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Posts posted by Morphine

  1. 10 minutes ago, Montezuma said:

    I am at war with Hitchcock because he perma warred me. I can get aid from my alliance. I am not at war with AM. If I am that means AM is at war with my alliance we didn't do anything to you I didn't do anything to you so y war me? DO U have a treaty with mc nugget or something?

    If I had somebody in range of you, you would be at war with AM. You militarily supported Sir Kindle. Therefore, you are an enemy of ours. Don't worry I'll get somebody in range to hit you. 

  2. 18 minutes ago, blue sam3 said:


    I can confirm that at least three different people (quite possibly more: I've been on holiday for the last couple of weeks, and don't have much to do with this stuff anyway, so I may well have missed some) sent us those screenshots, and that Bern wasn't one of those three. 

    I know one of them. Possibly 2. Agreed, Bern was not one. 

  3. 47 minutes ago, Cenk Uygur said:


    It's curious to me that one would blame the victim rather than the perpetrator of unwarranted violence. Nevertheless, as I said, Polaris would use any excuse to beat us up, it was only a matter of time. I'm sure if it had not been this, something else would have been "manufactured" to ensure war.


    Please bear in mind also that my posts were made as a candidate running for leadership in a democratic alliance. I am obligated to inform the members of my alliance what my objectives and guiding principles are. It is true that there is always a risk that someone will leak internal discussions but the NADC has been of late quite disciplined in this regard - that is until quite recently.


    In regards to why I felt returning to the Blue Team was important, I note that our alliance has been for the vast majority of its existence a Blue Team alliance. The NADC has a strong community that is proud of its history and heritage. I felt that a negotiated return to the Blue Team would help restore part of our heritage, which was lost when we were forced off the Blue Team. Bear in mind that, again, this was not official policy and was yet to be discussed by our alliance.

    Then your campaign promises should have read "If elected I promise to open dialogue with Polaris for our possible return to blue". 


    You are wrong. Admit it and you might find eatem and grub to be reasonable. 

  4. 2 hours ago, Chunky Monkey said:

    You clearly have no idea how democracy works. Leaders campaign on promises, but the democratic process does not allow those promises to simply become policy. Those processes must be followed before the promises become policy, and in this case, the process was never even initiated. Most people do not vote with the mindset that one specific promise is the only thing that matters and the only thing that person stands for. Most people vote for the person they think best suited to run the alliance, and campaign promises only make up a part of how people make that determination.

    Without releasing anything too sensitive,


    I'll quote Aurelius from the NADC forums

    "To clarify it is not OPSEC, but if seen by polars people it has the potential to be problematic. My concern is they will react negatively to this when we are not ready"


    So back to my original statement "YOU (NADC Govt) knew it would be a problem. YOU (NADC Govt) continued on with the plan regardless of the fact that you knew it would cause problems. Now your pissed because Polar did indeed react negatively to this? Or are you pissed simply because you "weren't ready"? 

  5. 13 hours ago, Cenk Uygur said:
    The NADC recognises a state of hostilities with Oculus.

    I wish to briefly comment on Oculus' purported CB.

    The "informant" referred to above is - undoubtedly - Bernkastel. Leaking is by no means a new phenomenon in Planet Bob. But to leak because you were about to lose an election? That’s dummy spitting. It’s risible, rather than anger inducing - to be pitied, rather than despised. I name this person for the benefit of other alliances. The NADC made the mistake of providing a home for this person. Do not repeat our mistake.

    While I am reluctant to speak of internal matters of my alliance, it is necessary to address the innuendo and rumour that Oculus seeks to rely upon as if it were some legitimate CB.

    Do I deny that one of my campaign promises was to seek a return to the Blue Team? Certainly not.

    But is it a legitimate cause for war? I say not. I address now those who are still concerned with legitimate and genuine CB’s - a perhaps dwindling breed.

    First, that pledge is not inconsistent with the terms that were imposed. The term imposed on NADC by Oculus in relation to the Blue Team one year ago was:

    This was the only term imposed on the NADC in relation to the Blue Team, and we complied that term. We are not in breach of that agreement.
    Secondly, ventilating the prospect of a return to the Blue Team in internal discussions is not inconsistent with the terms imposed upon us.

    Thirdly, it was never the official policy of the NADC to seek a return to the Blue Team. My remarks were made in the context of an election campaign, and not as an announcement of policy. Our alliance has (much to the irritation of Bernkastel) a consultative and democratic element and we discuss things such as foreign affairs before a formal course of action is adopted.

    Fourthly, even if it had been adopted as the formal policy of the NADC, we could have pursued these objectives in a manner that was entirely consistent with a broader interpretation of the term. Negotiations with Oculus could have been undertaken with a view to seeking a return to the Blue Team. There is nothing in the above terms that stops us from asking.

    Now had Oculus been really concerned about deciding what we had intended, an easy course of action was available to them - ask us. Other means to peaceably settle the matter were available to Oculus.

    But, of course, this assumes that Oculus was really concerned with peaceably settling issues. Quite clearly, genuine CB's are quite irrelevant to Occulus' intentions. They wanted to roll us, plain and simple.
    For Oculus have, in essence, the mentality of the schoolyard bully. For them, might equals right.
    Many have flocked to join them. Indeed, that was the course that Bernkastel seemed intent for us prior to his swift execution at the polls. I can understand the appeal of such an approach. It’s nice being on the winning, dominant side - to be in the good graces of the powerful lest they turn their ire upon you.
    But my instincts scream against giving in too easily to those who would thrash others into submission just because they can. Such people must be resisted, even if it means taking a pummelling.
    In a very real sense, Oculus represents the death of this game. Their stranglehold and hegemony over Planet Bob means opposition is stamped out at even the merest sigh of a perceived threat. This leads to people giving up, for they view the dominance of Oculus as inevitable.
    The NADC I lead will answer this attack and resist Oculus by all means available to us, not just for ourselves but to provide an example to others that Oculus must be resisted for the good of Planet Bob. We will suffer heavy losses. We will probably lose. We may even dissolve our alliance. But I am sure that others, who share our values and care about the future of Planet Bob, will on the struggle against the brutish domination that Oculus represents.
    Oft-quoted and perhaps lessened in potency due to that, the sentiments expressed below nevertheless reflect mine exactly:
    Secretary General of the North Atlantic Defense Coalition

    This is what I get from that big text. "When you play with fire your going to get burned".


    YOU and the rest of NADC knew going or even thinking of returning to blue would cause issues. YOU made promises that there would be an official move to blue if elected (which you were). That in my eyes is official policy of NADC once you became elected. 

  6. 37 minutes ago, Immortan Junka said:


    It's a very transparent attempt by AM to bridge the chasm in damage dealt:




    Where did you even get this guy anyway? He has no history with AM prior to this war. I see he's former LoSS, so I assume Gh0s7 sent him over to help.



    Its this crazy term called "recruiting". Stop associating gh0s7 with AM. He was on our AA for like a day. He had no role in our govt either 

  7. 7 minutes ago, mrmarx said:



    Statement of Condemnation of Imperialist Attacks Perpetrated Against the Libertarian Socialist Federation


    This past Monday, July 24, the sovereignty of the Libertarian Socialist Federation was perverted by the rogue state, Banned. Claiming so-called "orders" from Junka (a trusted ally of the Federation), this imperialist dog created a new AA to declare war on a protected nation of the LSF. The Union of Communist Republics stands in outrage to the roguish attacks on our socialist brothers in the Libertarian Socialist Federation. For 9 years, the Union of Communist Republics has stood on the principles of purging imperialism from the face of planet bob. Anyone who carries out further cowadly attacks such as this will be considered rogues and enemies of the revolution.

    mrmarx, Premier of the Union of Communist Republics
    TheRedSoviet, People's Commissar of Internal Affairs
    ComradeV, People's Commissar of Foreign Affairs

    Blaist Blaland, People's Commissar of Defense




    alliance_flags10272016120800AM.jpg alliance_flags716201390408AM.jpg

    Tl;dr they aren't going to do anything about it

  8. On 7/29/2017 at 11:34 AM, Immortan Junka said:

    Gh0s7 was running around hatching plots that far exceeded his role as an ordinary TTK member. I was flabbergasted when he contacted me for the first time claiming to handle FA for FTW. FTW had been our allies for well over a year, and there was a sheer conflict of interests there when he was allied to Mogar (anti-ISX and plotting to roll us).


    When Gh0s7 chewed me out for kicking Mogar from our discord after he came making threats, I knew he was compromised. Sure enough, FTW cancelled on us two days after Mogar tried to bribe Cubaquerida (an ISX tech client) to look the other way. This was right around the time Ericsw123 rogued ISX with AM backing as well.


    I would never tolerate this sort of apparent scheming behavior from any ISX member.

    Actually you were planning to roll RIA. Don't make me break out the screenies.

  9. And congrats Junka on your "winning" but here's the real truth. Your "alliance" is 30 members more than mine and still your BARELY winning if at all. Your members hide in peace mode, come out to self anarchy and then lob nukes so the stats will be skewed. The point is - you can use all the propaganda in the world because in a conventional fight AM would wreck you and just 1 of my members is worth more than your entire alliance.

  10. 14 minutes ago, Immortan Junka said:


    There will be no "II" because AM refuses to negotiate a realistic peace, a peace where they renounce terrorism and their support for attacks against us.


    There is a long time yet to go before this conflict is ended.

    Official announcement from the government of AM. It is our official position to denounce terrorism of all types, except for attacks on ISX and Junka. That we support. 


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