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[color="#FF0000"][size="5"]Paragon is recruiting![/size][/color]

We are a small alliance residing on the White trading sphere. We have both old and new players alike, and all are treated equally.

Our theme is based on the popular anime and manga: Fairy Tail

We offer tech deals and nation building programs to help you grow your nation the fastest possible way. There is a nation building program that can rival those in the oldest alliances around - our Fraternity of Higher Learning. We also have a lot of tech buyers, helping new nations grow at an incredible pace. There are also gov spots open for experienced players who has the ability to work in a team while having the initiative to do what's best for the alliance.

Our motto: Honour, Loyalty and Integrity says it all about us. We'll be there for you when you're in need, and we, the alliance, expect the same in return.

Our current government is as follows:

[u]Air Dragonslayer[/u]
[u]Iron Dragonslayer[/u]

[u]Fire Dragonslayer[/u]
[u]Council of Exceed[/u]

To sign up, register at our forums at: http://www.cn-paragon.net, and post an application form in the follow format:
Nation link:
Nation Name:
Nation Ruler:
Previous Alliances: (Y/N)
- If yes, which alliances?
Team colour on White: (Y/N)
Who recruited you:[/quote]

Our IRC channel is available at: irc.coldfront.net #paragon
Our wiki page is at: http://cybernations.wikia.com/wiki/Paragon
Our forum is at: http://www.cn-paragon.net

Edited by R3nowned
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