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Deep Blue C

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Posts posted by Deep Blue C

  1. I don't usually get involved in alliance politice; probably because I don't understand it that well, but I can't leave this unsaid. It is a genuine honour to be part of a treaty with an alliance as epic awesome Grämlinesque as Grämlins. You guys are the tops!

  2. OK, I'm pretty close with the following...

    Attackers battle Strength (S) = (Troop efficiency * 2 +Tanks * 25)*Technology bonus.

    Defenders Battle strength (D) = (Troop efficiency * 2 + Tanks * 30)*(Technology bonus +Infra bonus+Land bonus)

    Attacker odds = S/(S+D) Defender odds = D/(S+D)

    Tech bounus = tech level * (?) around 15 to 20

    Infra Bonus = Infra * ? (less 1% for every 100 attacking tanks up to 7500) around 4

    Land bonus = Land * (?) no idea but n0t large

    The missing factors still need to be worked out, but it should be something to work on.

  3. Spent some time trying this with some data, and I couldn't get it to work. Realise now it can't be the above as that would give battle strength to defenders with 0 troops - you wouldn't get 100% odds ever. I have a couple of other theories - All products , or add the bonuses then mulitiply by the tank/soldiers.

    LVN - thread already there. Also, for the way I'm working, one person supplying repeated oddds as things gradually change is better at present.

    Spartan - it's not worth translating until it is close to working - but don't worry, if I get something that works I'll share it (with NATO at least. :P )

    decomposition - I was struggling to do something like that because the odds are only a ratio. Once I crack the format of the formula, the individual factors should come out as you suggest.

  4. Attacking tank infrastructure bonus reduction = 1% reduction per 100 tanks up to 7500 tanks

    Any ideas what that actually means or refers to?



    Defenders in ground battles receive a bonus to their battle odds based on the level of infrastructure of the defending nation. (This bonus is reduced based on the number of attacking tanks. See the Tanks description for more information.)

    C'mon Deep , RTFM! :blush:

  5. This is something I'm working on at the moment. Can anyone remember what the tech bonus is for the battle strength calcs.

    I'm working around the idea that

    Attacking battle strength =(2*soldier efficency +25*tanks)*1.01 for daytime attack* Defcon + Tech bonus(*1.05 for night-time)

    Defending battle strength = (2 * soldier efficency +30*tanks)*1.01 (daytime) *defcon +Land Bonus +Infra bonus +Tech bonus *(1.05 - night)

    Then Attacker odds = Attacking strength /(Attacker strength +defender strength) * 100%

    Defender odds, similarly =Defender strength /(Attacker strength +defender strength) * 100%

    There are some guesses in here -e.g. that defcon only affects military bonus, not tech etc. - this on evidence that when defcon was altered by spying and no other changes were made, the changes in odds was not linear.

    Now I'm sure the tech bonus was discussed when the changes were made to tech and NS a few months ago, but I can't find the threads now.

  6. Yay! Go Grämlins! :wub:

    The Paranoid Android award is in honor of the android Marvin who, in spite of crippling depression, still selflessly aided the heroes Arthur Dent, Ford Prefect, Trillian and Zaphod Beeblebrox, through the opening of windows, the destruction of police spacecraft, the delaying of Frogstar tanks, and the serving of dinner.

    You forgot about "the pain in the diodes all down my left side"!

  7. Destruction will take approximately 2 of your earth minutes.

    Look WOLFPACK, it's no good you running around all surprised. The plans have been available on display in our forum for weeks (Ask FAN!).....

    What do you mean you've never been to our forums? it's only a few clicks away. Apathetic bloody alliance, I've no sympathy at all! Send in the bulldozers!

    (OOC Apologies to the late Douglas Adams, greatly missed)

  8. We have a similar list in a forum where we move all signed treaties, that's where we found it. It is probably older than 6 months. It's a moot point now, or we could dig more and try to find a CN forum post. For the record, here is the copy we have. It is AT LEAST as old as August 30th, 2007, as that's when it was moved from our old forums to our new one. I have a feeling it's more like a year old, based on the signatures.


    We had to go to Alpha Centauri to find it.

  9. But after a while we grew tired of it... pretty useless anyway.

    I know what you mean, but for me when I read..

    You must pay taxes on your nation improvements at a starting rate of $500 per day (this figure goes up the more improvements you own.)
    it implies to me "We're not gonna tell ya", to which my reaction is "FU I'm gonna find out anyway." Call me sad but that's the way I am.

    16:=950 (still)

  10. 1:=500

    7:=600 (a friend in RL tells me)




    35:=1425 But I've just found out that Capitalism now gives a 5% reduction in improvement upkeep costs - which would make this 1500


    Strange...think it would be unique to what improvements you have?
    But surely then, you would have to know what the different upkeeps were.
  11. 1 = $500

    2 = $1000

    3 = $1500

    So I think the upkeep goes up by $500 for each improvement

    But 15 is only $950 each.

    OK if 1=500, 15=950 and 35=1425, it isn't a linear relationship, so I suspect that there are steps involved at different places. I thought I remember 2 being 550, but I can't be sure. If anyone else can add more data to this we may be able to figure it out.

    Can we copy and add to:








  12. Deep breaks open another bottle of that Old Janx Spirit, wipes the rim with his towel* and takes a large swig. The gold brick wrapped in a slice of lemon does for his brain (again). :lol:


    * wiping the bottle with the towel has the opposite effect to that intended. Instead of cleaning germs from the bottle top, the Janx spirit :nuke: destroys a rather nasty virus left on the towel by a careless telephone sanitizer.

  13. Ok so now I'm completely confused...My 3month b'day was coming up so I went inactive for 9 days, just paying bills with my surplus. Then, on the 90 days I got +3 happiness so I spent the remaining surplus on infra, a bit of tech and a bit of land(what was I thinking?). I kept careful note of happiness income etc. to see the effect of each purchase.. no great surprises. Then I collected my taxes....and my happiness went down 1 point.

    Surely collecting taxes itself doesn't affect happiness?? (And before you ask- I hadn't been messing with the tax rate) :angry:

    Then I thought about pop density. Before my spending spree this was 29... but after buying the infra, the pop increase casued it to go up to 30.... Now I'm sure I've read that pop density can affect happiness, and that 30 was a threshold, but as this hadn't affected the happiness before collecting, I'd assumed that this wasn't true. I'm sure I checked before collecting that the happiness hadn't changed and my collection itself was based on the happiness and income before the 1 point drop.

    • So is the population density affect on happiness only updated by activity?
    • Or have I missed something?
    • Or are admin playing silly buggers with me cos I'm trying to to crack their secret system ;) (only j/k mr. Mod)

    edit-- Just bought enough land to put density below 30, but no effect on happiness - so now I'll wait till tomorrow for collection again.

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