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problems with selling land/other


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When selling things sometimes (or even buying, but rarely) It will show the error message saying basically 'you don't have enough money'. However, even if I have a load of money and am only spending like, a cent, it will still show until I refresh a few times.

Mainly, however, is selling land. It refuses to sell, at any amount of land. I have about 10 miles now (Yes I know, teh noobeh) But still, I try to sell even 0.005 land, nope.

Also worth mentioning is the error message itself, which could use a bit of rewriting: "Either you do not have enough land or Dollars to perform that transaction or you attempted to purchase more than the maximum amount of land available to purchase at one time is 20 miles."

Somebody more involved please take note of this and see if its the same on your comp (My firefox has been a bit bugged since I did some stuff to speed it up).

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The land selling is because you don't have the minimum amount for selling, which I think is 100 miles.

This is correct. You must have over 100miles of land to be able to sell any at all. As for the other times, maybe your getting impatient and clicking more than once?

Edited by Woodrow
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he could be at war and need money urgently


In my first war I was matched against several opponents in what could be described as a bar room brawl type conflict,

The usual pattern was that I would attack my opponents in the morning, destroying much infra and capturing alot of tech and land,

I would then collect and rebuild my armies ready for the onslaught to come, spending all available cash so as not to leave anything to be stolen.

A couple of times one of my enemies would launch a very succesful attack and knock my troops to dangerously low levels,

Being as I had the rubber resource from a trade, the best way to rebuild rapidly was to sell a few miles and re-arm

Kept me out of anarchy for the duration of the war

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