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Posts posted by seixas

  1. They may be #1 for a while because of their size but size means nothing.

    An experienced player saying this? ;) Think what you want, but the winning this round will take a lot more than just destroying some infra and therefore NS, you'll see; numbers mean more than you think. No need to argue here just look at Roman Empire. You notice that even with over 70% of their population in anarchy and despite the fact that they have 30K NS LESS than TUF, we are almost 2 full points behind them.

    Think on just why that is for a while and you can get back to me...

  2. 1st graders? Yeah. 1st graders can really form coalitions.

    I'm thinking...the real 1st graders are the alliances that cry about lost treaties/being attacked and then go troll around about how "JuDgMeNt SuXoRz" when they have no idea what the stats are. People fail to realize, no strong alliance can fall this quick anyway.

    Ready to lose some money?

    They know the stats that count in TE for an alliance and that's your alliance score. And after 3 days of "attacks", MI's score remains almost twice that of the next highest alliance. These are the facts of the stats and they are undisputed man.

  3. With all these alliances hitting MI you'd think they wouldn't have double the score of the next highest alliance. But hey, it's Judgment day right lol... How aptly named.

    And you guys called MI arrogant :blink: At least they have the score that warrants that attitude. The rest of you look like the 1st graders trying to beat up the big bad high school bully. Good luck with that :D my money is on MI winning this round, even if the opposing forces get lucky and have their entire membership in flames.

    You're all missing the most powerful weapon in CNTE and I doubt your nations will ever be capable of obtaining that weapon.

    Best of luck though.

  4. Lol, there goes the last real thread linking this Vox from the original Vox, which was founded specifically NOT to have a government. It didn't take long for this alliance to hit rock bottom.

    How can anyone take this announcement seriously when their newly "elected" leader isn't even Vox Populi... he's a ghost.

  5. I have a serious question that may or may not have already been asked, I'm not reading this whole thread lol.

    Anyways, there are only 7 Vox Populi nations left. Does FAN hold an official relationship with the alliance Vox Populi or those nations who are no longer Vox Populi and have chosen to abandon their alliance and ghost TOP?

    Personally, I had a lot more respect for FAN before they solidified relations with Vox. Sure there are some honest idealist in Vox, but the majority and the alliance as a whole has made terrible choices that I would have assumed the old FAN would have denounced.

  6. I haven't read this whole forum, but I just thought I would let you all know...

    ...If there's somethin' strange in your neighborhood

    Who ya gonna call (ghostbusters)

    If it's somethin' weird an it won't look good

    Who ya gonna call (ghostbusters)


    You won't believe it can happen to you, until it does! PLEASE contact TRF Helpline if you happen to notice any eerie, Vox-like nations loitering around your neighborhood, TRF can help!!!

  7. Simple, The Righteous Fist :D Although, there are many more alliance these days being created with more liberal ideals and structures and of course we have some veteran alliances along the same lines.

    TRF is over a year old, we have 7 departments that range from defense to foreign affairs. The department heads are all elected every 2 months and no one member can serve more than 3 consecutive terms in any one office. These seven elected representatives reside on TRF's Council and initially vote on all TRF issues as well serve as our diplomatic face in CN.

    Here's the real difference though; ANY member of TRF can challenge any decision the Council makes and put said decision to a majority vote of the entire alliance. So ultimately, every single member of TRF has an equal voice in our alliance's future and can exercise this right whenever they feel strongly enough to do so. It's the sole reason for which I founded TRF, equality, freedom, and peace.

  8. Hey guys this is a celebration, don't pay any attention to those who dwell completely in the past. Suggesting TRF would sign such a treaty without the utmost respect and faith in our fellow signatory is an insult to our intelligence. Again, Vox is in no position to lecture about honor and morality.

  9. I'll keep this short and simple since this announcement is way over due. The Righteous Fist and The Communist Party of CyberNations are proud to announce a treaty upgrade. CPCN is one of TRF's oldest and closest allies and with the recent creation and success of CADRE as well as this treaty upgrade to a Mutual Defense Optional Agression Pact, we are sure that bond will only continue to grow.

    Without further ramblings:


    Communist Party of CyberNations/The Righteous Fist: Mutual Defense and Optional Aggression Pact


    The alliances of The Righteous Fist (TRF) and the Communist Party of Cybernations (CPCN) hereby agree to solidify their ties in mutual cooperation and defense.

    Article 1: Non Aggression

    All forms of in-game aggression between the members of TRF and CPCN are deemed illegal. This includes, but is not limited to, sanctions, war declarations, aiding nations at war with either alliance, and all forms of espionage, whether in-game or out. Both parties also agree to not publicly flame members of the opposite parties on the Open World Forum, but to settle any disagreements or queries in private. Should TRF or CPCN feel a member of either alliance has broken these terms, a cessation in hostilities is to be sought and, if judged necessary, reparations are to be paid.

    Article 2: Friendship and Respect

    Both CPCN and TRF recognize the strong bonds and respect between the two parties, united by outlook, and by amity for the other, and recognize their duty to maintain and build on these relations.

    Article 3: Communication

    Both TRF and CPCN pledge to keep their lines of communication open to the other. Diplomats are encouraged to sign up and contribute on the other alliance's forums, where it is expected they will be treated with courtesy and respect by the host alliance.

    Article 4: Information

    Both CPCN and TRF agree that, should one party come into possession of information concerning the safety or standing of the other by any means, in game or out, they are bound to share it with the other party via private channels.

    Article 4: Mutual Defense

    TRF and CPCN agree to be bound together in times of war and peace. An attack upon one Signatory of this treaty is to be considered a declaration of war on the other.

    Article 5: Optional Aggression

    Should either TRF or CPCN deem it necessary to enter a state of aggressive war with a third party, then the other signatory is encouraged to offer support in said war. Support is not mandatory, and completely at the discretion of the other signatory.

    Article 6: Termination

    A breach of any of the terms listed above is grounds for this treaty's termination, but is not required. Either party may choose to terminate this MDoAP for any reason. Both parties have forty-eight (48) hours after the declaration of either party's desire for the treaty's cancellation before this treaty will cease to be in effect. All terms within will continue up until that deadline.


    Signed for The Righteous Fist:

    ~TRF Council

    Signed for Communist Party of CyberNations:

    ~The General Assembly of the CPCN

    EDIT: Grammar :(

  10. Well at least you are patient about it. This thread won't go well due to the fact that you're speaking out against the largest bloc of allied nations in the game, but best of luck in your current situation.

    I have friends in tC, my alliance is allied to signatories of tC, and I don't think speaking out against legitimate misdeeds should ever warrant the closing of communication lines for situations like this. It sounds like he has tried private channels and if he is telling the FULL truth, I don't see why Valhalla shouldn't honor the peace terms laid out by tC.

    He may have a slanted view of some of tC, but from my expereince with them, they are willing to listen and be fair, if you aren't being unreasonable or undiplomatic about it. Now if that's the case, he shot himslef in the foot...

  11. Damn Bob is stealing my thoughts on the rare occasion i have something to say he is faster again. The "left" being "united" ...can´t be. You were the best example how silly (better say stubborness) idealism can be, now when no "right" alliance with power existed anymore you guys finally made it .... 2 years late. Sloooooow decision process i guess.

    Yeah I don't think that's what Bob was trying to say either. And as far as "The "left" being "united" ...can´t be," that's just what CADRE disproves. I hope the signatories will only grow and with the ratio of new alliances being created under similar ideologies, I would say that's a definite possibility.

    And besides, TRF didn't exist 2 years ago :D

  12. Congratulations. Nice to see the factionalism on the left gone, or at least put well to one side.

    Do you think this might get upgraded to MDP in future? I know the commie MDP web didn't work well last time it was tried (just pre GW3 if I remember right) but it would seem natural to defend each other as ideological friends in an unfriendly world.

    We're all leftist in ideology, not necessarily all Commies; TRF does have a few though.

    Regardless, I too hope that we can learn from history's mistakes and continue on with a renewed since of unity. After all equality, peace and freedom are at the heart of leftist ideals. Who can't get on board with that?

    Peace, Love, Freedom :wub: Equality for all.

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