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Posts posted by Vicea

  1. I joined the game in the same month as you did though played from an entirely differently perspective, an perspective that has changed over time as CN changed.

    I was a green nation, a team I have much history with and I chose my alliance based on the "alliance guide for newbies"

    The alliance I eventually chose was the GPA and in those days I spent a lot of time helping the GPA in what is knows as the green cold war, a period where the GPA and GGA were at odds with eachother.

    At that time I didn't think too highly of the NPO, the creation of the New Polar Order was an example of one of such outrages in that time and in that mindset.

    However my opinion of them changed since what bros and I agree to call a "dark age" with the unjust highway, something about the playing style of several alliances irritated me and the creation of tech raiding and a do-what-you-want attitude with little regards for other alliances were not what I consider proper conduct.

    I remember the Independence Council very well, I considered it revolutionary and to this day I still have difficulties believing that the NPO was eventually able to join this pact which in my eyes was made as an counter to the NPO.

    I do miss those old days, I miss the NAAC, the good parts of LUE, Ivan Moldavi (sorry moo, nostalgic mood), regular CNQ updates, The LUEspaper.

    Hell, I miss Prodigal_Chieftain whilst we often disagreed and bashed heads he did spice up the game.

    I do realise however that alliances in CN have been cemented too much for a style of play that was common during those days, whilst a quick change is still possible it is a slow change that is far more plausible and CN is still changing.

    One more thing I really miss are the coloured team forums, I do not know much about other colours but in the green team it intensified politics, without coloured team forums there would have been no green cold war, VE might not have been created, OG might not have been created, Ivan Moldavi would never had to post his thread were he warned the GGA that every action taken against the GPA would result in a response from them, the list goes on and on.

    Oh, and I miss Mary. ;)

  2. I have made 4 missions about great war III a long time ago, point was playing from the perspective of different soldiers on different sides of the war.

    It was made in Operation Flashpoint, a game that comes "close" to a military simulator.

    However I got tired of the amount of work that it takes to balance each mission, plus I can't handle projects as big as that on my own.

    Also, people will need OPF to play the game.

    It works better with loads of free time, a team to keep you motivated and a game that is easily modified and lends itself to the nature of CN.

  3. Please send me a PM with the information to who I have to send the prize money, that would be the most satisfactory.

    Ofcourse I will also keep an eye on this thread, but the eye on my nation is more vigilant then my eye on the forums.

    Thanks, and well done to the winners! ^_^

  4. Syzygy (The educated gentleman)

    Zha'dum (In a debate I would definately want him with Vladimir on my side)


    Reyne (She has spice is her comments)


    Ivan Moldavi (His announcements always made people tremble)

    Dilber (Responsible for the CN as it is)

    Lamuella (Boiler room)



    Admin ("You now have wonders")



    P_C (He was an "inspiration" for the green team)

    Walford (Allthough I disagree with his ways I consider a portion of the points he raises valid)

  5. We wouldn't want anything to do with half the people connected to this treaty.

    Aw, we are not so bad once you get to enjoy our hospitality. :blush:

    Oh and I'll will not be making a list here, Q is about unity and mutual defense (optional offence) to start drawing lines would not be respectable to my allies even though I might place them at #1.

  6. I wasn't online when this was posted but I felt a great disturbence in the :popcorn: as if a million souls suddenly were going :awesome: and then suddenly :wub:.

    I am very pleased to see this treaty come together, and I have enjoyed working towards this with all the people of FOK!.

    Too much to name but one quick glance over this thread already shows a good indication.

    And I am very pleased that I can now fight along these fine men and women against any that wishes us harm.

    o/ Old FOKkers Treaty \o

  7. The alliance would be named DICE, (Directly Influenced Commonwealth of Empires)

    We would have no government, only a vote on the options we can choose to react to sitautions.

    We will choose 6 option and throw a dice to make the ultimate decision, afterall who can question the honousty and fate of the dice?

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