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A Union of States


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[color="#696969"][i]OOC: [s]Everything is private and generally classified - anything made public will be clearly marked as thus.[/s] [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=109083&view=findpost&p=2924494"]It's all public now[/url].

[font="Palatino Linotype"][right][i][b]12 February 2012[/b] (in East Nusa Tenggara, Maluku, and Timor-Leste) / [b]13th February 2012 [/b](in New Zealand)[/i][/right]


[center][u][i]Resolution I[/i][/u][/center]

[b]RESOLVED[/b] that these states - East Nusa Tenggara, Maluku, and Timor-Leste, leave the protectorate of the Oceanic Union and are now free states - and do have, and of a right ought to have, the power to self-determine their respective futures

[b]FURTHER RESOLVED[/b] that these states desire to unite into a union of themselves and of certain other states for the greater good of all states involved and thus have convened this conference

[b]RECOGNIZED AND FURTHER RESOLVED[/b] that New Zealand initiated this discussion inviting certain Southeast Asian and Oceanic islands under the protection of various powers in these regions, but not an integral part of those said powers, to this conference - and that the government of New Zealand is temporarily charged with the duty of protecting the states which have been newly formed and rose to join this conference and to provide for the peace and order of these states until such a time that this Congress decides to release New Zealand of this duty

[b]FURTHER RESOLVED[/b] that this conference remains open for any states to join it from among those invited by New Zealand

[b]RECOGNIZED[/b] that this Congress is instituted by and with the power of the following democratically elected legislatures: the Parliament of New Zealand, and the Timor-Leste, East Nusa Tenggara, and Maluku conventions - and that all delegates shall vote on all matters before this Congress according to the will of the respective legislative body which appointed them

[b]FINALLY RESOLVED[/b] that these states - Timor-Leste, East Nusa Tenggara, Maluku, and New Zealand - and any other states which join this Congress - upholding the values of liberty, equality, and justice and pledging to make these principles the heart of the nation born out of this conference - will unite into one country once certain issues pertaining to the establishment of the proposed union are resolved and this conference concluded...

[center]---------------------DONE IN THE CITY OF AUCKLAND, NEW ZEALAND-------------------------
[i]#Note: The above resolution is to be released to the public only once Congress authorizes as such.[/i]


And so it began - a new nation - and a highly diverse new nation - would soon be born. Peoples of many races, languages, cultures, of islands separated by vast space and ocean - would be uniting into one country for their common good...

[color="#696969"][i]OOC: More to come, along with public declarations[s], but for now this is all classified.[/s][/i][/color]

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[b]Manila, Selenactos[/b]

All the while as Grand Papua was constantly in one crisis after another, from crushing the Yaza Hajin, dealing with the Nozis, and finally to annihilating the Outback Riders, the Oceanic Union bureaucrats dealt with other problems such as the Hordes meddling in the affairs of the Union. Among those problems was the formation of a new nation that went beyond the usual ethnic and geographic boundaries, which was helped by drafting of treaties, collection of census, and police action. Now, it was time for all the effort to come to fruition, the symbol of what the Oceanic Union stood for, not some hegemony by a single state which had the delusion to consider itself enlightened, but a true union of nations.

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"We thank the Oceanic Union, and its member states - Grand Papua, Selenarctos, and indeed also New Zealand (the latter of which will become a part of the new nation we hope will be born out of this conference) - for the protection they have given us while part of the Oceanic Union protectorate." [i]- statement from Susilo Raya, official spokesperson for the Intercontinental Congress and Senior Delegate from East Nusa Tenggara[/i]


As the deliberations progressed, the states soon passed a second unanimous resolution:

[font="Palatino Linotype"][right][i][b]12 February 2012[/b] (in East Nusa Tenggara, Maluku, and Timor-Leste) / [b]13th February 2012 [/b](in New Zealand)[/i][/right]


[center][u][i]Resolution II[/i][/u][/center]

[b]RESOLVED[/b] that English, Maori, Tetum, Portuguese, Bahasa Indonesia, and Ambonese shall be the official languages of this Congress - however that English shall be the main working language.

[b]FURTHER RESOLVED[/b] that those same languages shall be the official languages of the union once formed, unless other states join the deliberations and accede to this Congress, in which case accommodation shall be made for the languages of those states as well

---4 states in favor, none against, no abstentions---
---------------------DONE IN THE CITY OF AUCKLAND, NEW ZEALAND-------------------------
[i]#Note: The above resolution is to be released to the public only once Congress authorizes as such.[/i]


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The Intercontinental Congress continued its deliberations all night and all day - different delegates from each state taking turns - federation grew closer and closer by each hour.

Developments also continued in each state - the new ones putting into place their democratically elected government, legislatures, and so forth...

[font="Courier New"][quote]
[i]Translated to English from Bahasa Indonesian:[/i]

[b][u]General Message to the Representatives of the four united States of Southeast Asia and Oceania in General Congress Assembled[/u][/b]

The East Nusa Tenggara Convention notifies its sister states of the following:
1. The East Nusa Tenggara Convention is dissolved and is succeeded with a constituent assembly which will begin drawing up a state constitution soon - all of East Nusa Tenggara's delegates shall receive new instruction from this assembly.
2. This state shall be holding free and democratic elections for several executive offices shortly.
3. East Nusa Tenggara wishes that it be known by its native name, Nusa Tenggara Timur (abbreviation: NTT), in the proceedings of this Congress henceforth.

--- 13th February 2012 (NTT time), 14th February 2012 (NZ time)


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[font="Palatino Linotype"][right][i][b]13th February 2012[/b] (in Nusa Tenggara Timur) / [b]14th February 2012 [/b](in Timor-Leste, Maluku, and New Zealand)[/i][/right]


[center][u][i]Resolution III[/i][/u][/center]

[b]RESOLVED[/b] that there shall be created an office of President of the Intercontinental Congress to be a permanent presiding officer over this Congress and be the chief representative of these united States to the World once our proceedings are revealed to the general public of the World - and an election for this office shall be held within 24 hours.

[center]---4 states in favour, none against, no abstentions---
----Resolution unanimously carried----
---------------------DONE IN THE CITY OF AUCKLAND, NEW ZEALAND-------------------------
[i]#Note: The above resolution is to be released to the public only once Congress authorizes as such.[/i]


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[font="Palatino Linotype"][right][i][b]14th February 2012[/b] (in Nusa Tenggara Timur) / [b]15th February 2012 [/b](in Timor-Leste, Maluku, and New Zealand)[/i][/right]


[center][u][i]Amendment to Resolution III[/i][/u][/center]

***The election for the office of President of the Intercontinental Congress is postponed until the delegates see fit to call an election for that office.

[center]---2 states in favour, 1 against, 1 abstention---
----Resolution carried 2 to 1 due to abstention----
---------------------DONE IN THE CITY OF AUCKLAND, NEW ZEALAND-------------------------
[i]#Note: The above resolution is to be released to the public only once Congress authorizes as such.[/i]


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[font="Palatino Linotype"][right][i][b]15th February 2012[/b] (in Nusa Tenggara Timur, Timor-Leste, and Maluku) / [b]16th February 2012 [/b](in New Zealand)[/i][/right]


[center][u][i]Special Order 1[/i][/u][/center]

#Congress orders the release of all previous resolutions to the public.

[center]---3 states in favour, none against, 1 abstention---
----Order executed by a vote of 3 to 0----
---------------------DONE IN THE CITY OF AUCKLAND, NEW ZEALAND-------------------------
[i]#Note: This Order is public.[/i]


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As delegates in the Congress continued the deliberations, news would come in from Nusa Tenggara Timur, as local newspapers from each state were available in the Congress:

[font="Book Antiqua"]
[size="3"][b][i][center]Special version translated to English from Bahasa Indonesia[/center][/i][/b][/size]
[b][center][size="7"][i][b]The Tenggara Times[/b][/i][/size][/center][/b]
[center][u][i]15th February 2012[/i][/u][/center]
[size="5"][i][b][u]Elections held[/u][/b][/i][/size]

[i]It was clear and beautiful day across the islands of Nusa Tenggara Timur as the elections were held for the Presidency, Vice Presidency, and Parliament.[/i]

Today is great for people of this beautifully diverse state. An election held has resulted in the inauguration of a Protestant women president (Ms. Julia Raya) of a Muslim women Vice President (Ms. Isha Fayatan) and a Catholic women Prime Minister (Ms. Mary Rahoyono). President Helen Mateparae of our sister state, New Zealand, congratulated Nusa Tenggara Timur on this democratic and all-inclusive election, and seemed especially pleased that the state elected a trio of women leaders - saying it was a great achievement.

All of the three new leaders have pledged to continue Nusa Tenggara Timur's membership of the Intercontinental Congress and all three stated that they hoped that the union would be inaugurated soon.

[i]Page 1[/i]

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[font="Palatino Linotype"][right][i][b]16th February 2012[/b] (in all 4 states)[/i][/right]


[center][u][i]Resolution IV[/i][/u][/center]

[b]RESOLVED[/b] that this Congress shall have concluded its task of creating the union within five days from the passage of this resolution - the deadline therefore being by the end of the 21st (using the time of the state last to reach the 22nd, that is, NTT)

[center]---2 states in favour, 1 against, 1 abstention---
----Resolution carried 2 to 1 due to abstention----
---------------------DONE IN THE CITY OF AUCKLAND, NEW ZEALAND-------------------------
[i]#Note: The above resolution is to be released to the public only once Congress authorizes as such.[/i]


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"If the congress would please come to order" stated the Mayor of Auckland, Len Brown, who was temporarily presiding over the Intercontinental Congress, in a stern and firm voice. He continued: "The Timor-Leste delegation has asked for a voice vote on holding a election for the office of President of the Intercontinental Congress, all those in favour say Aye".

Four ayes could be heard from the head of delegation of each state's delegation.

"The vote will now proceed for the first incumbent of the office of Intercontinental Congress president, would anyone like to make a nomination?" asked the Mayor.

Whispers could be heard but no nomination was pit forward for over 10 minutes. And then a junior delegate from New Zealand, John Thompson, rose, saying "I would like to nominate the honourable delegate Ishara Iskander of New Zealand for the office of President" he stated to some expressions of surprise from the other delegates.
Thompson was soon pulled down by his left arm by the Senior Delegate for New Zealand, James McRoy, who whispered to him: "Are you mad? He's too young, and too controversial", and excused the New Zealand delegation for 10 minutes.
"He may be young, but how is he controversial, sir? His political stances are unknown, and he's strongly non-partisan." replied Thompson.
"I don't mean that" came back McRoy, "I mean this" he continued, pulling out a file about Delegate Iskander's personal details - McRoy read summarized some of it: "Let's see now... 17 years of age, race/ethnicity - Sri Lankan and Maldivian, education - studied law and political science in Hawaii, immigrant to New Zealand, sexual orientation - gay, languages - speaks English, Sinhala, and Divehi, well but only less than fluently in several others, religion - cultural Buddhist but also attends services in several other religions' places of worship, politics - mostly non-partisan, but identifies as a progressive, but there are no details on that...".
There was a silence from a Thompson for a minute who then replied, "And so?". McRoy seemed like he was losing his patience, he sternly replied "Well, do you think it is a grand idea to nominate someone who is not even legally an adult, has a generally unknown political stance, is gay, of an ethnicity not indigenous to these states, so and so forth, to be President of the governing body of the union between these states?".
Thompson quickly replied: "So what your saying is that there are many racists, homophobes, and xenophobes here, is that it?". McRoy pulled Thompson by the shoulder, "What I am saying is that other than New Zealand, the states here are still not considered developed - many of their populations are not greatly educated... But I've quite had it, if you want to nominate someone whose nomination may blow up in our faces, then so be it, let us see what happens".
"I shall" replied Thompson with a determined look. He raised his hand.

The temporary presiding officer, the Mayor of Auckland stated "Delegate Thompson of New Zealand is recognized."

"Presiding officer, fellow members of my delegation from New Zealand, and my colleagues in the delegations from our sister states - I hereby nominate Delegate Ishara Iskander to be President of the Intercontinental Congress" begun Thompson, continuing: "I know there are some traits about him which some delegates may find will not go down well with some of the people you represent - but this new nation we want to create is to be a nation based on the universal values of Liberty, Justice, Equality, and so on - we must not sit back and say 'now is not the time, we are not ready' simply because some people in our states have racist, or sexist, or homophobic, or xenophobic ideas - now is the time for us, we, the representatives of the people of our united States, to lead the way to a better future - and I believe that begins by affirming that traits which individuals cannot help, but are born with and are unchangeable - such as their ethnicity, race, or sexual orientation - or other traits which are key to an individual and are not lightly changed such as their religion - ...we must affirm that these traits should not matter in the consideration of most anything, most certainly not in considering anyone for a political office.... Therefore I nominate Mr. Iskandar for this post - he is non-partisan, he has a good education in law and political science - and shown great intelligence - having finished university at the young age of 16, and has shown great leadership skills in his previous post as a deputy department secretary in New Zealand's Foreign Ministry and as an assistance to the Chief Justice of the Commonwealth of New Zealand...... And with that I shall end my statement, with hope that Delegate Iskandar will accept the nomination, and you, the delegates representing the people of our united States, will approve. Thank you."

"Alright then, does Delegate Ishara Iskandar accept the nomination?" asked the Auckland Mayor.

Iskandar shifted uncomfortably in his seat right at the back of the New Zealand delegation, slowly rising - "It will be my humble... duty... to serve as President of this Intercontinental Congress if my honourable colleagues see fit.... to honour me with this post..."

"Ok, voting will begin now for the office of President of the Intercontinental Congress!" shouted the Auckland Mayor. He nodded at his deputy.

"New Zealand?" shouted the Deputy Mayor.

"Hmm...." McRoy went into thought for a few seconds, looked around the New Zealand Delegation to see nodding heads, before saying "New Zealand votes yes".

"Timor-Leste?" shouted the Deputy Mayor.

East Timorese delegates scuffled for a while, before the Senior Delegate got up and said "That speech by Mr. Thompson inspired us... Timor-Leste votes yes."

"Nusa Tenggara Timur?" shouted the Deputy Mayor.

New Zealand delegates leaned forward and watched attentively - NTT was, along with NZ, the largest state in terms of population.
After a brief discussion within the NTT delegation, the Senior Delegate said "Nusa Tenggara Timur requests time to contact our government - 5 minutes should be sufficient." The vote stalled for 5 minutes, until the Senior Delegate from NTT, Susilo Raya, got up again and said "The President, Vice President, and Prime Minister of Nusa Tenggara Timur - all 3 of whom are watching these proceedings - were inspired by Delegate Thompson's speech.... all 3 have given their unwavering approval - therefore.... Nusa Tenggara Timur votes yes."

The count was now 3 states in favour with 1 state yet to vote - enough for Delegate Iskandar to be elected - but yet the disapproval of even one state in such an important election would not be positive for the health of the union...

Finally, the Deputy Mayor shouted: "Maluku?"

For 15 whole minutes the Maluku delegation stalled - but finally the Senior Delegate rose: "After much consideration - and keeping in mind that we must act to lead our state and the union to a brighter future - but also mindful that our state, one roughly split between Christians and Muslims equally (with a small amount of followers of others) of whom many, because of their education not being of great standard due to poverty, may not approve of how we will vote --- but nonetheless, we the delegation of the state of Maluku, hoping to live up to the principles on which this union is to be based - vote yes."

"Vote stands: All in favour, none against, no abstentions." stated the Deputy Mayor... the Auckland Mayor took to the pondium: "Delegate Ishara Iskandar is unanimously elected President of the Intercontinental Congress!"

Cheers burst out amongst the delegates... just moments later Iskandar was taking the oath of office:
"I, Ishara Iskandar, so solemnly swear, that I will well and truly serve the people of the states represented in this Intercontinental Congress - and will execute the office of President of the Intercontinental Congress faithfully." - not making a religious invocation at the end to be careful to be inclusive as any one invocation may not be representative of all faiths in the union.

[font="Palatino Linotype"][right][i][b]19th February 2012[/b] (in Nusa Tenggara Timur, Maluku, and Timor-Leste), [b]20th February 2012[/b] (in New Zealand)[/i][/right]


[center][u][i]Election Report[/i][/u][/center]

>Delegate Ishara Iskandar of New Zealand is elected to the post of President of the Intercontinental Congress, and is henceforth the presiding officer of this congress.

[center]---4 states in favour, none against, no abstention---
---------------------DONE IN THE CITY OF AUCKLAND, NEW ZEALAND-------------------------
[i]#Note: The above report is public[/i]


OOC: Ouch, my eyes. This took quite some time... -.-
Edit 2: grammar[/i][/color]

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Following his election [i][color="#696969"](OOC: see post above)[/color][/i], President Iskandar began his work, first presiding over voting on a special resolution which came to pass:

[font="Palatino Linotype"][right][i][b]19th February 2012[/b] (in Nusa Tenggara Timur, Maluku, and Timor-Leste), [b]20th February 2012[/b] (in New Zealand)[/i][/right]


[center][u][i]Special Resolution A[/i][/u][/center]

[i]Unless congress sees fit to do otherwise, it is generally[/i] [b]RESOLVED[/b] that the union shall be inaugurated on the 20th or 21st of February 2012 (when it is that day in all states) - and before it shall be the 22nd in NTT.

[center]---4 states in favour, none against, no abstentions---
---------------------DONE IN THE CITY OF AUCKLAND, NEW ZEALAND-------------------------
[i]#Note: The above resolution is not released to the public at this time.[/i]


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[b][u]Discussions on the formal declaration of union - (classified)[/u][/b]

"And what of the government?" asked a delegate.

"A Constitution should and shall be drawn up - in the meantime the congress can act as an interim government.." replied another.

"Hey, hey, what's this? Why does the proposed document declaration union say 'sapient beings' instead of humans?" another delegate asked as they scoured over the proposed declaration, continuing, "Who wrote this... ah, yes, the President of this Congress... what does this mean?"

"That would be for the future - it is quite obvious that at this time the only citizens of our nation will be humans" replied President Iskandar.

"Yes, well animal rights and all that... moving on... we don't have much time" stated NTT Senior Delegate Susilo Raya.

"Federal capital shall be where?" asked yet another delegate.

"To be decided upon later" stated NZ Senior Delegate McRoy, "Auckland will act as the capital until then..."

"Right then, let's prepare the necessary resolutions - order, order" stated President Iskandar in a soft but stern voice.

[b][u]Vote on name[/u][/b]

"I propose the simple but yet reflective name of 'Oceanesia' - putting together the English word 'Ocean' and 'nesia' from the Greek word for islands", President of the Intercontinental Congress, Ishara Iskandar, proposed.

"Voice vote!" Iskandar proclaimed.

25 minutes of deliberation between delegations later, 4 yeas could be heard.


[font="Palatino Linotype"][right][i][b]20th February 2012[/b] (in all 4 states)[/i][/right]


[center][u][i]Resolution V[/i][/u][/center]

[b]RESOLVED[/b] that the name 'Oceanesia' shall be the short name of the new nation.

[center]---4 states in favour, none against, no abstentions---
----Resolution unanimously carried----
---------------------DONE IN THE CITY OF AUCKLAND, NEW ZEALAND-------------------------
[i]#Note: The above resolution is to be released to the public only once Congress authorizes as such.[/i]



[font="Palatino Linotype"][right][i][b]20th February 2012[/b] (in all 4 states)[/i][/right]

[size="4"][b]In the INTERCONTINENTAL CONGRESS of the four united STATES OF OCEANESIA[/b][/size]

[center][u][i]Resolution VI[/i][/u][/center]

[b]RESOLVED[/b] that following consultation with the governments of the various states, the following uniform rules are adopted:
1. The head of each state shall be known as a 'Governor'
2. The head of government of each state shall be known as a 'Premier'
3. Other necessary adjustments to prepare for the formal declaration of unification shall be made.

[center]---4 states in favour, none against, no abstention---
----Resolution unanimously carried----
---------------------DONE IN THE CITY OF AUCKLAND, NEW ZEALAND-------------------------
[i]#Note: The above resolution is to be released to the public only once Congress authorizes as such.[/i]


[b][u]Final discussions of the day[/u][/b]

"What about the South Torres Strait Islands?" asked a delegate from Timor-Leste, "Will they join the federation as another state, or?"

"STSI will remain a dependency of the state of New Zealand - and hence will become a territory of the united States of Oceanesia - for time being until a referendum in conducted there." replied Senior Delegate McRoy of New Zealand.

"Order! Alright is everyone ready?" asked President Iskandar - "Ok then let's go" - the President of the Intercontinental Congress led the delegates out of the Great Hall of the Auckland Town Hall...

[i]The Auckland Town Hall... current meeting place of the Intercontinental Congress[/i][/center]

...about an hour later, [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=109230"]the union was proclaimed[/url].

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Following the [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=109230"]formal declaration of union[/url], congress decided to release its previous published proceedings to the general public:

[font="Palatino Linotype"][right][i][b]20th February 2012[/b] (in all states)[/i][/right]


[center][u][i]Special Order 2[/i][/u][/center]

#All previous resolutions and other proceedings of this congress are released to the general public of Oceanesia and the World.

[center]---4 states in favour, none against, no abstentions---
---------------------DONE IN THE CITY OF AUCKLAND, NEW ZEALAND-------------------------
[i]#Note: The above order is public.[/i]


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