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Need an alliance

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I'm not sure if this is the right place to put this but if it's not I hope I can find it when and if it is moved.

Hello, I'm new to the game and am looking for a small to mid sized alliance ,I have received many offers most likely sent to every new member, and as I am to the one sending the message most likely nothing. In a smaller alliance ,unless someone proves otherwise, i am convincedan an individual is of more consequence. Therefore said individual is not a cog sitting on the floor gathering dust but one in the machine that is the alliance. I thank you in advance for your advise.

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[quote name='Container' timestamp='1336286468' post='2964371']
I'm not sure if this is the right place to put this but if it's not I hope I can find it when and if it is moved.

Hello, I'm new to the game and am looking for a small to mid sized alliance ,I have received many offers most likely sent to every new member, and as I am to the one sending the message most likely nothing. In a smaller alliance ,unless someone proves otherwise, i am convincedan an individual is of more consequence. Therefore said individual is not a cog sitting on the floor gathering dust but one in the machine that is the alliance. I thank you in advance for your advise.


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[quote name='Container' timestamp='1336286468' post='2964371']
I'm not sure if this is the right place to put this but if it's not I hope I can find it when and if it is moved.

Hello, I'm new to the game and am looking for a small to mid sized alliance ,I have received many offers most likely sent to every new member, and as I am to the one sending the message most likely nothing. In a smaller alliance ,unless someone proves otherwise, i am convincedan an individual is of more consequence. Therefore said individual is not a cog sitting on the floor gathering dust but one in the machine that is the alliance. I thank you in advance for your advise.

You Should join the Global Democratic Alliance! We like having our members do stuff and participate! You wont just be a stat here, you'll be a member of one of the oldest alliances in the game that will help you grow to become a military and economic powerhouse! Join us today and claim your stake in the world!


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You should definitely come check out the Nuclear Proliferation League.We need more active members like you. :) NPL is CN's best Nuclear themed alliance. We are a mid sized, 70 nation alliance, with a very strong and friendly community. We have an interactive Zombie Apocalypse role play sort of game going all the time, as well as our own fight club, so we do have a lot of fun as well. We have plenty of room for advancement right now, being a smaller alliance. We have entry level jobs as well as a few mid to upper level jobs for those active and deserving. Come check us out at www.npl-alliance.net or shoot me a PM here on the forums for more information. I'd be glad to help as best as I can. :)

Edited by Stonehouse
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[quote name='Container' timestamp='1336286468' post='2964371']
I'm not sure if this is the right place to put this but if it's not I hope I can find it when and if it is moved.

Hello, I'm new to the game and am looking for a small to mid sized alliance ,I have received many offers most likely sent to every new member, and as I am to the one sending the message most likely nothing. In a smaller alliance ,unless someone proves otherwise, i am convincedan an individual is of more consequence. Therefore said individual is not a cog sitting on the floor gathering dust but one in the machine that is the alliance. I thank you in advance for your advise.

You sound PERFECT for the Terran Empire, and the Terran Empire sounds PERFECT for you!!!

Come by our forums: http://s1.zetaboards.com/CN_Terran_Empire/index/

or our IRC channel! #terran

Please message me if you have ANY questions :)


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Hello there and welcome to Cybernations.

I'm going to tell you a quick bit about us then about what else you need to think about.

Pax Corvus is a peaceful alliance on the black team that accepts all colors. We value integrity, community, equality and neutrality. We are loosely based on a celtic clan system and are a meritocracy. Our word is our bond. We are not yet 2 years old, have less than 60 members but are growing. Our forums are at:

In your search for an alliance you have to take a look at what that alliance stands for. Some are there too party. Some are raiders. Some are peaceful. Read the charters of the ones that interest you the most. It's not an absolute way to know what they are really like, but it's a start.

I wish you good luck on your search.

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