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United Sovereign Brothers


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It is my duty and pleasure to announce the formation of the United Sovereign Brothers (USB) alliance on the Blue Team. The Government is comprised of a seasoned group that have proven themselves in various alliances and wars. Together they represent an organized Leadership team, possess a clear Vision and have already begun to grow the USB into a successful alliance.

Our members are as varied as the nations on Planet Bob. Every nation in the USB knows that for the alliance to grow, our signatory members must grow. In our forum

we promote a fun, safe environment where members can learn about all aspects: diplomacy, military, finances. All Diplomats are invited to register to obtain an embassy.

Our IRC channel is usually active and full of USB members, chatting, meeting those from other alliances and having fun. Feel free to drop by anytime on Coldfront #USB.



United Sovereign Brothers

Nos es Iunctus Imperium Frater;

Unus Verus Vulgaris Vinculum

The United Maxim ________________________________________________________________________________

Decree One: Governing Conclave & Authority

Article I: Powers & Rights of the Head of State

One member of the United Sovereign Brothers acts as the Head of State, which holds supreme and undeniable authority over all affairs and events within the alliance. He or she may not, and will not, abuse, pervert, strengthen or misuse the duties and power bequeathed to them. The Head of State, as the supreme prefect of this alliance, is bound by the following rights and regulations:

Term & Heirship

The Head of State remains as supreme leader of the alliance until he or she resigns. Once the Head of State has made such a resignation, the Deputy Head of State will be the automatic successor to the position, unless a two-thirds majority of the alliance membership disagree and sign a formal petition forbidding such an acquisition. If an event such as this occurs, then an election will be held for the general membership of the alliance to vote for the new Head of State. The candidate who receives the majority vote will be empowered as the new official Head of State after receiving a majority vote by the Ruling Council after the majority vote of the alliance is given.

Decision-Making Powers

All decisions made by the Head of State must reflect the interests of the general membership unless the alliance itself is in imminent danger and distress. The Ruling Council (explained later in this Maxim and Decree) has the right to veto any decision made by the Head of State by a unanimous vote. Furthermore, the Head of State has the authority and right to veto any and all decisions made by the Ruling Council as he or she sees fit, and the Ruling Council must either alter the bill, or receive an unanimous vote by the Ruling Council and get a petition signed by one-quarter of the alliance membership.


The Head of State acts as the head military commander of the alliance military forces. This being said, the Head of State has the proper authority to conduct any military drills necessary for the connectivity of the alliance. The Head of State may also give permission to any military personnel to conduct such military drills. The term "military drills" is left as a general phrasing as there are literally hundreds of different drills that can be performed. All in all, the Head of State has the ultimate and final decision over all military matters such as alliance DEFCON, Threat level or whatever military tasks are at hand. The Head of State, however, may not lead the alliance into any unnecessary war or drill, and he or she may, and will, face possible impeachment charges against them.


If the Head of State currently in power infringes upon the rights of nations signed to the alliance, a one-half majority plus one is needed to remove the Head of State from their position and seat of supreme leadership. If the Head of State committed any crimes that infringed upon the rights protected by this maxim, the Ruling Council will conduct a trial where a unanimous vote is needed to conduct any punishment onto the former Head of State. Furthermore, if the Head of State is simply unable to fulfill his or her duties and does not step down by his or her own accords, a one-half majority plus one is again needed to remove the Head of State, and the former Head of State will receive an honorable discharge of power, and may be given an honorary position within the alliance to signify and celebrate his or her triumphs and accomplishments as Head of State.

Article II: Powers & Rights of the Deputy Head of State

The Deputy Head of State holds and bears all powers of the Head of State and can only be overridden in any decision by the Head of State. The point of this seated and appointed position is to act as an advising deputy in issues regarding the alliance. However, all decisions made by the Deputy Head of State will be looked at with great scrutiny by the Ruling Council, and if he or she causes any discrepancies, the decision can be overridden as explained in Decree 1: Article 1: Decision-Making Powers.

All specific powers and authoritative rights regarding the Deputy Head of State may be found in Decree 1: Article 1. The only difference, however, is that the Head of State has the final say over all and every single issue presented before the Ruling Council, Ministers and Deputy Head of State.

Article III: Ministerial Powers & Appointment

Ministers represent all branches of the government: Defense, Education, Finance, Foreign Affairs and Recruitment. The Head of State may appoint whomever he or she views fit to oversee each ministry and that sector of the alliance. It is to be presumed, however, that all upcoming and future ministers are to abide by the laws of this binding contact, along with the orders of the Head of State and Deputy Head of State. However, although not mandatory and by no means required, it is advised that the Head of State gives his or her ministers sovereignty in order to properly complete their tasks without facing any stress or duress. The rights and powers of the ministers are listed below:

Minister of Defense

The Defense Minister is charged with the task of maintaining and initiating the United Sovereign Military (USM). The Minister, under the guidance of the Head of State, will be responsible for the tactics and strategies incorporated for all United Sovereign Brothers members whom are apart of the USM. During peacetime, the Defense Minister concerns him or herself in conducting military drills in whatever way he or she sees fit, unless the Head of State feels otherwise. The Minister of Defense is also to gather intelligence and make sure to stay in contact with military allies in the ever-present chance of war. In wartime, the Minister of Defense is charged with the task of managing all engagements and devising strategies that will lead the USM forces into battle against whatever alliance and/or nations they engage against. Let it be noted and known that by applying to be a USB signatory, all members are automatically drafted into the USM with no exceptions. The Minister of Defense may choose members who display strong military leadership to act as Battalion Commanders in order to assist in the management of different sectors of the USM.

Minister of Education

The Education Minister is charged with the task of maintaininng a concise and complete library of information vital to the growth and stability of all signatory nations, with the objective of achieving a strong alliance efficiency. In order to help maintain the library itself, the Education Minister may appoint any members he or she sees fit as "Librarians". Furthermore, the Minister of Education sees fit that all general and government membership receives regular audits by appointed "Auditors" in order to also maintain a reasonable efficiency.

Minister of Finance

The Finance Minister is charged with the task of managing the United Sovereign Brothers Bank and making sure that it functions to its highest and most efficient potential. All technology deals and requested aid by signatory nations must be placed in the appropriate Forum section, and financial aid programs must be approved by the Minister of Finance. At any point in time the Minister of Finance may appoint any advisors, bankers or other financial positions to help him or her maintain the USB-b.

Minister of Foreign Affairs

The Foreign Affairs Minister is charged with the task of opening and organizing relations between USB and other foreign alliances. Furthermore, the Minister of Foreign Affairs oversees all diplomatic activity on the USB forums, meaning that he or she is in charge of masking foreign diplomats, creating embassies and discussing foreign issues with other alliances via private channels. The Minister of Foreign Affairs may appoint as many diplomats as he or she sees fit in order to create and enjoy relations with other alliances.

Minister of Recruitment

The Recruitment Minister is charged with the task of recruiting unaligned nations to the ranks of USB. He or she may appoint as many helping nations as he or she needs or sees fit in order to make sure that USB receives a reasonable influx of new members.

Article IV: Ruling Council

The Ruling Council, which can be compared to an elected Senate or Parliament, act as the legislative branch and balance of power in the USB government system. Each Council Member must be nominated twice in order to run for a seat in the Ruling Council. Only five members are elected into the Ruling Council. Ministers, the Deputy Head of State and Head of State cannot be a part of the Ruling Council.

Election Process

Depending upon the number of nominees running and/or current Council Members running for reelection, it will be decided whether or not a vote is needed. If five or less people run for the Ruling Council, then no election is needed and upon a majority vote by all Ministers and Deputy Head of State, they will be appointed as members of the Ruling Council for a period of one month. If more than five members wish to be elected, then an election must be held where the general USB membership will vote for each candidate. Each member gets two votes, but may not vote for the same person twice. Elections will open 3 days before the end of the month, and will close at 11:59:59 PM game time on the final day of the month. The HoS or DHoS will announce the results of the elections on the following day.

Bills & Treaties

Upon being elected, Council Members are charged with the task of passing treaties and bills in the name of the general membership as elected officials. A majority vote is needed to pass any and all foreign treaties. Furthermore, any bills made by the Ruling Council cannot affect or intervene in the workings and everyday progress of the Ministries, the military or the Head of State. The Ruling Council have three days to vote either "Aye", "Nay" or "Abstain" on each bill and treaty proposed after intricate debate and editing. All Council Members who do not vote within the allotted three days will be considered as abstaining their votes.

Decree Two: War Policy

Article I: Base War Policy

The USB does not condone, nor will it tolerate, any and all aggressive actions. Any random attacks, spying operations or wars that a USB member wages against other nations will be condemned as a violation of the Law of the United Maxim. Only wars authorized by the USB Military hierarchy will be legally valid. However, wars against inactive and unaligned nations are permitted via direct order, or permission, by the Minister of Defense, or an indirect order from the Minister of Defense to Battalion Commanders.

Article II: Nuclear Policy

The USB does not use Nuclear Weapons as a first strike option, nor does it condone its use as a retaliatory means of defending oneself. The use of nukes may only be permitted with clear authorization by the Minister of Defense and Head of State.

Decree Three: Admission

Any nation not involved in any aggressive nature of any kind is allowed to join the United Sovereign Brothers unless for some rare reason recruitment may be closed. As a precautionary standard, a basic template is to be completed by all applicants:

Nation Name:

Nation Ruler:

Nation Strength:

Former Alliances:


At any point in time, however, the application template may change and must be completed properly. Upon review by the Head of State or any other masking personnel, the application will either be accepted or denied. If accepted, the member will be masked as a USB member and must change their alliance affiliation to United Sovereign Brothers.

Decree Four: Amendments

The United Maxim, while essentially considered to be complete and viable to serve the alliance, is subject to amendments. If at any time a nation of the alliance feels the Maxim must be amended, it must propose the Amendment to the general public. If the support of at least 25% of the nations within the USB is established, the amendment will be forwarded to the Ruling Council for consideration and debate. If a majority vote is established by the Ruling Council, the amendment will be ratified. Note that according to the powers given to the Head of State in Decree 1: Article 1:Decision-Making Powers, the Head of State has the right to veto the decision for an amendment. However, the Ruling Council can immediately override the veto if they unanimously vote against the veto.


Jakeinto, Head of State

GOWFANATIC, Deputy Head of State

SpacingOutMan, Minister of Foreign Affairs

Edited by jakeinto
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