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Posts posted by Isolatar

  1. Also on another note, SNX pre-emptively attacked LN as well.. So his wars are completely aggressive on both of us. So not only does he conspire against and black mail our allies, while trying to get other Doom alliances in conflict with us. He always throws the first attack and then cries defensive war.


    You used the word "pre-emptively", hinting that you were going to attack SNX. As far as I see, Immortan's done nothing wrong. He's doing whatever he can to protect his alliance from ego maniacs like you.

  2. SNX is essentially declaring on another micro alliance on the Brown Team, so they're souring their relations with the Brown Team with this house of cards they're trying to make.


    So for most people this doesn't really matter, but SNX has broken the Libertarian NAP among Brown alliances; where we have tried avoiding any infighting since the war with III Percent ended. They've proved themselves to be a destabalizing element on Brown & one who its hard to see as being on the same team. Stonewall and TOA abandoned Brown, maybe SNX will follow?


    No. You do not, and never will, own brown. Stop acting as if you do.

    Starting a war you know you won't win doesn't seem like a good idea, when did a major alliance ever say screw it and start a war that would never have happened if they didn't attack first and they knew they were guaranteed to lose.

    This is surprising, it looks like you have another rendezvous for a beating. 

    If that was the case no one would be whining like little !@#$%*es, rather they would feel sorry for IRON for being so helpless. 

    Maybe it is case, if so you should try to help IRON. 

    But yeah you really have no reason to be butthurt at IRON if you think that. 


    Didn't your emperor order a radio silence?

  4. I'm saluting TPF for standing by their allies, there are so many different ways they could have reacted to this situation and they acted honourably throughout.


    I know this might be a wee bit hard to comprehend as an IRON member but other alliances actually defend their allies despite overwhelming odds.

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