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Posts posted by wouldestous

  1. 'While I, wouldestous easyhair, who did not in any way seek the office of Submitter of Farkistan, have nevertheless profoundly pledged myself to the service of this, our hallowed alliance and since my tight bros from way back have impressed upon me with glinting, kaleidoscope eyes that this is the best way I can serve in this, our greasy hour of crisis, will reluctantly accept the crushing responsibility whatever my personal wishes may have been. Now we slouch wildly forward to weather this storm, even though we may all be lucky to live through it.

  2. when its cold out i like the duck rabbit milk stout, rogue shakespeare stout and sierra nevada stout. sam adams cream stout is good, too.

    this time of year i like a can of pabst blue ribbon (or whatever is on sale) that is cold enough for ice to almost, but not quite, form when you open it. if im being fancy i also like baltika 5 from russia and lion lager from sri lanka.

    although this weekend i had a few bud light lime my uncle brought to a family get together. i personally wouldnt have bought it but the price was right...

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