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Noctis Lucis Caelum

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Posts posted by Noctis Lucis Caelum

  1. 2 minutes ago, SirWilliam said:


    Clearly you're in no position to dictate anything.


    I won't pretend to know exactly what terms other parties are attempting to impose upon you (Kashmir, after all, entered for reasons of its own). For our part, once there are no more slots to be had by the interested parties within Kashmir we'll grant you white peace (as we traditionally do in such a situation). That all said, is it surrendering you find issue with? Other than swollen (generally undue) pride I'll never understand why alliances refuse to admit defeat on principle. Denying the reality of the situation isn't productive for any parties involved.

    It's the big list of demands.


    If admitting defeat was all they wanted, that wouldn't be a big deal. They want more punitive terms than I've seen in many years.

  2. 2 minutes ago, White Chocolate said:


    we have had our ups and downs but for the most part I think you bring some interesting drama to Planet Bob.  However, you really need a person who is more practically minded and you friend to bring you down to earth.  There is nothing wrong with formally saying I surrender.  You already said you would except some terms.  No one would be fooled if Nor and you agreed to what you already agreed to in this thread but called it “White Peace” instead.  You give The Zigur crap but he has said “I surrender” when necessary.  If you are planning on moving on I do not think the people who have worked with you in victory will remember you well when you end acting like a child who can not say sorry when he made a mistake.  The terms posted are not that bad given the situation.  I have seen worse when there was not half as good CB or things were made up (i go back a while now too).  Take a look at the situation from the position of someone on the outside and give things a fresh look.  

    If it was as simple as an apology or a few words, this war wouldn't be where it is.


    They want reps and a bunch of other stuff. I even offered to do an apology for the DoW after removing Kindle. They don't want to be reasonable, I've tried.

  3. 12 minutes ago, The Zigur said:


    Once you surrender to Nordreich my assumption is that peace would be in effect with their allies, including Freehold of the Wolves.

    You will need to get peace seperate, also I expect any allies/friends who don't want to get involved in this situation to seek revenge against you until you follow my fate if this war is the end for me.

  4. Just now, Franz Ferdinand said:

    You should really consider self-hosting the images on Aevrum's webspace. That way PhotoBucket won't be an issue.

    I do that with most images, like the ones in announcements and everything except this thread; where I momentarily got lazy since the images were on Photobucket already. Might transfer them over and put the newer link, but for now I just deleted the ugly photobucket ads.

  5. 2 minutes ago, Galerion said:


    Yet another person I don't care about saying this, if Junka were in charge then ISX would have DOW on you already hence why he has gone to join FTW.

    If you bring him back and my nation is still around, I would hope you at least clear with me first he's no longer considered a target if you're being truthful.

  6. 57 minutes ago, Lady Red said:

    I personally think all surrender options should be taken off the table strictly because you're still using Photobucket. 

    I momentarily forgot photobucket stopped being functional a while ago; although I agree with you on the no surrender thing regardless.

  7. Just now, The Zigur said:


    Uh I was fighting multiple rogues with massive warchests and wonder stockpiles for several months this year, this task is just a light snack.

    You really think SLAP would be a light snack?


    Jumping ship from your AA to bandwagon into another war doesn't shield your alliance from the rolling its past due for.

  8. Just now, Devialance said:

    He is just ghosting and how can Galerion ban Junka we all know Junka still tells Galerion what to do him stepping down was just a PR stunt lol, even still i must admit i do like the fact that Junka is finally fighting low teir nations with the same wonders as him, so got to give respect on that for once.

    One thing i hate is nations under 10k ns with like 30 wonders who think they are gods gift when beating nations less than two months old.


    Now is the perfect time to roll ISX; if we focus our attention that way mostly.

  9. 15 minutes ago, The Zigur said:


    If you want to bring in even more low-tier nukers, then by all means attack ISX, however I am currently in FTW which already declared war on you.

    Unless Galerion gives me his word you're banned from the alliance, I think you're just ghosting to attack us


  10. 1 minute ago, The Zigur said:


    You don't remember your random attacks alongside President Hardin against ISX's mid-tier? When you had a massive navy with only a $100,000,000 warchest? No matter, I am here to put the nail in the coffin once again.

    Are you going to attack?

  11. Just now, Kristjan Laidoner said:

    Are you that delusional? You removed a legal and warranted sanction without asking ONE SINGLE OTHER SENATOR, and are blaming us for the Sanction War?


    At this point, it's not even slander to call you delusional and incompetent; it's flat-out factual.


    Enjoy your destruction; you earned it. This prancing around of your ego is hilarious. 

    I think your ego is comical, you're Hanssen's henchmen and make offers which aren't even valid; then try laughing off your incompetence as normal. Also you don't repeatedly sanction members of another alliance without expecting to start a sanction war. Chester you guys didn't even start sanctioning until after the war, which you continued to do throughout and eventually pushed us into a sanction war.


    I even let slide the Martin sanctions with just removing them since he had been sanctioned before, but expanding the sanctions to other members throughout our alliance and continuing to place them even after Martin, Yolo & Kindle were gone was asking for retaliation. Now most of your members will have their trades messed up because you guys insisted on the sanctions on top of everything else.


    Although you don't even try to be honest and your long essay posts are just gibberish; so not worth responding to a hollow headed minion.

  12. That was referencing removal in general, since NoR wanted all of them removed. So if my removal would get rid of the last of them; I'd be willing to leave it to an alliance vote if it would be worth getting rid of my nation as well for the rest to have peace.


    Although I think they'd choose to go down to fighting over choosing that option, even knowing I'd choose for all of us to go down fighting over considering the terms offered. So you got the context a bit off with that; since for NoR how someone is removed wouldn't matter as much as them being gone. (If I'm also gone it wouldn't matter if I removed them or NoR)

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