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Mauritanian News Network

Razgriz 2K9

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[b]What Did You Eat?[/b]

NOUAKCHOTT (AP) - A Man, aged 35 was discovered on the outskirts of Nouakchott with a barrel full of funny smelling, but fine cut diamonds. The man, Sid Ould Sidi was asked where he was able to mine such diamonds, and was reported to have said, "It came from my bottom." At first we thought it to be derogative, but then he showed us just what he meant. While describing how he did is unsanitary, it can be simply said that he showed the capacity to poop out diamonds. This rare phenomena, a cause of this to be determined, allowed him to digest food normally and turn it into fresh cut diamonds to serve as a light resource for the fledgeling Mauritanian economy.

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(Classified Response to the Principality: We will be willing to offer samples to your government for study if you like)

[b]New Scrapyard Opened[/b]

NOUAKCHOTT (AP) - The Mauritanian Government has begun construction of a scrapyard to be built on the Northern part of the city along the harbor. This dockyard will be used to scrap down old military and civilian hardware into scrap metal which will be sold to other nations and thus help build up the struggling Mauritanian economy. Mauritanian Economic Minister Abdullah Ouid Sisullah spoke, "The challenges we are facing are shared not by the government but by all people in this world. We must find our place in this world, and in order to do this, we must make any and all options available to us." The new Scrapyard will begin operations in the coming weeks.

Edited by Razgriz 2K9
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The Principality would later contact Mauritanian national financial departments to gauge Mauritanian interest in a program of mutual and co-operative economic growth. Said program would involve heavy investment by Aeon and other interested parties in the AU, with concentrated semi-labour intensive processing of imported raw materials and semi finished goods for the international as well as pan-African export market. Of course, said labour would revolve around Aeon 3D Manufacturing technology and maintenance, with the Aeon fronting technical training and education regimens as a means to foster a Mauritanian transition from an industrial to high-tech economy. Textiles, food processing, metal and metal products as well as chemical products would be the focus.

Later approached by the media, Principality sources from ruling House Sidamo would be quoted as saying, "The world presently has a false image of Africa's own infrastructural and economic prowess. So long as the Aeon remains a part of the AU, no African nation need cannibalize itself in order to remain competitive in today's markets."

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The nation of Atlantis on the behalf of the Atlantis Arms & Associates would like to know if they could spread the market into this nation. A suitable tax rate could be charged on the sales, and the company will hire only Mauritanian citizens.

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(I apologize if I did not get to respond to some requests, my modem broke and I had to order a new one...)

-A statement from Mauritanian President Mohammed Aziz

We welcome the opportunity for foreign investors and manufacturers to set up shop in Mauritania, to invest and establish new forms of industrial and high tech industries and to help raise the economic value of Mauritania to levels matching those of other African nations.

[b]Foreign Ministry Building Opened[/b]

NOUAKCHOTT (AP) - The Mauritanian government, which recently created the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, among others, has recently confirmed the purchase of a ten-story building to be re-purposed as the Foreign Ministry Offices for the Mauritanian government. The Ministry is now open to allow Ambassadors into their country and formally engage in diplomatic relations with the many nations of the world.

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Mauritanian Parliament Begins Financial Reforms

NOUAKCHOTT (AP) - The Mauritanian Parliament is currently debating on the need for financial and economic Reform. While the Mauritanian economy is initially stabilized, President Mohammed Aziz stated, "If there is no way to balance the national bank, then all the industrial strength that we have built up will be meaningless." The UR recommended a lassez-faire styled economy with a strong free-trade agreement for all nations, while APP Representative dispute the UR, calling for an Interventioalist policy, and maintaining some degree of state control over Mauritania's industrial base. They also call for a limited protectionist policy, limited free trade to just the nations within the African Union.

The debates, which also include the possible establishment of a Federal Aid Commission is set to be voted on later this month.

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*Private Message to Atlantis Arms and Associates*

We are wiling to accept a loan, we can further discuss the matter at a later period.

Federal Aid Commissions Act passed

The Mauritanian President, Mohammed Aziz has signed into law the Federal Aid Commissions Act. The act, which was the first act of the overall Financial Reforms acts, was passed by the Mauritanian Parliament 72-33. The Act allows the Mauritanian Ministry of Fianance to independently sanction Aid to countries who needs it, as well as raise the cap of aid to be delivered to foreign nations by up to 50%.

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[b]Classified to all but African Nations[/b]

A sum of $40 million as well as ten tons of bricks, timber, and cement are scheduled to be shipped to Mauritania every month. Along with this, two tons of bread have been sent as well.

Edited by Joel James
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[b]New Highway Construction[/b]

TIDJIKJA (AP) - A new highway, linking the city of Nouakchott on the coast to the city of Tidjikja in the interior has been recently completed. The area between the main highway will serve as a passage to open up business between the two cities. The highway would also facilitate domestic trade between the two cities, and thus share economic prosperity throughout the nation.

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