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Posts posted by D34th

  1. Heck, they could also take the peace negotiations seriously and counter with something reasonable, if they really want peace for their allies.

    Why NPO can't get white peace and need to pay reparations or get surrender terms? After all they're just defending an ally, unless the reasons behind this war are a lie and NPO was the main target? Are you implying that Dajobo lied in the initial DoW?
  2. Man, I haven't thought about that in ages. To be honest it was a ton of potential, virtually all of it unrealized. I could write a longer version, but the short one is, it was various parties coming together with very different ideas of what sort of alliance they wanted to make.

    At least hey had a pretty flag :P
  3. And I have no interest in speed limits. If a cop pulls me over, I'll be sure to let him know that he's an idiot for trying to tell me that the effects and consequences of my actions are the same regardless of whether I care about speed limits.

    Please, link me to the law that regulates the warfare in cyberverse, since you are making an analogy related to speed limits I guess that there is also a law saying that if you do not follow the coalition warfare procedures in cyberverse you're wrong and will get a fine for breaking said law.
  4. Someone please hand me the gumboots, the bullcrap is pretty deep in here!
    Firstly I'm sorry for being so late to this thread but I had important business to attend and have been out of contact with Bob for 24 hours. I'd like to set quite a few issues straight here.
    STA and TPF had a great many people think they'd be on the our side or stay out, before this war started. They had allies and friends on both sides and I know damn well would not have had one word of criticism levied towards them if the chose to stay out. That said, they made a choice. I will stress that word CHOICE. When TPF and later STA entered I still refrained from criticism despite feeling pretty disappointed.
    When I issued Polaris' declaration of war on NSO I knew we would get countered. A great many alliances had pledged their help and support and I am not about to crap on those people by protecting ANYONE who CHOOSES to be on the other side. I did know that IRON might be coming in on STA, because STA hasn't had a war in years and have large nations with large warchests and they really know how to use them.
    Did I try hard to stop that? No I didn't try at all to stop it. I have watched Pez in particular troll the crap out of IRON for days in a display that matched any I have seen from NSO and as far as I'm concerned if someone wants to behave like that they can reap the rewards.
    On to this feeling of being let down by us...
    Guess what, when you cancelled our treaty we didn't want that. What we wanted didn't matter a shit to you though because it was what you wanted. Tyga, Imperator Emeritus of Polaris, before today hadn't even visited our boards for over six months. Meanwhile from that day you cancelled our treaty I have checked our embassy on your boards every working day without fail. Spare me the fake indignation that I wouldn't piss on the people expending their nations to help us and protect someone on the other side who wanted nothing to do with us beyond social talk.
    Finally I will stress this again so you don't miss it. You are in this war and on that side by CHOICE. Tomorrow you will be in it by CHOICE as well and so on until you CHOOSE that you'd like to no longer be in it. It wouldn't matter if fifty alliances oA'd in because it would still be YOUR CHOICE as to if you are involved.
    Stop blaming Polaris, or anybody else for your choices and own them. You know damned well if you did what I had wanted you would have been treatied to us and not on that side in the first place!

    You almost sound like that this whole oA thing happened just to teach TPF and STA a lesson for choosing to defend allies that were in need and happened to be in the wrong side of the war...

    Also sorry for disappoint you for being us and defending those who need to be defended, as we always did.
  5. Despise all the excuses of STA having a mighty top tier being the reason for 5 alliances attacking us in the last 2 days, I'm still here, without any defending wars, if the coalition did all this to destroy our unstoppable top tier, why nobody attacked me yet? Among those 5 alliances there isn't at least one nation willing to eat my nukes? Shame on you people, shame on you.

  6. I don't think we believe that Polaris was plotting against STA actively. I think our disappointment is more along the lines that Polaris didn't do anything to stop the oA chain from happening. As I stated before, Polaris has absolutely no technical obligation to STA and thus what you're doing is superficially fine.
    But there's a deeper history between our alliances. When Polaris was the pariah of the world, we stuck by you. When you were getting beaten in the noCB war, we declared on every alliance at war with you. Through multiple times in our history we risked total destruction to stand by you. We bleed with you, we fought for you, we suffer alongside you. We cancelled our treaty with you after that due to communication issues, but never once did we regret fighting for you. It was a privilege and honor to fight in the defense of an ally when the whole world hates you. As an aside, that's a commitment your new friend TOP will never give you.
    After that kind of commitment, I would hope that your honor would bind you to perhaps not actively defend us but to at least prevent ridiculous oA chains from being formed against your old blood brother. I again hesitate to call it a debt or that you owe us, but more akin to a feeling of profound honor.
    You have no literal obligation to us. And for that you can wash your hands clean of what has transpired. The fact that you are able to do so though saddens me deeply because it means that I completely misunderstood the psyche of your alliance. And for that I have no one to blame but myself.

    This post explains almost perfectly how I feel, the only difference is that I was in the other side as a member of Polaris, what somehow make things even more harder to me.
  7. Oh man, feel free to look.  I never trolled the OWF bitching about being countered.  *IF* you recall back then I was the only Polar nation up top and took every beatdown we were a part of in stride.  It is what it is.  You don't have to roll over and take it, but running around lamenting of lost respect and general woe is me is unbecoming of your alliance.
    The only war I took personally was the WotC because they used my account to hack our boards to try and frame me for the screenshots leaking.  Oh, and because the IO's were dicks.
    EDIT: apparently there's a word filter for that particular cussword

    Just because you don't posted it in OWF doesn't mean you were "bitching" in Polaris boards, also you and all the NpO members that posted in OWF today failed to understood is that we aren't lamenting the fact that we were countered nor the fact we are facing a beatdown, but they way it happened. I remember a time when almost all NpO members were against ghost DoWs and other low moves like what happened today, may be the principles that NpO bear(see what I did there?) so deeply changed and now you become just another alliance for who the end justifies the means, what as I said already in another thread, is particularly for me, the saddest part of this war.
  8. It's a fucking war, Pez.  Quit taking things so personally and try to have a little fun.  This is what happens when you counter alliances that are otherwise engaged and don't have upper tiers on the side with more guns.

    I'd love to have a time machine and copy your post to you when you were pissed in the countless wars that Polaris find itself in the losing side.
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