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Posts posted by Sithis

  1. @crackshot: Good job man. You're truly a worthy adversary.

    @Harriers: Ironically, your airforce met its demise at mine.

    @shuvit087: I'll give you credit for defeating me. However, not only was I half your size when you declared on me, but you also felt it was necessary to nuke me. Orders are orders I guess. Your nuke led to my destruction.

    @Mavido: When you ground attack and lose, don't do it again. Odds are you wont win.

    @alexm09: Thanks for the 1 mil you left my nation in a single offensive ground attack. Not only that, but you did it again!

    @falanx: Gen[m]ay should train its soldiers better.

    @all of them: You all should communicate better on the whole. I'm in nuclear anarchy, yet I regained all of the tech that you stole from me. Had you coordinated more carefully, I wouldn't have had any money to keep rebuying soldiers and attacking your nations. Anyways, I'm down but not out.

  2. You didn't get the purpose of my post, ser.

    I was talking about how the fear of the UJP has done nothing but good things for the alliances of CN, providing a large base of cowed unaligneds who need protection, and that this has made alliances as a whole much larger (which is one of the reasons why this war is so damn epic in terms of casualties). However, fear of the NPO has restricted the options of alliances. I mean, once your member size goes past 12, you have little to worry about \m/ or GOONS, unless the members of your alliance are trolls. However, no matter how large an alliance you are, you still have to fear the NPO and WUT.

    The NpO and NPO aren't part of WUT, so I'm not really sure what you are trying to say there.

    Also, why would they have to fear any of the orders? We don't tech raid or declare on alliances for absolutely no reason whastoever. Our treaties were signed in the hopes of improving comraderie and friendship, not out of fear.

  3. Ever since the alliances of the UJP have existed, there have been people who have been saying that they are ruining the game. As of late, the NpO and NPO have started to hop on this bandwagon, claiming to be the guiding light of the Cyberverse.

    I, for one, believe the opposite.

    Machiavelli always said that fear was a more useful thing than love. Well, there are few outside the ranks of WUT who love the Orders, but there are many outside the UJP who fear it.

    For exhibit A, I will refer to the alliance NS from now to the beginning. There has always been a slow increase in membership in alliances as opposed to alliances in none, however, the flow of members into alliances has definately increased during the post-AEGIS period, undoubtably due to the fear caused to the None menace by the presence of the alliances of FAN, GOONS, and \m/.

    Secondly, the presence of an alliance like the NPO, with its overwhelming size and hubris, poses a danger to the freedom of alliances everywhere. Without a major stabilizing force like the NPO, who kept the peace through violence, the WUT would have ceased to exist far earlier, and the multipolar world would give alliances of every stripe much more leeway. Because New Reverie was correct when he said that the existence of TI contributed to the existence of the tech raiding alliances. The future, regardless of the victor in this conflict, will be a far more multipolar world, where multiple blocs will exist. The political incest that was the Initiative is no more, and the fear of all alliances towards the NPO will no longer be one of the driving forces of alliances.


    Ethan L. Smith.

    Yes, the New Polar Order is obviously hated by all of its allies, and that's why almost no one has joined us in this conflict. When being attacked by the Unjust Path, almost every other alliance in Cyber Nations joined UJP's side to rid itself of the tyrannical bully that is the NpO.

    Seriously dude, preaching isn't going to win a war.

    Oh, and if that's what you can get out of Machiavelli, than you obviously have never even read The Prince.

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