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Posts posted by seixas

  1. I don't know the guy so if it really is a complete 1 in a million fluke he certainly has my apology. It's just... maybe one guy declares on you and can't get anything done... a second one that can't do anything is really lucky in that position... all three that can't get anything done is insanely lucky. Again, in that position.


    Still, if it's a fluke those guys are welcome to hit me next round any time :D

  2. Putting a nation in anarchy has strategic implications both economically as well as insuring they cannot declare war on new targets. Besides it makes sense that a nation in over it's head wouldn't be able to declare war on an entirely seperate nation.

    At the very least there should be a cap on how many nations a nation already in anarchy can declare war on. One at the mist IMO...

  3. This is a good idea, however if prizes are main motivation for people playing TE, then I think the placing field should be extended to the top 10. Right now if the playing field is 1,500 nations than only 0.2% will actually take something away. If that really is their motivation to play or not, they might consider that a waste of time. I'm not saying give everyone in the top 10 crazy prizes, but tossing some SE tech, land, and/or money at them while increasing their chances at actually winning some kind of reward would help.

  4. You guys are acting like remaining loyal to allies against the odds is a new theme to CN. I'm not sure what in MCXA's history lead you to believe that, but this is a sentiment honored and shared aloud in most wars in CN's history. Sorry, but MCXA is far from inventing this notion [img]http://forums.cybernations.net/public/style_emoticons/default/awesome.gif[/img]

  5. [quote name='JBone' timestamp='1292725450' post='2543440']
    No one is going to hit NEW.

    They are tied to Poison Clan who is in Pandoras Box, surely these alliances would [i]never[/i] allow a treaty partner to go down in flames, especially for raiding.


    If PB really wants to make their debut in war the defending the blatantly aggressive/dishonorable actions and caviler attitudes of NEW, that's their choice. Certainly would be interesting addition to their reputation.

  6. [quote name='mythicknight' timestamp='1292720060' post='2543314']
    Uh, where did Fin mention any language barrier? It just seems that NEW doesn't recognize those protections on a disbanded alliance.

    Well like Banksy said, there has been a strong precedent for an AA's continued protection after a disbandment. I mean you need to give the remaining nations time to move on and make other arrangements and it's a protectors responsibility to make sure they have that time. NEW's been around long enough to understand this, they just don't care. Whatever ends up happening their actions alone have done damage to their reputation. An apology would be a good and reasonable start to repairing some of that damage, but I don't think NEW has it in them to swallow their pride. That's the mark of a true classy alliance, humility. I hope they prove me wrong, but I won't hold my breathe.

  7. [quote name='JBone' timestamp='1292717504' post='2543252']

    Stand strong Nusantara Elite Warriors, protect your right to raid.

    That's right, NEW protecting their sovereign right to wreck shop on an alliances 1/20th their size [img]http://forums.cybernations.net/public/style_emoticons/default/awesome.gif[/img]

    Where do I sign up? [img]http://forums.cybernations.net/public/style_emoticons/default/lol1.gif[/img]

  8. I don't even know how to respond to that post lol. You made a bunch of assumptions and drew conclusions based on my posts and then argued against them. The problem being you misinterpreted or blatenly missed what I was actually saying.

    For example, size. I wasn't trying to diminish the time you've put into your nation, 240 days is a solid start. I'm not even implying that age or size is a direct measure of skill or knowledge of the game, but they are certainly related. I brought in my SE nation because clearly it's a bit difficult to gage experience in TE when the game is reset every couple months. When you begin a nation you learn how to play the game and like you said it's not particularly rocket science, but over time you pick up on the minutia of CN. I mean at 240 days how many great wars has your nation seen? How many treaties, blocs, alliance squabbles, DoEs, mergers, legit and/or bogus CBs have you witnessed or been a part of? Personally I find more arrogance in assuming that you've learned everything there is to know in a brief 240 days. Stating this isn't a point of pride or arrogance, it's simply a point of fact. So I'm not sure where e-penises came into this, but I suppose I can see how your mind might wander in that direction if it were so inclined [img]http://forums.cybernations.net/public/style_emoticons/default/wink.gif[/img]

    Which brings me to your next assumption, honor. I'm not trying to defend my honor, just my position. Some people play to jump into war at every opportunity, some people play to try and see how well they can perform by the end of the round. No one was being blatenly deceitful. I tried to contribute to the war effort on the forums, but like I said the lack of activity, organization, and well, a plan didn't exactly inspire confidence in the leadership. You said yourself you weren't really trying this round. I agree and therefore is it surprising I would rather leave and put a bit more effort into my own end of the round fun? Had BFF been putting more into it I would have fought alongside you guys, certainly because at that point I already knew placing wasn't a possibility. Throwing my nation at someone like a balled up piece of paper for them to kick around wasn't my idea of an honorable or fun way to end the round, that's all.

    It's not personal gain, but you seem to have missed my explanation of that in a previous post. If it were, then I'd be rocking Seixas in TE, but I don't. If I ever win a round, no one will likely know that it was me -- and that's actually how I prefer it :)

    I'm glad you achieved your goal of having fun; and you're right that half way through this round I realized a solid run at the flag was unlikely, the difference is what we set out to do. You set out to get into wars in TE, not exactly challenging. I set out to win a flag, something only 14 people have done out of thousands since TE started up again. I much prefer aiming high and missing. If there's another way to aim, I don't know it.

    No hard feeling bro, just poking some fun back at ya [img]http://forums.cybernations.net/public/style_emoticons/default/happy.gif[/img] Best of luck in future rounds.

  9. [quote name='Wired' timestamp='1292296814' post='2539097']
    Hey when you win that flag write a book so we can all follow your Manual of Excellence. Until then it's just a bunch of blah blah blah...I'm awesome...blah blah blah...I'm a ghost....blah blah blah...I failed...again. :lol1:

    Fun war PP, have a happy holidays everyone! :)

    Lol, says the 240 day old, 27K NS nation. If you want to read arrogance or pride into it go for it brother, but saying that I've played for a long time and am looking for a deferent challenge is neither. Blah blah blah is exactly what I'm sure you read and why you simply don't understand. I tried to contribute to the war discussion on BFF forums when we were talking about the end of the round war; unfortunately of the four or so active nations that actually visit the site only half of them saw reason and listened. The other half opted to leave BFF and fight a pointless loosing battle that they would have performed 10x more effectively in had they been less impatient and waited the few extra days to attack -- Like PP did btw - whether they needed that extra time or not is irrelevant, you see what effect being more prepared and organized has on a war [img]http://forums.cybernations.net/public/style_emoticons/default/ehm.gif[/img]

    Honestly man I was on the BFF forums for a couple weeks at least. You know I've seen how [i]organized[/i] and [i]active[/i] you all are and you're still going to criticize my sentiment on the game? You guys wouldn't last two days in a war against an alliance half your size of flag chasers lol. I mean you guys were planning a nuclear strategy for the war and explaining how that would really make the different, except NO ONE had any nukes lol. The one or two nations in range didn't even have a Uranium trade. Sorry that this didn't exactly inspire confidence in the leadership for me [img]http://forums.cybernations.net/public/style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif[/img] You're right that I made a run for first and won't make it, but you tried to run an alliance and win a war and I have to say man, I got a heck of lot closer to my goal this round :)

  10. Like I've said, I've played with PP before. A couple rounds back in fact I was [i]sapping[/i] off another alliance when a friend of mine in PP said that they were blitzed and needed some help to even the odds. I changed alliances and declared war on a couple of the targets hitting your top guys. We won the war and yourself and I later took down some targets together in wars that followed :)

    [quote name='NoLaurelTree000' timestamp='1292280551' post='2538801']oh no, i get it titus. youre just a parasite that saps off of smaller alliances for your own selfish, personal gains.[/quote]

    Call it what you will, but what I try and do is difficult. It's hard finishing the round in first place. That's the point, if it was easy anyone could do it. It's crazy easy to get into a war in TE and so a lot of people do that rather than even make an attempt at finishing first. That's cool, to each his own. Strictly speaking though the point of TE is to finish in the top three, that's how the game is ranked. 2,000-3,000 people play, three people place; whereas a couple thousand people play just to war, half of them end up winning. Either way can be fun, but which one do you find more challenging? I've done war, why is it so negative for people who've been playing for a long time to try for something new? It's not selfishly motivated; I'm not trying to get a Seixas flag into SE lol, I'm trying to win a flag for my SE alliance so all our member nations in SE can fly their alliance flag.

    If you take a look at the top 10 right now only a couple of the nations are in alliances with more than15-20 people. There's a reason for that and it takes place over the course of entire round. Typically, your best shot at placing is in a smaller alliance. Sometimes it means ghosting or giving the truth a little [i]scope[/i], but that's in the spirit of TE. It's a cutthroat Verse, but it's all in good fun.

  11. [quote name='NoLaurelTree000' timestamp='1291764200' post='2533278']
    sorry i was late to the fight guys, i couldnt go to war without a uranium trade now could i :D

    and that titus pullo guy was in our AA last round until we went to war. he did the same thing with us too, booked it the second we went to war. i think he just likes trying to hide in small alliances to make his flag run. might be time to add him to the old blacklist...

    whats worse though, is that he brings so much shame to the name of his name-sake.

    I definitely am a flag chaser lol. Why else would you play TE? My SE nation is 4 years old, 100K+ NS, and has 1.5 Million casualties. I already know everything there is to know about nation building, war, and running alliances. I play TE to try and get 1st place; technically that's the point of the game. That may not be why you play TE or even why most people do, but there ya go :) Don't worry, if I had gotten first place I would have kicked you guys down a water bottle or something[img]http://forums.cybernations.net/public/style_emoticons/default/cool.gif[/img]

    I change my nation name each round too, I've been in both BFF and PP multiple times under different names. It's not my fault you guys are conveniently off TE's radar. If you don't want flag chasers drifting through your alliances I suggest trying to put it more on the map [img]http://forums.cybernations.net/public/style_emoticons/default/wink.gif[/img] No hard feelings, we just play for different reasons.

    Like Ricky Bobby said, "If you're not first, you're last." If I fall just short, like I have the past few rounds, I still get to have my fun during Armageddon[font="arial, sans-serif"][size="3"][b][i] [/i][/b][/size][/font]week and nuke stuff all to hell [img]http://forums.cybernations.net/public/style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif[/img] I'd be happy to show you how no shame is brought to the 13th Legion or the truly awesome, Titus Pullo. Feel free to stop by, you know where to find me.

    If not, see you next round [img]http://forums.cybernations.net/public/style_emoticons/default/tongue.gif[/img]

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