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What trace circle has the highest population bonus?


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In the summer I use to have this trade circle, but then with the ability to change resources I got out of that. I've noticed my economy is not as good, and having 11k less people makes a big difference regarding my improvements. Does anybody know what trade it is to achieve this?

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Maximum population (+37.1% population) requires the Affluent population resources (gold, silver, gems, coal, wine, furs, fish) plus wheat, pigs, cattle, and sugar. This leaves you with one extra resource... if you want an income booster, spices, which will also give you fast food. This trade set has extremely high income, but is extremely crappy for buying infra and paying bills, not to mention it doesn't have uranium for nukes. You can replace spices with uranium for nukes or iron/marble for buying infra/paying bills, but this really isn't a good set for buying infra or paying bills.

The Fast food, beer, and construction + fish set is a very popular set that gives almost as much population (+30.6% population) as the Affluent population set, but is much better for paying bills/buying infra. The set (aluminum, lumber, wheat, water, marble, iron, pigs, spices, sugar, cattle, fish) allows you to have one extra resource. Most sets include uranium for nukes, but if you don't want uranium, then gems (high income boost), lead (military bills reduction + scholar resource), and coal (infra cost reduction, land boost, soldier efficiency bonus) are good last resources.

Unless you plan on swapping trades out in order to buy infra and/or pay bills, the fast food, beer, construction + fish set is probably better than the affluent population set.

If you have a large nation and don't plan on buying infra or going to war, a variation of the FF/beer/construction+fish set is better than the FF/beer/construction+fish set economically: take out lumber and aluminum for gems and silver. You lose construction and beer this way, but you still end up with higher income. However, if you're not planning on buying infra, the Affluent population set might even be better than this set. You'll have to do the numbers for your nation.

Edited by Velocity111
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