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Deep Blue C

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Posts posted by Deep Blue C

  1. Once again, hats off to you guys!


    But how do you go about testing these points, without plonking your base down to test it, and getting stuck there for 7 days?  Am I missing something obvious?


    I get how to use your results to move my base (Copy the move URL, change the values, and paste into address bar) but how do you do the testing.

    I am guessing you use the probabilities for different points somehow.

  2. I am sorry, I have followed this thread in silence: for too long now and every time I read the OP, something really grates on me...




    They usually involve at some point near the end, an undeclared attack on a small state. Remember when the Soviets invaded Afghanistan? Remember when Britain attacked the Falklands?



    It may be OOC, but Britain DEFENDED the Falklands against an undeclared attack by another nation! 




    OK, carry on with your vital discussion about tech wars!


    If you were talking about the WFF still (19 pages of various venting here apparently) we don't tech deal with strangers. DT approached us shortly after our reforming and we just happened to end up allied to them via our protectors, allowing for tech deals to stay steady per our tech dealing rules in our charter. We didn't realize that there was a stand to be made, nor a war to be fought until it got brought to our doorstep. If Fark or NpO wanted tech deals, they could have politely asked instead of all this.

    Can I have a tech deal, please?  Pretty please?



    Thank you!


    4LF3yOUs.jpg||||||||||| MCTu4qcs.jpg

    I would have followed you, my brother... my captain... my king  ||| I will be your king.                                                                   .


    You know what I hate? The romanticization of the past. Players like Archon or Moldavi or whoever weren't on another level intellectually than those around us now, they just saw opportunities and took them. They were the difference between Boromir saying he would have done something and Thorin actually doing it (I mean these specific scenes pictured above, I know the analogy falls apart when carried over to the entire series, that's irrelevant though. Pay attention now). All you need to do is look around the world and seize the opportunities around you. 


    Surely I am safe, I have XX.  Surely I am safe, I have TOP. Surely I am safe, I have NPO. Surely I am safe, I am have Polardox. Surely I am safe, I have GPA/WTF... I have Umbrella? IRON? FEAR? DT? C&G? Meh.


    The Tywins of the world have been clamoring for a champion for some time now. Everyone thought IRON would stand up and fight when raided, but they backed down and allied DBDC once raided. Then it was Polardox as the bastion of hope, surely the Citadel remnants would stop the mighty DBDC. Even still some clung to a hope that the neutrals like GPA and WTF would save them. Okay TDO went but they didn't have a great upper tier. Okay GPA said they were going to fight but once DBDC concentrated on knocking the biggest naysayers down they went quietly. Surely WTF will stand and save the day though, they have huge nations...


    Enough with the excuses. The world stands still as the masses await their savior to show up from just over that mountain top. One to arise from the great beyond to lead them to victory. 


    It's better to fight now with WTF than to fight alone later. 


    We're waiting.  :war:












    Well I for one think this demonstrates just what a genius Smurf is because I don't understand a f%@king word of it!  I shall stick to meeting him on the battlefield!

  5. Why do you even bother trying to act like you have an alliance culture when no one cares....even inside your own alliance.

    Congratulations Mr Buscemi you have won the opportunity to select MHA's final message to Bob if/when we do eventually disband. You can choose from:
    A: The inevitable message from the Dolphins to mankind before leaving Earth 3 weeks prior to destruction
    B: God's final message to creation (written in fire in letters thirty feet high on the far side of the Quentulus Quazgar Mountains in the land of Sevorbeupstry on the planet of Preliumtarn)
    C: The protruding upper half of the letters once standing three miles high and showing the anthem of the Sirius Cybernetics Complaints Division.

    tl;dr Go stick your head in a pig, Buscemi
  6. By personal request....


    This is a pity as I am a huge fan of [ooc?]HHGTTG[\ooc?] Vogon poetry.



    Oh Turniphead turned in turn by the Turlingdrome

    Do you seek the grumpy froobyfact

    Sliced daily by your extenuating Obsidian obelisk?

    Harken to the Nuclear Winter brought by Tleilax

    To the very babbingcourt of Caerglowe

    And seek the green putty of Tugidly marooned 

    In the Vortex of complete perspection.

    As it annihilates the cortex of Trin Tragula's spouse. 

  7. Oh Ethel, how I love thy distronic membranes

    Eccentrica Gallumbits, whose trio of mammary appendages

    The galaxy holds disrupted in its unfashionable spiralled arm

    Cannot hold an illuminated Arcturan Megadonkey

    To your insulated Magrethereal beauty.

    keep my snoring vaulting horse warm

    As I do battle with the complaints division

    Of the Sirius Cybernetics Coorporation (Nordreich)


    Share and Enjoy!

  8. The coming of the Great White Handkerchief at hand!

    o/ Kaskus

    Indeed!.... But just to be clear...



    • Creator of the universe as claimed by adherents of the faith on planet Viltvodle VI. Their legend has it that the universe was sneezed out of the nose of the Great Green Arkleseizure, and they thus "live in perpetual fear of the time they call 'The Coming of the Great White Handkerchief.'"....H2G2

    ...and not (I presume) any suggestion of a premature surrender.

  9. [quote name='Morte' timestamp='1343190943' post='3014767']
    Thanks to all my combatants for providing a pleasurable war. I expected more Vogon poetry though :(

    Our apologies...Here is some Vogon Shakespeare to make up for it!

    [quote]Oh, too solid flesh melting
    Allows you to type and dew!
    O God fix'd
    Canon will derive their profits! Oh my God! God
    Tired, old, flat and not very profitable,
    I believe that all uses of this world!
    UIF on't! Hell! As a garden without weeds,
    The woman in the seed, the site in general and in the wild
    Right. Coming!
    But two months dead: No, not much, two:
    The great king, who became
    The Hyperion satyr, very loving mother
    As you can open the edge of heaven
    Visit her face too nearly. Heaven!
    Remember Me? why would he go with him,
    If desire has grown increasingly[/quote]

    Thanks for some good fun! Those from LOSS and GATO that I fought were all very honourable!

  10. Apologies to the Prince of Denmark!....

    No doubt, you must:
    It is nobler to suffer the
    Slings and arrows of fortune in the great,
    Goods or weapons, and the sea
    And the opposing end. He died in his sleep,
    It is not any more, do not we wake up to the end of the
    Natural disturbances of thousands of heart and stomach
    Survivors of sexual "is
    The purpose of the Holy. To go to sleep;
    To sleep perchance to dream-Y, is the rub.
    Sleep of death what dreams come
    When removing this mortal coil,
    It is our honor to be
    This only serves to destroy life.
    Those who smile and a bear with a sling during
    Th'oppressor wrong, arrogant insult, harass
    Dispriz'd love the work, the law
    Of pride, and regrowth
    The value of sick th'unworthy
    Then we can have
    When a bodkin? To bear,
    Under a weary life, grunt and sweat,
    But after the death of some
    Undiscovere'd countries, not
    There are no passengers on this trip
    Our efforts to create and manage a Writer
    If our approach to others?
    The conscience makes cowards;
    And his own desires in the way of color
    With the pale cast of thought sicklied is,
    And the Prince of the curve with the company during the
    This fertilizer is a must in turn
    Are you sure you want to name in vain.

  11. Poetry...Take that!!!

    [i]Or tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow,
    Set a date - the company keeps on the path
    Registered to vote first.
    Yesterday, we had a fool
    Dirt road to death. Output, short candle!
    And life walking shadow, a poor player,
    Land in their time of goods and Struts
    Does not mean that you should ask. This is the story
    Full motion and sound, and puree the phone said:
    No Signifyes.[/i]

    (Sorry Will!)

  12. Time for some rousing Vogon Poetry!!!!...
    (Apologies to Shakespeare and thanks to Google translate... back and forth several times)

    [i]Again, breaking my dear friends, once more.
    Or very close to the wall we are the dead can be dangerous.
    Nothing in the world becomes a man
    A modest stillness and humility:
    But the outbreak of war blows in our ears.
    Then, imitate, tigers action.
    Stiffness of the tendons, blood-profit,
    Hard favour'd rage mask beautiful nature.
    Then, give the eye a terrible aspect.
    We see a quick glance at the head of Portage
    Copper is a weapon, leaving a brown o'erwhelm
    How Scary is irritated against the rock
    Jutty O'erhang base and were confused.
    A wild and wasteful, Swill'd With the ocean.
    Now stretch the nostril wide, and the teeth,
    Hold fast the breath and spirit of each curve
    His full height. On -, can be dangerous, you are noble.
    Whose blood is Fet parent document.
    Parents, in fact, as many JuliaRoses,
    It is not until the night of the fight in the morning.
    An argument that lack of swords and missiles.
    Dishonour to your mother, now shows
    I call'd them are parents.
    Now you can copy the raw human blood.
    And teach them to the war. And, if you have a good acolyte.
    Whose limbs were made ​​in the internal affairs ministry, there are
    Your grass will be a promising
    What stands in your growth, I doubt;
    So, because you do not want to say, and the base,
    It has a noble luster in your eyes.
    Stand like greyhounds in the slips I see,
    Straining at the beginning of the movement of the game.
    Follow your spirit, and that charge
    "God calls Julia and Bob and the Ministry of Internal Affairs[/i]

  13. More Poetry. (It is what we do) :smug:

    See, see the officious sky
    Marvel at its big puce depths.
    Tell me, GATO do you
    Wonder why the Planet Bob ignores you?
    Why its foobly stare
    makes you feel blitzed.
    I can tell you, it is
    Worried by your Whiskery facial growth
    That looks like
    A GATEAUX. (geddit? - Gateaux=GATO...Oh never mind)
    What's more, it knows
    Your belgium potting shed
    Smells of GATOnian Pea.
    Everything under the big officious sky
    Asks why, why do you even bother?
    You only charm mushrooms.

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