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Posts posted by Junkalunka

  1. 30 days before the cataclysm of reset Admin will appear and speak to all who listen. This last month of cybernations will be the most bloody and wicked of them all; non shall be spared from the trials and tribulations of war nor the purifying fires of nuclear catastrophe.

  2. x Tela x is superior to you in every way. She is what you dream of being then wake up only to realize you aren't even worthy of thinking about shining her shoes.

    Assuming this assertion is true, does this disqualify him from polite discourse with said person?

    Do not contradict those who are your superiors and stick to doing the things you're good at: Being defeated by Rebel Virginia,

    For a scholar, you seem to fall into the habit of getting your facts incorrect. From my recollection Rebel Virginia was defeated by Starfox.

    having your alliances fail (Or have them kick you out and THEN prosper) or getting on yet another ZI list.

    An irrelevancy and personal attack that has nothing to do with the arguments at hand.

    Oh and being an anti-semite who allies himself with Kaiser Martens.

    I see many accusations but little proof, how exactly is Starfox an anti-semite? How exactly is he allied with Kaiser Martins?

    You have done a fabulous job mocking the Orders Scholar, I find it quite amusing really. But the gig is up, and there is no reason to attack starfox personally regarding business that you have no part of.

    Good luck with the spying.

  3. My hands are currently tied up with NEO, however, your insults on my honor have given me conclude my war with them for now, and to wage it at another time both more opportune for them and myself. As soon as an agreement is reached I shall be coming for you.

    I would recommend against that course of action.

    And please leave the thread alone starfox.

  4. Let it also be noted that due to the Christian Coalition of Countries' standing treaties with the Imperial Assault Alliance, the aircraft and naval forces of Neo Waianae shall be allowed the use of our facilities in Port Gentil and Libreville for the purposes of refueling and repairs should they be required.

    Neo Waianae greatly appreciates the proffered assistance and is glad to see yet another friendly and stabilizing influence in the area.

  5. To be honest, it's an interesting concept: a Federalist CN alliance assuming there is at least some kind of weak, overarching federal council or government. So far all alliances I know of are unitary states. I highly doubt it will be successful however, given the nature of CN politics, and the facility with which new states are created and broken up all the time.

    It's a fascinating idea, basically a bloc that shares CN stats and earns sanction status. The main problem probably involves keeping track of individual members though.

  6. Totalitarian Governments

    This type of alliance will probably have one to three rulers with absolute control over everything. No elections, no appointing, just a central, all-controlling government. I feel sorry for anyone that is in this type of alliance.

    All-Out Democracy

    In this alliance, every single thing must be voted on by everybody. Every. Single. Thing. This type of alliance will take forever to decide anything, and will run very slowly.

    I believe a good balance should be formed between these two.

    Any particular reasons why you hate either of these alliance government types if you are not forced to be in them? If other people want to be part of an alliance of either mold I don't have a problem with it.

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