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Posts posted by Adelfidler

  1. On 7/25/2022 at 7:21 AM, nishiyoshi_mha said:

    So are you referring to GOONS v1.0 or 2.0? If you were referring to 2.0 then NG's predecessors poison and ifok are older than 2.0. 


    Regardless, I don't think that comparison is fair or makes any sense.


    I hope you don't leave the game. CN could use some more FA folks and I'm sorry your alliance didn't take better care of you. 



    Wars need consideration.

    I think I am one of the most experienced in the game, true, I do move around a bit, please do not criticise a master player.

    Many talk about the good old days but have no idea further back than a week

    SE is no place to talk about how great a player thinks she is.

    It is governed by a few people that have sat around  for too many rounds and sucked on teets too long.

    The real game is elsewhere.

    Find it


  2. On 5/16/2022 at 7:40 PM, Maelstrom Vortex said:

    And... 14 years later...
    Tied for #1 by Nation Strength, with still much work to be done.

    Thank you Pacifica for all the fun years and for allowing me to soar for you.

    Those numbers do not count up the tech taken -in over the years from newbs I guess.

    No worries.

    SE is an easy game when we look at it that way.

    Create a nation, sell cheap tech , delete, since, repeat.

    Well done guys

  3. On 5/19/2022 at 6:36 PM, Maelstrom Vortex said:

    On this count.. you are correct. But I also know what a war involving me means which is almost unprecedented destruction at this point. I am proud of my pixels, because of who put them there, and the purpose they serve, and the patient work of putting it there. When will they serve said purpose? Your guess is as good as mine.


    Killing a nation off is easy.

    Perhaps easier in one game over another..

    Bunny states it is irrelevant for an a alliance post, hard to tell unless she agrees that the reason for the high stats is because of alliance help.

    Bunny must know how it works

  4. On 5/16/2022 at 10:06 PM, kerschbs said:

    Congratulations, avoiding wars and getting years worth of free tech is certainly an arduous task but someone has to do it. 

    Problem I  see is these stats were built up over many years which is rather easy to do..

    There is no skill imo on on sitting on a nation and letting it build over the years.


    Many in an associated alliance may not be too enthused on paying for a nation to growth did nothing for the alliance.


    Nothing to be proud of I think..


  5. And therein lies the problem.

    The correct stats are available to anyone than cares to read them.

    Finding anyone smart enough to decipher properly takes a little longer I think.

    Lucky you guys have me to take a general view, and then investigate deeper on the truth..

    You are always happy to run mouths these days and spout decorum  and rules of war in the game, but the game effectively is what you desire.

    Initial game play was pretty simple back in the day, but the vets honed it.


    Many vets since left, or moved onto TE.

    Lets face it, top players know the game.


    Posting warchests becomes a crime?

    Not something I would do as first port of call, but we are in war games right?

    Would the nanny state suggest we do not use bullets next?

  6. 1 hour ago, kerschbs said:

    In what world? Do you guys just make up decorum as you go?

    do they not all?

    And therein lies the problem.

    The correct stats are available to anyone than cares to read them.

    Finding anyone smart enough to decipher properly takes a little longer I think.

    Lucky you guys have me to take a general view, and then investigate deeper on the truth..

    You are always happy to run mouths these days and spout decorum  and rules of war in the game, but the game effectively is what you desire.

    Initial game play was pretty simple back in the day, but the vets honed it.


    Many vets since left, or moved onto TE.

    Lets face it, top players know the game.


    Posting warchests becomes a crime?

    Not something I would do as first port of call, but we are in war games right?

    Would the nanny state suggest we do not use bullets next?

  7. 10 hours ago, AL Bundy said:

    Hahhaa who are you even, does anyone even know.... Just looking in the records and TE awards it's recorded I have experience. I'm top casualties every round... Ask anyone with any actual history in TE. 


    And again your comments are not relevant to the topic.


    Put on your big boy panties and hit me in game, TE or SE instead of trolling on the OWF like a immature teenager.



    Just a quick glance  shows you have no idea.

    The award for top casualties went to Lee land last round alone, so catch you on a lie I get a pretty good idea you do not even know what the top casualties award is.

    Proof   - https://tournament.cybernations.net/tournament_awards.asp?Page=4&Order=ASC&Field=AwardName&Round=60


  8. On 7/5/2022 at 10:24 AM, Tevron said:

    Clearly not. You're not even referring to the suggestion from Levon.

    Hard to tell when the op refers to two different games.

    Pretty sure the opening line was a complaint about how hard it was to get trades.

    It then goes on to the suggestion that an easy way around blockades and gaining a navy general  is thus;-

    "which simply requires sending one boat on a suicide run 3 times a day, for 5 days, and one is set for the rest of the round."

    Tevron could have pointed out the obvious flaw in that suggestion given a little more game experience, but failed to pick up on the flaw. ;o)

  9. On 6/28/2022 at 10:38 PM, Tevron said:

    I don't think you understand the OP. Levon is an active member of Ordo Paradoxia. He has no issue finding trades. His issue is with harbor abuse to dodge blockades.

    I think I understand the game better than most.

    The issue you refer to on Levon/ op and "harbour abuse" trade is no different to a newb coming into the game and trying to get a trade.

    Back in the day all nations were stuck with initial trade sets and had to work hard to be nice to each other for continued trade.

    They were good days when TE had more than 100 nations in many alliances.

    What do we have now?

    Largest alliance with 27 members and just short of 110 total players?


  10. On 6/29/2022 at 1:00 PM, AL Bundy said:

    Ehh.. I've been on both sides of this by having the large navy and the one being blockaded.  I always start buying a navy so ya I sink money into that every time. 


    I don't think nations should be able to dodge it, but I also don't think they need a huge blockade penalty (thinking about newbies - not those lifetime vets that turtle all round) I don't know if there is a cap but looking into that if this is adjusted might not push people away from the game but still will do some damage.





    Most seasoned players know how Al  runs a round.

    Turtle is not new to him. I have seen more than one round where he turtles and leave

    his alliance  to pick up the pieces.

    Certain tricks to do certain stuff.

    Seasoned players know how it works, that is why Al tends to be a bit of a target each round.

    Sure it has little to game play.



  11. On 6/26/2022 at 3:40 PM, Levonscott said:

    Don't get me wrong, the Supplemental Resource system is amazing. Trades are always difficult, and this allows greater levels of flexibility; it was a brilliant change, and one of the rare instances where firingline has made a constructive contribution.


    However, it has introduced a new issue - or rather, exacerbated an existing one - nations are not harshly penalised for remaining under the blockade limit set by the game.


    In CN:SE, this limit makes sense. Smaller nations with no navy getting blockaded by much larger and older nations with one is sure to be particularly frustrating. But in CN:TE, where nations always start on the same footing every round, to not build into a navy is a choice. Why should those nations who build a navy be worse off than those who do not, in a war-based game mode?


    A nation who is so inclined can build a harbour, fix their trades, build, and collect; then immediately decommission their harbour and sell to under 250 land. This process takes, what, half an hour at most? And for the rest of the round, they need not waste money on building and upkeeping a navy, or risking being blockaded.


    One assumes XP could be a solution, since not building a navy removes the opportunity to own one of four generals; however, the amount of XP required for an econ general is 14, which simply requires sending one boat on a suicide run 3 times a day, for 5 days, and one is set for the rest of the round.


    So, what is the solution? Remove the restriction on blockades; a nation should always be at risk of being blockaded in the dedicated war-mode that is CN:TE. While it makes sense in CN:SE, it has no place in TE. This would require nations to plan their military, and restricts the ability for them to hide away. Hopefully, this shouldn't be a particularly arduous implementation for @admin!


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