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Posts posted by Freelancer

  1. The NpO made their peace with FAN, but the New Pacific Order have not. I have contacted you on our forums so we may discuss this matter further.

    On behalf of the consul of 12, I wish to thank the Emperor and his staff for a quick resolution to these unfortunate events.

    MoD’s can I get lock this thread has served its purpose.


  2. as far as i know, NpO declared peace on FAN; why would you think differently?

    The source is unimportant,

    I would see if you can cut all ties to GOLD as soon as you can. If things go down they are going down soon. Just a heads up.

    You say NpO is at peace with FAN, according to This I beg to differ, should I have looked before we sent the aid, OHHH Yea, this was my doing and if anyone is to blame it's me.

  3. We do not have a "target" list of alliances we plan on attacking. In this conflict, we have launched no sanctioned aggressions on any alliance with the exception of Genmay.

    I would like to clarify the rumor a bit. I was informed we were on the New Pacific Order's hit list not Polar.

  4. I just find it funny that National Organization of Neutrals had to declare their neutrality.

    Yeah, hopefully you don't aid FAN until their war is completely over though.

    To be honest, I thought they were, I have read so many MDP, DOW's in the last 4 days, I can't remember who is who anymore, peacemode should be good for me, turn off the PC get outside and enjoy this nice weather while we still have it :P

  5. From the Desk of Freelancer

    Counsel of Communications

    National Organization of Neutrals (NooN)

    Greetings to All Nations and Alliances:

    In these times of conflict and strife, there are many uncertainties. The National Organization of Neutrals, to be known hereafter as NooN, wishes to clarify our stance, especially in light of recent disconcerting and unsubstantiated rumors.

    In the course of my time in Cyber Nations, I have witnessed numerous historic events including the demise of CNARF as a result of GWII and the termination of VE for controvertible reasons.

    Having acquired experience and knowledge observing the socio-political dynamics in Cyber Nations, myself and fellow Cyber Nations veterans, Capt. Tabor and Flyskate, decided to create NooN. As is evident from the name we chose, NooN is a neutral alliance.

    Now I must address the aforementioned rumors. Striving for amicable and mutually beneficial relations, we responded with kind regards to GOLD’s offer of accord. GOLD approached us with a request to assist in the reconstruction efforts of FAN. It was our understanding that FAN was no longer engaged in hostilities. Unbeknownst to us, FAN had not yet resolved their conflict with NpO.

    Upon ascertaining this reality, all aid in the process of being disbursed was cancelled. We happened upon a rumor concerning our status. The rumor being that because of our inopportune acts, NpO had included NooN in their compendium of targeted alliances. We have not been able to discern whether this rumor is based on truth.

    It is apparent that this is the time to clarify our position in light of the current global situation. Having been in Cyber Nations for some time, I, and my fellow NooN founders, have made a great many friends. As is often the case, these friends are on both sides of this current conflict.

    While we are saddened to witness the conflict, we cannot choose one friend over another. We wish it to be known to one and all that NooN is neutral in all matters of global politics, including the current wars.

    Many of our nations are currently in peace mode. This is not done out of cowardice, but rather to ensure our safety while we diplomatically resolve any threats against our Alliance that arose from a sincere desire to assist those we thought were clear of controversy.

    We hope for a satisfactory conclusion to the current conflict to everyone involved and look forward to strengthening old friendships and forging new ones in more peaceful times

    PS, The Supreme Mezz, this does not absolve you of our perm ZI for asshattery, we contacted a few friends and rest assured they will be paying you a visit shortly.


  6. Neither, Power Blocks suk unless there unified in one color, now that I would support whole heartily and would welcome it.

    Before everyone starts screaming, I know BLEU started that way but they have members outside there color sphere. When one bloc has the stones to attempt to take over every color in the game that bloc needs to be taken down, surrender terms so veil that the very thought of ever attempting a stunt like that is met with a full retaliatory preemptive strike, never to be seen again.

    The days of this game being run with an IRON fist of a dictatorship type regime is at it's end and PB will once again be free or tyranny.

    So in closing, everyone will kill each other, admin gets an addition on the house compliments of a flooding of donations, GPA will have the power to enforce any policy they deem fit once this is over, hell they may even go from hippie to bully with in a month, getting the popcorn out right now this should be good.

  7. I don’t know if I should congratulate SPARTA or be insulted that Tulak didn’t come knocking on my door, nevertheless, congrats I would highly suggest you keep the Alliance fridge full of Corona, don’t forget the lime and for all our sakes keep him off the OWF when he’s drinking :P

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