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Posts posted by drugsup

  1. [quote name='Ejayrazz' date='04 March 2010 - 09:41 PM' timestamp='1267739236' post='2214025']
    VE and Loss disbanded at one point, their treaties don't count.

    LOSS has never disbanded :)

    Also as for the changing our AA to NAAC about 4 of the 10 members of LOSS at the time changed their AA, I was one of them. I believe NAAC asked us to keep out of the war as they did not want LOSS to personally get involved in the conflict, but i believe some agreement was reached that members of LOSS were welcome to change their AA to NAAC if they wanted to help in the war efforts.

  2. Also, do the recent disbandments like OIN and CON get deleted off the list by the next audit?

    Negatory the strike though will be kept for statistical purposes. Disbanded alliances will not be given a numbered postion.

    Other disbanded alliances like NAAC or INC can be added as a disbanded alliance, however those dates have not been given.

    The reason disbanded and reformed alliances are kept is because they are the same alliance, if somebody wants to make a spinoff list not including disbanded and reformed alliance be my guest :)

  3. tl;dr add disband dates for those which were reformed

    I'll go with that idea as long as people can supply the disbandment dates.

    Also apologies for mistakes they have since been corrected. To be added to the list i need specific dates. Thanks for your contributions.

    Im happy to add striked alliances which once existed such as the NAAC but i will need the dates for them to be added.

  4. I don't think reforms should be on the list, but if they are being counted, \m/ and IAA should be put onto the list.

    DSMR was founded in late 2006, and as the result of several mergers became \m/ in early? 2007.

    There was a big deal made about this last year, it was ultimately decided that we'll keep them on the list but add a reformation date because at the end of the day they are they same alliance flying the same flags.

    Im afraid name changes and merges are not counted as thats just gonna put me in a pickle :)

    Also IAA Updated.

    If you provide me with \m/'s Spawn Date i'll add it.

  5. Ok its been about 11 Months since the last update to this and it is the 3rd year running that we have had this list running but now its due its annual update.

    I have not been very active recently so i will need your help defining whos disbanded and who are the oldest alliances in addition.

    To qualify your alliance:

    a) It was spawned in 2007 or older

    b) You must provide the Acronym/Name and the official birth date of the alliance.

    c) Please try to provide proof/records although this is not mandatory.

    d) If your alliance has disbanded and reformed could you please provide the disbandment and reformation dates

    1. GATO - January 12, 2006
    2. NPO - January 27, 2006
    3. Legion - January 31, 2006
    4. ODN - February 12, 2006
    5. GPA - February 14, 2006
    6. GGA - March 1, 2006
    7. Grey Council - March 19, 2006
    8. IRON - March 22, 2006
    9. LOSS - March 31, 2006
      OIN - April 6, 2006
    10. OPA - April 7, 2006
      CoAN - April 13, 2006
    11. CCC - April 27, 2006.
    12. LSF - May 1, 2006
    13. FCC - May 5, 2006
    14. TOP May - 18, 2006
    15. NpO - May 25, 2006
    16. WTF - June 6, 2006
    17. NATO - June 25, 2006
    18. VE - July 12, 2006 to 25 May, 2007 - Reformed September 17, 2007
    19. NADC - July 15, 2006
    20. TTK 17 July, 2006
      CON - July 15, 2006
    21. IAA - July 19, 2006 to May 28, 2008 - Reformed April 28, 2009
    22. RIA - July 23, 2006
    23. FAN -August 4, 2006
      FFC - August 16, 2006
    24. OBR - September 4, 2006
    25. MHA, September 9, 2006
    26. The Grämlins - September 19, 2006
      CIS - September 12, 2006
    27. GDA October 10, 2006
    28. BTA - Oct 12, 2006 to disbandment date - Reformed 28 June, 2009
    29. USN October 29, 2006
    30. CSN - November 1, 2006
    31. R&R - November 6, 2006
    32. WAPA - December 12, 2006
    33. Fark - January 2, 2007
    34. FCO - January 3, 2007
    35. TDO - January 5, 2007
    36. STA - January 22, 2007
    37. TOOL - January 23, 2007 Joint Position
      UPN - January 23, 2007 Joint Position
    38. Wolfpack - February 1, 2007
    39. Old Guard February 19, 2007
    40. TFD - February 21, 2007
    41. GOD - February 24, 07
    42. FEAR - February 27, 2007
    43. OcUK - March 1, 2007
    44. Sparta - March 11, 2007
    45. NV - April 1, 2007
    46. CRAP - April 11, 2007
    47. MCXA - April 22, 2007
    48. BAPS - April 23, 2007
    49. FOK - May 4, 2007
    50. GUN - May 12, 2007
    51. MFO - May 15, 2007
    52. TOH - May 21. 2007
    53. TGE - June 1 2007
    54. TPF - June 4, 2007
    55. Genesis - June 7, 2007
    56. The Brigade - July 4, 2007
    57. MK - July 19, 2007
    58. Bushido - August 30th, 2007
    59. Browncoats - September 1, 2007 to October 6, 2008 - Reformed September 1, 2009
    60. Veritas Aequitas September 7, 2007
    61. Ragnarok - September 21, 2007
    62. TORN - September 25, 2007
    63. Echelon - November 1, 2007

  6. I dont see why it should be frowned upon if the suspects youtube accounts are open to the public, Ivan. If the suspect wishes for their information to be private they have that option. If you have a lead to what you believe would be an espionage plot on your alliance and attempted to gain entry into your government would you not invesitgate the intersections assiduously?

  7. logo3.png

    Announcement from the League of Small Superpowers

    + Joint dissemination from HoG and LoSS

    New Forum

    LOSS has now moved forum and now has a new domain and fresh install of IPB 3.0.3, we can now be located at www.cn-loss.net. All former diplomats must re-register an account an apply for a mask.

    We would like to thank Cox, for hosting our previous forum for the past 2 years.

    New Government


    Co God Ben

    Desert Ratz

    Lord Slade


    Defense: Legion-X

    Interior: Nikolaos

    Finance: Timeline

    Foreign Affairs: TBA

    Recruitment: RTellez06

    Education: Hunterman1043

    Results from our Tri-Monthly senate Election.







    Charter Amendment

    LOSS has undergone some Charter amendments, this is our new and improved charter.


    Official Charter of the League of Small Superpowers


    We, the League of Small Superpowers, in an effort to safeguard our community, and to maintain our values and principles as a united people, hereby enact this charter to defend our culture and those whom call it home. Furthermore, we hereby affirm to remain honorable to our allies in times of war and peace, and to never forfeit our principles and commitments

    Article I: Admission

    Any nation that is not already a member of another sovereign alliance can apply to become a member of LOSS. All admissions and admission requirements are handled by the Senate. To become a member of the League of Small Superpowers, one must not be currently at war with another nation. One must also take a pledge to LoSS and pass an entrance examination.

    Article II: The Government Structure

    Elected Government


    Five (5) Senate Members

    Five (5) Deputy Ministers


    Minister of Foreign Affairs (MoFA)

    Minister of Defense (MoD)

    Minster of the Interior (MoI)

    Minister of Economics (MoE)

    Minister of Recruitment (MoR)

    Ministry of Education (MoEd)

    Duties of the above parties


    The leaders of the alliance. There are three of them all with equal power. They have the power to veto anything signed into effect by the Senate (With a 3/3 Vote). They have the authority to declare war on any alliance deemed necessary. They have the authority to cancel any treaty deemed necessary. A 5/5 senate vote can be used to count as one Triumvirate vote if there is an abstaining or negative Triumvirate member vote. Triumvirate are also the extreme authority of the alliance and are able to pass amendments and other documents deemed necessary to better the alliance. These documents do NOT require approval outside of the Triumvirate, but can be challenged.

    Requirements for becoming a Triumvirate

    1. Must have been in the alliance at least six (6) months prior to the election with special circumstances for former members.

    2. Must be active on IRC.


    The senate consists of five (5) members representing the opinion of the alliance. They have the power to vote on any proposal put up by the general membership of the alliance (The general membership also includes the ministers and triumvirate in this case). These types of proposals include, but are not limited to the following:

    -Amendments to the constitution

    -Cancellation of treaties

    -New treaties

    -Impeachment of an official

    Senate is the check and balance to the Triumvirate and as such can veto a decision made by the Triumvirate with a 5/5 vote.

    Special Case:

    Double Dissolution:

    In the case of a stalemate caused by the Triumvirates and Senates respective veto powers, a general election will be called.

    Deputy Ministers: Each Minister will have an elected first officer, referred to as a Deputy Minister. The officer would be the equivalent of the elected minister, meaning that every department would have a people's representative. They can interface with the membership more easily, and will be able to determine exactly what is wanted. The position allows any member to prove themselves to the Triumvirate and the general membership, as they would be actively working in the department in which they wish to have the ministerial position. This position allows anyone deserving of an appointed ministerial position to gain recognition within the alliance so that when the current minister steps down or get impeached, there will be a variety of members noticed by the alliance that could easily fill in. The position allows the less experienced members to work alongside a more experience member, to gain vital insights into the specific ministry, and would allow them to have knowledge to build a program to challenge the current minister. A current Deputy Minister is unable to challenge while they are in office.

    Ministers: All ministers are appointed by a unanimous vote from the Triumvirate. The Triumvirate can also vote to remove a minister from power at the request of the membership or if that minister has fallen into a time of inactivity.

    Minister of Foreign Affairs: This is the minister that is in charge of the Foreign Affairs of the alliance. They are responsible for the embassies on the forums as well as recruiting and assigning diplomats to other alliances. They will also be in charge of making sure the treaty vault as well as the wiki treaty list is properly cleaned and up to date. They will be the main contact regarding treaties with other alliances as well as any other diplomacy with other alliances.

    Minster of Defense: This is the minister that is in charge of the LSAF and the Special Forces (Shadows). They will be responsible for maintaining a functional military through the recruitment of military members and leaders for the different brigades within the military. They will also be in charge of the Rogue Squadron Unit (RSU), which will be used to combat rogues that attack our alliance members. They are also responsible for the building and nurturing of comradeship and organizational identification within the military.

    Minister of the Interior: This is the Minster that is in charge of the Internal Affairs of the alliance. They are responsible for maintaining the state of the alliance. They will be in charge of forum upkeep as well as contacting members and keeping members informed about the on goings of the alliance (this contact will be both in game and on forum). They will also be in charge of keeping an up to date list of the membership of the alliance and scanning our AA for ghosts. All awards and accomplishments will be developed, monitored, and celebrated by this minister. This minister will also be in charge of masking new alliance members (along with the Minister of Recruitment and Education).

    Minister of Finance: This is the minister that is in charge of the Finances of the alliance. They are responsible for the tech deals that are alliance sponsored as well as alliance sponsored aid and growth programs. This minister will work in conjunction with the Minister of Recruitment and Education.

    Minister of Recruitment: This is the minister in charge of everything involving recruitment. They will be accountable for sending out messages, keeping the application process up to date and masking the new members of the alliance.

    Minister of Education: This is the minister that shall be in charge of all education matters for all members of LoSS, new or old. They are charged with keeping guides up to date and overseeing the audit office as well as helping out members in general in order to grow.

    Ministerial Challenge: Appointed ministers can be challenged by the membership body at any time. A challenger must be endorsed by three general members and at least two senate members. If a challenge takes place a program plan is received from the challenger and incumbent. All speeches and plans are PMed to the Triumvirate and they stay in private so that the challenger and incumbent can't use each others ideas.

    Program plans may include, but are not limited to:

    1. Why they are better than the other person for the position

    2. How they plan to evolve the current program if necessary

    3. What do they plan to bring to the department that may be lacking

    Challenge winners: Once a challenger wins and becomes appointed, while they will still be reviewed, they get a two month period without being challenged again in order to have time to fully enact their winning programs.

    Challenge losers: If the challenger looses they can not challenge for that minister position again for two months. They are free to do so with other minister positions.

    The challenge rule only applies to current Ministers, as in 1st officers can not be challenged only elected. Current Deputy Ministers are not allowed to challenge a minister while still serving their term.


    All ELECTED positions are elected by the general membership of LoSS.

    Elected terms are 6month for Triumvirate, 3 months for Senators, 1 month for deputy ministers. The election timetable would be a Triumvirate election every January and July, Senator elections every January, April, July, and October, and deputy ministers every month.

    Each election will take place over a 6 day (144 hour) period.

    Day 1 and 2 (48 hours): Nominations for the elected position

    -Self Nomination

    -These nominations will start at UPDATE on day one and end at update 48 hours later.

    Day 3 and 4 (48 hours): Campaigns for those nominated

    -This is the candidates chance to allow the general membership to know why they are the best candidate for the job

    -This will be a Speech by the candidate and a topic opened BY THE CANDIDATE for questions and answers

    -Speech and Q&A should be the same topic.

    -Threads will be locked after 48 hours.

    Day 5 and 6 (48 hours): Voting for the candidates

    -This will be done VIA people posting a response in a thread started by the current MoI

    -Each member will get ONE vote for each Triumvirate position (Three total votes)

    -Each member will get ONE vote for each Senate position (Five total votes)

    -In the case of the Triumvirate, the top three candidates will win. In case of a tie, there will be a 24 hour revote period for just those candidates that are tied.

    -In the case of the Senate, the top five candidates will win. In case of a tie, there will be a 24 hour revote period for just those candidates that are tied.

    Article III: Rights

    a. General Assembly

    Everyone that has received full membership by the Senate has the right of a seat in the General Assembly, which votes on impeachment/expulsion motions and charter amendments.

    b. Impeachment & Expulsion

    Any member of the General Assembly can propose a motion to impeach (remove from office) an official, or to expel any member from the alliance. If this motion is passed by the Senate, the General Assembly will vote on the matter. There are two ways that an impeachment can be processed.

    -One: By a 75% (6/8) AYE vote by the Senate and Triumvirate.

    -Two: By a 66% AYE vote from the ACTIVE general membership.

    Expulsion from the alliance can also be voted on in this manner.

    c. Charter Amendments

    Any member of the General Assembly can propose an amendment to the charter. If this motion is passed by the Senate and not vetoed by the Triumvirate, the membership will vote on the matter. A majority of 75% +1 is required for the motion to pass, voting lasts up to 72 hours.

    Article IV: Military Policy

    Military Action:

    Tech raids may only be conducted with the permission of a Triumvirate, Minister of Defense, or members of the military structure the current MoD authorizes to make that choice.

    Defensive attacks may only be conducted with the permission of the proper authorities, as listed above.

    Military service is obligatory to all members. This ensures that members are not just using the LoSS AA as a means of being protected and not contributing to the alliance. Exceptions to this rule can be granted by any member of the government or the military on a case by case basis.


    The League of Small Superpowers considers any attempt to spy on a nuclear weapon in our possession the direct equivalent of nuclear warfare. It will be treated as such in all scenarios.

    In the case of a defensive war, in which LoSS or a LoSS representative is declared on, first strike nuclear retaliation is the standard procedure. This may be changed during times of war by a direct veto of the Triumvirate.

    Article V: Resignation

    Any member in good standing may resign from the League of Small Superpowers except in a state of emergency, such as an alliance war. Any member leaving in debt to LoSS will be expected to pay back the money owed to LoSS in a timely manner.

    Good standing shall be defined as follows:

    -A member is in good standing if he has not wronged LoSS in any way.

    -A member is in good standing if he is leaving on peaceful terms.

    -A member is NOT in good standing if he is being courtmarshalled.

    -A member is NOT in good standing if he has gone rogue.

    -A member is NOT in good standing if he has attacked a fellow LoSS nation.

    The resignation of a government member will considered in the same way. In the case of a Senator or a Triumvirate resigning, there will be an emergency 72 hour voting cycle. This will follow the same voting cycle laid out in Article III, but compressed to 24 hour periods. In the case of a Minister leaving, the Triumvirate will appoint a new minister to take the vacant spot.

    Article VI: Amendments

    This charter is open to amendment by the majority vote of the Senate and members who vote on Senate matters at any time.

    The CALIPH Accords Were Underrated Accords


    There was a time and a place in the history like no other: the pink sphere in the short summer of 2007. For one season, many alliances moved to and many others formed on the pink sphere, and this was where the rad fellows at the League of Small Superpowers and Heroes of Gaming originally met. Two years later, now both black, LoSS and HoG hereby announce The CALIPH Accords Were Underrated Accords :3 also hai Caesar.

    Article One: Sovereignty and Governments

    A. Both signatories acknowledge and respect the sovereignty of the other; this treaty will not diminish or infringe upon that sovereignty. The purpose of this treaty is to foster and preserve HoG; invading its governance is not a goal or desired consequence.

    B. To facilitate the following terms, the LoSS government will appoint at least one representative advisor to HoG and task him or her with advising HoG on all aspects of policy. This advice will not be binding upon HoG. At the request of HoG, LoSS will provide a new advisor.

    C. HoG will reciprocally appoint or elect a representative liaison to LoSS to facilitate the flow of information and advice. At the request of LoSS, HoG will provide a new representative.

    D. No acts of HoG shall require the approval of their protector, LoSS, save those treaties and accords guaranteeing mutual military defense or aggression. All other internal and diplomatic decisions of HoG may be enacted with impunity from LoSS scrutiny.

    Article Two: Military

    A. LoSS will provide HoG with all diplomatic assistance required in any necessary situation.

    B. In the case that diplomatic efforts fail, LoSS is obligated to defend HoG militarily.

    C. If either signatory should commit aggressive actions against a third party, the countersigned is encouraged to support its aggression by every available means. HoG is strongly discouraged from entering into an aggressive war while under protection.

    D. If LoSS requests HoG's inclusion in an aggressive or HoG's assistance defending LoSS, HoG is allowed but not obligated to use this treaty as casus belli.

    Article Three: Economic and Financial

    A. HoG may request financial support from LoSS outside of military need in the interest of building economic independence and self-sufficiency.

    B. All aid requests will be reviewed by LoSS government and responded to within 48 hours of their receipt. Requests may be denied without justification, but all must receive due consideration.

    Article Four: Severance

    Either alliance may cancel this treaty without justification. Cancellation of this treaty shall require 72 hours notice. Excepting such cancellations, this treaty shall continue unto perpetuity, until such a time as the signatories agree it has fulfilled its purpose and mutually dissolve it.

    Signed for the League of Small Superpowers:

    LoSS Triumvirate

    Co God Ben

    Desert Ratz

    Lord Slade

    Hunterman, MoEd

    Amossio, Senator

    Randy, Senator

    Signed for Heroes of Gaming:

    Coolgreen44, Leader

    Danizduhman, Other Leader Person

    FFX, Old Person

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