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[quote][b]To: Foreign Ministry of the Lunar Republic
From: Greater New England Department of State

Subject: Formalizing Diplomatic Ties[/b]


We would like to take time to first thank the Lunar Republic for assisting us in the launching of several of our now existing satellite constellation, and we feel that given the cooperation and amicable pattern that your help launching those satellites established, we would like to formalize diplomatic ties with the Lunar Republic. Despite the stormy nature that has befallen the North American continent as of late, we feel that establishing relationships with nations throughout this hemisphere is the path to establishing further international cooperation throughout the hemisphere, and establishing more positive intercontinental relationships.

For these reasons and more, we would like to invite the Lunar Republic to send a delegation to New England to discuss the possibility of formalizing diplomatic ties between our two nations, as well as establishing an economic relationship with your nation. Given the Lunar Republic's stability, and the role it plays in international politics in South America, we feel that forging a relationship with your nation would be a mutually beneficial agreement. We need to set a standard at a time when unity in the Americas is at a low point, a standard of cooperation, and we feel that pushing forward with a relationship with the Lunar Republic is a way of doing this.

We await, and look forward to your response.

[i]Best of Regards,

Edward Ouellette
Secretary of State
Confederation of Greater New England[/i][/quote]

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[b]To:[/b] Greater New England Department of State
[b]From:[/b] Bureau of Foreign Affairs

Subject: Re: Formalizing Diplomatic Ties


We would be honoured to send a delegation to New England to formalise and strengthen the relationship between our two nations.
Clement Rohee, head of the Bureau of Foreign Affairs, will be travelling to New England with a few aides to discuss the details with you.

With Regards,"
Bureau of Foreign Affairs, Lunar Republic

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A response would be tendered to the Lunar Republic which would include meeting times and entry points for the Lunar delegation headed by Mr. Rohee, which would be directed to Boston's Logan International Airport. When the delegation would arrive at Logan, they would find themselves greeted on a private tarmac by a small entourage of assembled Greater New England officials, and their aides and staffers. With the skyline of the city of Boston on the horizon, the plane would roll to a halt on the tarmac, and the leadership of the Greater New England would step forward to greet their Lunar counterparts.

At the head of the welcoming committee, President Martin "Marty" Gibbs would receive their guests with a handshake and an official welcome on the behalf of the assembled leadership, which included the Secretary of State, Martin Ouellette, as well as Undersecretary of Defense, Leon Spaulding.

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Unlike the high-profile New English delegation, the Lunar delegates consisted only of a number of aides (though experienced ones) accompanying Clement Rohee; The rest of the Lunar leadership was either too busy coordinating their Ministry/Bureau or on the moon in yet another one of Rocketworth's presentations.
Upon shaking the President's hand, Rohee smiled wide, "Mr. President, I'm honoured to be here in New England. I'm already looking forward to seeing more of your beautiful nation, though I suppose you would like for discussions to happen first? Please, lead the way."

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"Welcome to New England, Minister Rohee, it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, there is much to talk about," nodded Gibbs, as he motioned for the Lunar delegation to join him and the delegation from New England in a large sedan that would bear them into Boston. Upon getting settled in the sedan, and a convoy of vehicles, they would depart Logan International with a police escort, heading into Boston proper through the Sumner Tunnel, underneath Boston Harbor.

While in transit to the old Massachusetts State House, that now served as the New England Capital Building, Gibbs would lead the discussion in the sedan, "While the Confederation of New England is making progress internally, we've seen some disturbing external events that have begun to bring our attention to a much more external view. The attack on Canada, I think, has prompted a wake up call, at least for Greater New England, it was unexpected that this series of unfortunate events impacted our nation at such a young age, that we are now having to oversee what is effectively a peacekeeping force for a longstanding neighbor."

"On that note, I thank your nation personally for helping us put up our constellation of satellites, it was certainly a very educational event, and I feel it was very fruitful for NESA Engineers who were able to observe the launching. I think that these negotiations will be able to build off those positive beginnings, and hopefully set a new basis for regional cooperation, especially in this hemisphere, at a time when it is needed," said Gibbs.

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"The world is getting more dangerous for nations desiring peace, such as yours or ours, Mr. Gibbs. Even more so with certain highly expansionist factions attempting to get a stronger foothold in the Americas. They're a dangerous lot, the Horde, though the Republic has largely managed to keep them out of South America. I can only hope that they will not make too great gains now that Canada has fallen." He sighed.
"Now, as for your satellites, there's no need to thank us. We're always glad to help out a little if others wish to get something into space, do research or anything of the like. Though I agree that cooperation is needed in these uncertain times."

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As the large sedan packed into the center of a police-escorted convoy negotiated the streets of Inner Boston, Gibbs would listen attentively to the words that Rohee espoused, and nodded in agreement as he listened. He would let Rohee speak his mind, before adding, "The Horde is not the only challenge that a greater western hemisphere has to swim upriver against, there are regional actors who are opportunistic and would not think of anything to turn their back on a more unified western hemisphere for their own gain, as well as other actors. The problem exists that both the Horde, and the Union have taken a more significant interest in American affairs because of their client states, associates, or whatever else you would like to call them using their backing at their whim."

"It is a rather complex world we live in today, and a situation that can be addressed, but maneuver must be made carefully," nodded Ouellette, sitting next to Gibbs. "We want to see more cooperation, and more of a strategic retreat of more external powers from direct American affairs, one that is not coerced by force. One of the problems that exists, is that American states have a penchant for opportunism, and therefore the victims or the powers who believe they are the constables-that-be feel [i]obligated[/i] to be involved. The more resolve we show to be able to settle our own disputes by way of internal workings, the less problems we face with external actors invoking their will in the Americas. The Confederation has come to realize that the other hemispheres are not the only ones to blame for the state of affairs in the American hemisphere right now, we have ourselves to blame for that as well, and we need to overcome our own problems, while working with the external ones to reduce their vested need for military deployments and such in the hemisphere."

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"Wise words, Mr. President. Words that others should take to heart, though I'm not sure how many American leaders would do so. I, for one, can only agree with them. Somewhat luckily, we don't have to concern ourselves [i]as[/i] much as one would think with affairs here on the planet; Over 60% of our population resides in space or on the moon, after all. As a result, we're somewhat more concerned with sustaining our nation than politics here on the planet, though I fear that we may be concentrating a little too much on what lies beyond and not enough on what is here."

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"I would have to agree, what happens here on Earth, especially in terms of world politics, can have serious ripple effects into space, it is not invulnerable to world politics, despite how much distance is put between our Earth and those who inhabit your colonies in space. We need to be able to instill a sense of regional and hemispheric responsibility into the American actors who do not see eye-to-eye with us. We may not be able to force the same types of opinions onto them, but every nation in this hemisphere has a responsibility to ensure that we can handle our own affairs. Not only that, they are also responsible for maintaining a balance with fellow nations, their actions garner reactions."

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"Truer words could not have been spoken, Mr. President. Butgetting the various nations in America to realise their responsibilities will not be easy work - and someone has to begin it, no? One or two should try and lead as examples, so the others may lose their inhibitions and follow them. Or what do you think?"

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"Exactly, every nation in the Americas has potential to contribute to the unity and increasing positive relations amongst the Americas, but for that to happen, the engine to power that needs spark plugs. That is what my nation is trying to achieve, this may be a case of leadership, but a good leader helps their followers develop into their own leaders when they want, we are trying to set more of an example, as you say, to help that, we are trying to establish a system where there doesn't [i]need[/i] to be leadership, everyone sees their collective responsibilities, and acts accordingly. I believe that a more formal relationship between our two nations is needed to do that."

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"Mhm. A big, ambitious role that you strive towards, I believe. With a hard road leading to it, considering that by no means every American nation will follow easily, and some may even resist actively. I'd loathe to let you walk that path alone." He smiled and nodded.
"What sort of relationship did you think would be best?"

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"We think that bonding our two nations closer together would be best manifested in some sort of mutual defense pact, that also includes preferential trade facets, which would not only strengthen our standing strategically, but also economically. We cannot walk alone on this path, and admittedly, we do need support for it, the most successful of journeys along unknown paths are best taken in the company of a well-knit band of strong travelers that join together to undertake the journey. To have a formal diplomatic relationship with the Lunar Republic, which would undoubtedly help spread our ideals which I believe, from how you've spoken positively on this matter, are at least somewhat shared by your own nation, would be very beneficial, especially in securing South America in this endeavor."

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Alexander nodded with a smile, and stood up from his seat, though not to leave - but to walk along the table and offer the President his hand. Upon it being taken, he would pull the President to his feet, and put the other, free hand on the Gibbs' shoulder.
"A pact of friendship and defense it is. President Gibbs, the Lunar Republic will stand besides you in this endeavour. Together, we can try and bring the Americas into a new future."

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