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Blog Entries posted by Carrick

  1. Carrick
    First post in a long time. Anyway I fell in love with Does it Offend You Yeah's song We are Rockstars It's the song in the new Fast and the Furious trailer
    Here's the link
    It sounds like robots having sex, but it's awesome.
  2. Carrick
    So I hooked up(disclaimer: my definition is making out along with groping) with this girl last weekend who claimed she was a college freshman. I met her at my friend's dorm party and she also claimed she was from another college and just visiting. The next day I came across her Facebook where I then found out she was actually a high school senior (Can't complain about that as I've exagerated my age and school year in the past) I chatted with her a bit on AIM where she released some intresting tidbits about herself.
    -I was the third guy she'd hooked up with that night
    -She was very proud of this fact
    -The second guy she'd hooked up with had a girlfriend, who walked in on them. She'd barely been able to escape
    -She saw this as no big deal
    -She claimed she did this every time she was around alcohol
    -She said if she hadn't been completely trashed she probably would've slept with me (Although I'd like to be arrogant and attribute this to my dashing good looks and charm, I'm pretty sure she would've slept with anything with a pulse at her point of inebriation)
    -She was going out clubbing that night where she told me she planned to "rinse and repeat"
    A few hours later I received a text from her inquiring why we had chatted. According to her, I was one of her few hookups (or sexual partners) who had talked to her afterwards (Although its hard to gauge intent behind a text, it appeared that she expected to not be talked to). My own reason was because I felt it was common human decency to keep in touch, but based on what she had said earlier, I threw caution to the winds and replied that it was because I was interested in becoming **** buddies.
    She was not happy with this. She called me up and let me have it, accusing me of treating her as an object and not as a human being, and calling me every name in the book and saying I had gotten her hopes up for a relationship and dashing them (which was honestly news to me as she had not expressed anything like this) I replied that if she saw herself as an object then everyone was going to damn well treat her as one. I also inquired that if she had wanted anything beyond **** buddies she shouldn't have come off as a total slut. I was immedately hung up on.
    I hate to be stereotypical but many Long Island girls seem to be like this. They want respect but consistently deny themselves that by acting like this. Granted, many guys are not much better, but this was pretty blatant. Oh well it's no real loss.
  3. Carrick
    This is where I assume the general introduction to me occurs:
    I'm a 19 year old relatively straight sophmore who attends Stony Brook University out in Long Island. I major in Political Science. I would give my first name but seeing as its not very common I fear I would get stalked again. (Long story short some 14 year old girl, at least I hope it was a 14 year old girl, once stalked me on an old forum when I gave TMI)
    I was born and partially raised in New York City. My parents divorced when I was young so I'd split time betwixt NYC and a town in Bergen County, New Jersey. Obviously I preferred the former. (In a side note, I recently found out that , in my time in NJ, I lived within 15 minutes of Delta1212 for a number of years. I'm pretty sure he'd agree with my assessment of the area)
    I have had the fortune of having very diverse parents. My father was raised as an Indian Hindu, my mother was raised as a Malaysian Muslim, my stepfather was raised as an African American Baptist, my ex-stepmother was raised as an White American Catholic, my stepmother was raised as an White American Jew.
    Funnily enough they are all now Agnostic. The fact that all these radically different people renounced their faith is the greatest argument against organized religion that I have seen.
    They are also big liberals. It's pretty sad when I'm the most moderate of all my family. I grew up on a steady diet of NPR and New York Times, but I've drifted somewhat more moderate in recent years(Ah, who am I kidding, basically only on gun rights and I still don't like the NRA)
    I like American Football (Go Giants!) Baseball (Go Mets!) Basketball (Go Knicks...sigh) Tennis (Go Nadal!) and Track (Go Me!). I also like various movies, books, music and plays but I won't list them because the list is long and I bet many would disagree with my list. I will intersperse random lists throughout my blogging which will undoubtedly earn me lawsuits from all major almanacs and Cracked.
    I will blog about anything that strikes my fancy and possibly even include fictional excerpts that I made up in here, since I have the inability to finish a story. (My Flashpoint serial lasted only 2 chapters before I got bored of it)
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