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Posts posted by DavidMustaine

  1. 2 hours ago, firingline said:


    What is your take on OP's use of 'trade mules' to generate permanent cash and tech for its players, buying up to collect and then selling down to stay out of range of attack, and doing nothing but sending cash and tech on-demand throughout the round?


    Should this be permitted or not?

    Cats away the mice will play?  🤔

  2. Your nation experiences "birthday celebration" events on certain dates (7 days old, 14 days, 30 days, 60 days, 90 days, 180 days, and 365 days), or on the day after if your nation was created after Noon. These events give a population happiness bonus for that day.

  3. 3 hours ago, Lyanna Mormont said:


    Congrats on this, Bundy! Non Grata has your back and it's good to see you making friends.


    Go start a war so DA and I can work on the same side for ultimate lulz






    I imagine that would probably end up something like this




  4. 1 hour ago, firingline said:


    What was the size difference between TW and Red Alert when Bundy attacked last time?


    I'll wait.

    I think it was something like pi rounded to three decimals multiplied by the exponent of the circumference of the spare tire in admins trunk divided by the square root of the sum of the two equal sides of an isosceles triangle which has a third angle that is equal to the length of a tabletop football field .....or something like that.   


    Also, for reference, I heard that Bundy scored four touchdowns in one game on that football field too :D  

  5. Good afternoon gentlemen, ladies, vagrants, scallywags and courtesans. 


    It has been more than six months since the great(est?) leader in cn history declared war on the noob polar order in defence of his holiness, the admin of cn.   The war ravages on, the brave soldiers of megalands continue to pillage and plunder the coffers of the noob polar order.   However, to quote the philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche, 

    “You may have enemies whom you hate, but not enemies whom you despise. You must be proud of your enemy: then the success of your enemy shall be your success too.”


    In that spirit I herby bestow upon the noob polar order a trophy in celebration of their success in keeping their cybernations awards for an impressive nine years running!  





    May your achievement be everlasting!  





    The dancing destroyer, the king of sting, the count of monte fisto, the prince of punch, the master of disaster, the one and only. 



  6. 1 minute ago, Franz Ferdinand said:

    Although in the case, I was referring more to the following:


    4.    By using this service you agree not to cheat in the form of abusing the war system, foreign aid system, trade system with multiple accounts controlled by the same user. You agree not to create more than one player account in this game and understand that by creating or accessing more than one account you will be in violation of these terms and conditions. As of 7/2/2014 multiple accounts on the same computer network are allowed, as long as the accounts are controlled by different players. No interaction (war, trade, foreign aid, etc..) between players on the same network is allowed either directly or through 3rd parties (ie. no sending foreign aid to someone who is not on your network who then sends foreign aid back to someone who is on your network). Moderation will still investigate multi account abuse and will continue to reserve the right to remove rule violators from the game. Account sitting is only allowed for a limit of 70 days (10 weeks) when reported in the nation sitting thread in the Moderation section of the Cyber Nations forums.


  7. 6 hours ago, ToiletGaming3000 said:

    That makes no sense bro. Like what's gunna happen if I delete my account and make a new account for cn. Is the Cybernations police gunna come to my house??? Are the swat gunna break in?? Are the FBI's gunna gun me down for being soooo evil?!?!?

    I guess that all depends on the purpose of creating a new account.   From the information index:


    DO NOT attempt to abuse the foreign aid system with multiple accounts by the same player. Any puppet nation used in the foreign aid system is against the rules. This includes player created nations to send aid to themselves, alliance created puppets to use as a 'bank' for their alliance, etc... Players are asked to help keep the foreign aid system honest and report any violations discovered of these rules in the Report Game Abuse forum immediately. Nations that do cheat will be flagged with a cheat indicator in the All Foreign Aid Offers Across the Globe screen for everyone to see.



    If I'm not mistaken there was an instance where a group of noobs tried to use puppets a long time ago, it blew up in their faces.  :)  

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