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Visiting the Commonwealth

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A message would be sent to the Washington D.C.

[quote][b]To:[/b] David Bronson, President of the Commonwealth
[b]From:[/b] Georgette Lemare, diplomat in French service

Esteemed Monsieur Bronson,

As you are the President of the honourable and rather peaceful American Commonwealth, I would like to ask you, in the name of my King, Charles Louis d'Orleans-Autriche-Este, wether or not the American Commonwealth would allow my person to visit Washington, in order to talk about possible better relations between our countries, mostly in the field of economics. We think, as we both are at the Atlantic Ocean, it may be favorable for both sides to increase our trade relations.

With regards,

[i]Georgette Lemare[/i][/quote]

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To: Georgette Lemare
From: David Bronson

Reprsentative Lemare,

The American Commonwealth would be pleased to receive a diplomat in order to further relations and economic ties between our nations. I would like to attend this personally and I am free for the near future so if you would like to do this soon that would be acceptable. I look forward to meeting you.

[i]President David Bronson[/i][/quote]

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[b]OOC:[/b] This is after Cuba, as it is the same diplomat.


Travelling north, Georgette Lemare would soon arrive at the American commonwealth. It would only be a matter of days till she arrived in Washington D.C., this time by ship. With some hopeful guessing, Georgette went up to the White House, looking if any police officer or guard was around, able to explain where the President lived.

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Two of the uniformed officers at the north east gate noticed Georgette milling about and asking about the President. After verifying her appointment an friendly faced secret service agent came out to escort her in. After going through the security screening she was brought into a waiting room and was soon ushered into the Oval Office as several military officers were exiting. Upon entering President Bronson was signing some papers and stood up when he saw the French diplomat. Walking over to shake her hand he motioned to a couch saying [i]"Please take a seat Mrs. Lemare"[/i] as he went to sit across from the indicated seat. [i]"So what may I do for you today Mrs. Lemare?"[/i].

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"Merci, Monsieur Bronson." Georgette shook his hand and sat down to the assigned couch. "I came as a diplomat of France, as I already wrote in my letter and told your guards, and well, we are concerned over our relations or lack thereof with the Americas." Georgette, serious as ever, was nowhere near Charlotte, that could just adapt to any situation. She was a person that spent her years with dead statistics and numbers, working on the finances of the Compagnie, not like Charlotte who negotiated diplomatic and economic agreements. Only since recently, Georgette had to work in her stead, as Charlotte was away. "Monsieur, you'd surely understand, especially after looking at a map, France is not a completely European nation, nor could it ever claim to be American. Over a fifth of our population lives on this side of the atlantic, making trans-atlantic shipping of course an important part of our logistics and this, it leads to us pursueing a policy that reflects our self-image. To say, our world view ends at Brest would be stupid, but on the other side, the times France went with Valentinist Imperialism are over. It is a thing of the past, it will haunt us, but it shall not return anytime soon. All we want, is to be part of a greater atlantic community though, meaning, we seek trade, also with American nations like the Commonwealth. I don't know, maybe you'd have questions on this, if so, well, I shall hopefully answer them, should they fall into my field of knowledge."

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President Bronson smiled as it was for, some reason, his natural disposition to be friendly. It wasn't bad that it seemed to help with his political dealings either. "Well Ms. Lemare I must confess I have minimal knowledge of French activities in the Americas or even Europe for that matter. Most Americans tend to want to keep to themselves even in spite of a foreign presence in our part of the world. However, with France having such a rather large stake in North America many people can't help but wonder what your ultimate plans are regarding your presence. It seems the tendency for foreign powers in the Americas is to expand their holdings at the expense of others and that is something people genuinely fear. That being said we aren't opposed to establishing a relationship with a European nation. My nation in particular has had little interaction with non-American entities so we're willing to grant most others the benefit of the doubt. It's better to be friendly with other people especially if it provides a mutual benefit. Was there anything you specifically wanted to talk about?".

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"Well, we thought maybe trade would be a good start. We heard many things of the Commonwealth and it seems there may be much to gain for both sides by concluding a trade agreement. By encouraging trade, not only economy can profit, but also develop, as knowledge is exchanged and interest will increase in the other's country. Adam Smith already was of the opinion, free trade guarantees lasting peace. One may not be a liberal, but there certainly is something in these words, don't you agree?" Georgette thought for a moment, before deciding it worth the approach. "Additionally, we would like to offer a cooperation similar to the one with the atlantic confederacy. The De Champlain Fund is a French project to help in maintaining sites on american soil that are of both, American and French history. And such sites exist in many parts of the continent, from Texas to New Foundland. It also helps finance research into the history of the sites and American-French interaction in the past. It helps in keeping the signs of this history in shape as well, as to help students and scolars of both countries to fund their research and to even visit the places, if from France. A visit in America is not all too cheap."

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"Well the American Commonwealth does generally follow a free market economic policy but we do have some protective measures in place for our own benefit. However, I do agree that a mutual relaxation of trade barriers would be beneficial for both of our nations and that is something worth pursuing. As for the De Champlain Fund, that's not something we would be opposed to but I feel you're probably going to be hard pressed to find sites with a French historic value in our nation. Nonetheless you mentioned that the program has an educational value and that is something worth pursuing. The Commonwealth itself is home to several fine education institutions and some sort of exchange in that area could probably benefit goth of our respective nations".

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"That sounds good. Also, to secure said trade, I don't think we need a great treaty, but may I propose a non-aggression clause? I think, through dialogue can be reached far more than through arms. And as long as we both do not attack each other and keep with maritime law, this should hurt neither of us. After all, we are mature enough to leave issues rather to feather than to the sword, right?"

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"Personally I don't feel that the non-aggression clause is really needed but we shall agree to it nonetheless. The American Commonwealth is committed to a peaceful existence with all nations that reciprocate those feelings. Since you don't feel like a treaty is necessary I do believe we should sign a memorandum of understanding on the matter. I still need to bring this before Congress and that document will allow this to proceed even if rejected, although that happening is very doubtful".

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"Well I believe the closest I can describe it in a business term is probably more of a contract passed on the sole authority of the CEO or something like that. Honestly I'm not a good businessman, that's why I became a politician" he said with a smile. "Well let me draw one up here real quick and see if its something we can agree to". Bronson got up and walked over to his computer where he began to type up a storm. Less than two minutes later he was done and printed it off the printer on his desk and walked over and handed it to Georgette. "Well what do you think of this?"

[quote][size="5"][u][b]France-American Commonwealth Memorandum of Understanding Regarding Free Trade and Non-Agression[/b][/u][/size]
In the interests of furthering Franco-American relations and economic growth both the nations of France and the American Commonwealth agree to begin the implementation of policies encouraging free trade between our two nations. We recognize that in the interests of prosperity both nations renounce the usage of arms against each other as a means of settling disputes in the interests of peace and goodwill. As such we recognize the executive powers held by the signatories of this document to fully represent their respective nations on this matter.




OOC: Sorry about the long wait on this.

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"Ah, that seems alright. Well, it is no complete treaty, but a first step towards a more friendly future I hope. Give me a moment to read." Georgette replied. After reading the text, murmuring slightly while doing so, she took her pen and signed. "Seems fine to me."


[quote][i]Georgette Lemare[/i]
[b]representing his Majesty Charles Louis d'Orléans-Autriche-Este[/b][/quote]

No problem. You haven't forgotten it, that's good enough. ^_^

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After receiving Georgette's signature Bronson proceeded to sign his.
[i]David Bronson[/i]
[b]President of the American Commonwealth[/b][/quote]

"Well thanks for coming over to do this. Hopefully this will lead to even better relations in the future. Is there anything else you needed on our end?"

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"Well I'd be happy to help you there. By souvenir I'm going to assume you mean chocolate rather than their new weapons division. Honestly you can find the average Hershey bar pretty much anywhere that sells candy. But if you'd like I could set up a tour of their main operations center in Hershey Pennsylvania and arrange transportation if you're not too busy with anything else. They love having over dignitaries and other important people there."

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