payment will be in hard currency which shall be sent shortly. It has been a pleasure" replied Sanders before having Gregory enter again to take Nicole back to the airport where her plane waited. As soon as she had left though Sanders had her military commanders called in to stand before her. Eyeing each one of them she leaned back and made sure they were listening. "Have the military on full alert gentlemen I trust these people about as far as I can throw them. I don't know what they have planned but I want to be ready for anything" she ordered them and with that they left heading to their headquarters to ensure every branch of the military was on standby alert.

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