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Greatest Mothers

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Everything posted by Greatest Mothers

  1. The campuses The so-called "28 sisters", 28 skyscrapers, each one 840 meters tall with 4032 mini-apartments for students, for a total of 112,896 students. Sister No. 8 "Quira" The bedroom of a student's mini-apartment The bathroom of a student's mini-apartment
  2. IN DEVELOPMENT Images from Honolulu, currently under attack by Femocratic divisions "Broken Hourglass", "Valerie Jean Solanas" and "Witchwind" Destroyed American tanks An artwork dedicated to the event, already called "Hawaii Crusade"
  3. OOC preliminary notice to readers: This factbook is based on a sequence of feminist quotes, all real and all extremes. The factbook has a moderate sexual content (words only) and can be considered both a horrifying roleplay and a small history lesson on the most extreme feminism. Enjoy with caution. THE BIRTH OF Femocratic Lands "I feel that 'man-hating' is an honorable and viable political act, that the oppressed have a right to class-hatred against the class that is oppressing them." - Robin Morgan, Ms. Magazine Editor. "All men are rapists and that's all they are" - Marilyn French, Autress (later, advisoress to Al Gore's Presidential Campaign). "Women who have sex with men are traitors to their sex" - Tiina Rosenberg, professor at Lund University and leader of Swedish "F!" party. "All heterosexual intercourse is rape" - Andrea Dworkin, American radical feminist and writer. "When a woman reaches orgasm with a man she is only collaborating with the patriarchal system, eroticizing her own oppression." - Sheila Jeffreys, professor in Political Science and in Sexual Politics at the University of Melbourne in Australia. "And if the professional rapist is to be separated from the average dominant heterosexual (male), it may be mainly a quantitative difference" - Susan Griffin, from "Rape: The All-American Crime". "All heterosexual intercourse is rape" - Catharine MacKinnon, American feminist, scholar, lawyer, teacher and activist. "The simple fact is that every woman must be willing to be identified as a lesbian to be fully feminist" (National NOW Times, January, 1988). "If the classroom situation is very heteropatriarchal - a large beginning class of 50 to 60 students, say, with few feminist - I am likely to define my task as largely one of recruitment...of persuading students that women are oppressed" - Professor Joyce Trebilcot of Washington University. "Marriage has existed for the benefit of men; and has been a legally sanctioned method of control over women.... We must work to destroy it. The end of the institution of marriage is a necessary condition for the liberation of women. Therefore it is important for us to encourage women to leave their husbands and not to live individually with men.... All of history must be re-written in terms of oppression of women. We must go back to ancient female religions like witchcraft" (from "The Declaration of Feminism," November, 1971). These are the ******* men who are going to rape people! - Vanja Krajina, a participant in a university-sanctioned womens studies protest against making available data on the growing epidemic of educational marginalization, court-ordered drugging and suicide that affects boys, made herself a notable public figure for her speech directed at attendees to a lecture on November 16, 2012 at the University of Toronto. All males were, in her logic, deserving of the label potential rapist". "Women have their faults / men have only two: / everything they say / everything they do." - Popular Feminist Graffiti. "We identify the agents of our oppression as men.......ALL MEN HAVE OPPRESSED WOMEN.....We do not need to change ourselves, but to change men......The most slanderous evasion of all is that women can oppress men." - The Redstockings Manifesto. "If life is to survive on this planet, there must be a decontamination of the Earth. I think this will be accompanied by an evolutionary process that will result in a drastic reduction of the population of males." - Mary Daly, Professor at Boston College, 2001. "Women MUST and WILL have equality, and this is the ONLY way to achieve TRUE equality" - My name is Krista Jane Heflin, otherwise known as "The Femitheist". I am a female, a feminist, and someone who believes strongly in True Equality. "The proportion of men must be reduced to and maintained at approximately 10% of the human race." - Sally Miller Gearhart, in "The Future - If There Is One - Is Female". "For instance, if humanity were to undergo say a transformation of the short-term solutions sort. It would be sensible for 1-10% of the global population to remain male" - Krista Jane Heflin, aka "The Femitheist". "Every woman's son is her potential betrayer and also the inevitable rapist or exploiter of another woman" - Andrea Dworkin. "Heterosexuality is a die-hard custom through which male-supremacist institutions insure their own perpetuity and control over us. Women are kept, maintained and contained through terror, violence, and the spray of semen...[Lesbianism is] an ideological, political and philosophical means of liberation of all women from heterosexual tyranny... " - Cheryl Clarke, "Lesbianism, An Act of Resistance," in This Bridge Called My Back: Writing by Radical Women of Color. "Probably the only place where a man can feel really secure is in a maximum security prison, except for the imminent threat of release." - Germaine Greer. "I want to see a man beaten to a bloody pulp with a high-heel shoved in his mouth, like an apple in the mouth of a pig." - Andrea Dworkin. Hello, my name is Mary Man-Hating-Is-Fun. I am 23 years old, and I am what a feminist looks like. Ever since I learned to embrace my feminist nature, I found great joy in threatening men's lives, flicking off frat brothers and plotting the patriarchys death. I hate men because they are men, because I see them for what they are: misogynistic, sexist, oppressive and absurdly pathetic beings who only serve to pollute and contaminate this world with war, abuse, oppression and rape - On May 3, 2005 at University of New Hampshire an organization called Feminist Action League held a conference called Patriarchy Slam - 40 women in the audience, many wearing scissors around their necks, laughed and clapped, then broke into a light-hearted song about castration. "MALE:...represents a variant of or deviation from the category of female. The first males were mutants...the male sex represents a degeneration and deformity of the female" - From 'A feminist Dictionary; ed. Kramarae and Triechler, Pandora Press, 1985. "MAN:...an obsolete life form... an ordinary creature who needs to be watched...a contradictory baby-man..." - From 'A feminist Dictionary; ed. Kramarae and Triechler, Pandora Press, 1985. "We are, as a sex, infinitely superior to men" - Elizabeth Cady Stanton. "I question the use of the word humanity regarding men" - Krista Jane Heflin, The Femitheist. "Men are animals. Don't you think so?" - Ireen von Wachenfeldt, radical feminist leader in Sweden. She could never take an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth. The weak and flaccid parity would make her nearly puke. She wants an eye for a tooth, and a life for an eye. ― Helen Zahavi, from "Dirty Weekend". I honestly have been reassessing the fact that I am giving care to these little future rapists, and what that says about me and my separatism. I know it is kinda going against my principles to support and care for these little *******" - Danielle Elina Pynnonen is the child-care worker who labeled a 9 year old boy in her care as Mr. Rape Threat and discussed the open desire to harm him and other male children in her care. "The fact is, it's only 2-year-olds and violent men who use violence to get what they want" - Terry O'Neill, president of the National Organization for Women. "Life in this society being, at best, an utter bore and no aspect of society being at all relevant to women, there remains to civic-minded, responsible, thrill-seeking females only to overthrow the government, eliminate the money system, institute complete automation, and destroy the male sex" - Valerie Jean Solanas, writer of SCUM (Society for Cutting Up Men) Manifesto. "Solanas line up all the men are obliged to: war, violence, money system, imagination, ugly buildings and more. She puts forward the thesis that men are biologically inferior to women and that it is the foundation for all problems" - Josefin von Zeipel Segerberg is the director of the SCUM Theater in Sweden, named after the anti-male manifesto by Valerie Solanas "the society for cutting up men." She is also a Valdsamma hat promotorn (promoter of violence and hatred). Segerberg is also the star of a video on youtube, posted in November 2010 depicting herself murdering a newspaper reading man, dancing in celebration, licking the bullet wounds on the corpse, and giggling. The video ends with the clear advocacy of murder: "do your part". Segerberg also participates in an event called "Hetero Hate Day" where hatred is celebrated and promoted by the Gothenburg Queer Institute. THRILL SEEKING FEMALES UNITE! Life in this society being, at best, an utter bore, this THREE DAY RADICAL FEMINIST CONFERENCE is for civic-minded, responsible, thrill-seeking females who want to overthrow the government, eliminate the money system, institute complete automation and destroy the male sex. Workshops, guest presenters and social activities, plus a space to celebrate and re-member the life and work of Valerie Solanas and other radical feminists" - September 23-25th, 2011, two members of the Radfem Hub and Radfem Forum, Danielle Elina Pynnonen (Allecto) and her partner, Big Brother UK 5 contestant Kat Kitten Pinder (Amazon Mancrusher) organized and hosted a three day feminist conference in Perth Australia that they called the SCUM Conference. "This practice of castration, Breeder usage, and sample collection [of semen] would continue until it was scientifically possible to create female children entirely from the organic material of female adults. Then, the existence of men would no longer be necessary at all. Long-term solution implementation would follow" - Femitheist Divine, Women Are More Important Reproductively + More Website: The New Era of Feminism, July 6, 2012. "It is time for the End of Men, and this goes far beyond mere castration. We will wipe them from the Earth, half of the entirety of our population, for the greater good of the least offensive side, and for their own good as well" - Femitheist Divine, Re-defining the World: The End of Men, Website: The New Era of Feminism, June 14, 2012. "Hygiene! Happiness! Health!" http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs31/i/2008/202/4/7/labrys_by_rainingcrow.png Image: courtesy of Rainingcrow @deviantart
  4. WAR IS OVER!!! VICTORY!!! https://youtube.com/watch?v=ADApWRBg8_M (the real version is meant as singed by a chorus of schoolgirls, not by a man!!!) EXTRACT FROM THE VERY POPULAR FEMOCRATIC DIGITAL MAGAZINE "VIVA", SPECIAL "VICTORY ISSUE": Amazons of the glorious "Broken Hourglass" division, that setted up a new record: more than 44 enemy soldiers killed for each Amazon loss. Amazons of "Witchwind" division - the most feared by the enemies! The new model of battlesuit, experimented with great success during the battles against Blackstorm - already authorized for mass-adoption. The kiss - flagship "Stikla" is just returned in Labrys' port... "The corner of humourism - funny, absurd, lies, from our enemies' propaganda!": "The self-proclaimed Empress of Peace is an anti-human psychopathic dictatrix. She will tolerate no truth, no reason, and no humanity. The so-called Empress of War is even worse..." "I was shocked by the power of their counter-attacks: we were sure to win after our initial nuclear offensive, now I just realized we were lucky" "I've see a city occupied by the infamous Broken Hourglass division - men were immediatly killed, and men were the most lucky..." "Femocratics are like wild feral blood-hungry animals" "After seeing Femocratics in action, our male veterans are now scared to date our women: it's a new mental disease, called Femocratic Syndrome, and it hurts even women: our women are now more afraid by an unknown taller woman than by an unknow man when they walk alone in dark streets" "Krampus is that German folktale that if you were naughty, then this satan-like thing comes and abducts you and rapes you for the rest of eternity...now we have a new folktale, even more scary, about Femocratics..." "Walking towards the heart of the Reich" - painting by Myra Zoe Kari. "Enemy Blood - the ultimate beauty treatment for wymyn's skin! Original recipe based on real enemies' blood!"
  5. To: Greatest Mothers From: Jack Black Date: 12/18/2014 4:23:08 PM Subject: Nuclear Attack Message: Your nation has been attacked with nuclear weapons in a standard nuclear attack by Jack Black. You lost 4677 soldiers, 117 defending tanks, 0 cruise missiles, 150.047 miles of land, 20.065 technology, 163.965 infrastructure, 75% of your aircraft, and 25% of your nuclear vulnerable navy force. In addition to these losses your nation will experience many days of economic devastation. To: Greatest Mothers From: Jack Black Date: 12/20/2014 12:20:54 AM Subject: Nuclear Attack Message: Your nation has been attacked with nuclear weapons in a standard nuclear attack by Jack Black. You lost 6949 soldiers, 165 defending tanks, 1 cruise missiles, 143.370 miles of land, 14.415 technology, 163.278 infrastructure, 75% of your aircraft, and 25% of your nuclear vulnerable navy force. In addition to these losses your nation will experience many days of economic devastation. https://youtube.com/watch?v=GZaP0TgOpig https://youtube.com/watch?v=v35ykPwf9-w https://youtube.com/watch?v=3jRaG7r1n0U To: Jack Black From: Greatest Mothers Date: 12/20/2014 1:51:20 PM Subject: Battle Report Message: You have been attacked by Greatest Mothers. During the battle the enemy was reported to have taunted you with the words 'For Womynkind!'. You lost 1,873 soldiers and 514 tanks. You killed 2,621 soldiers and 52 tanks. Their forces razed 19.022 miles of your land, stole 5.019 technology, and destroyed 20.074 infrastructure. Their forces looted $1,000,000.00 from you and you gained $0.00 in your enemy's abandoned equipment. In the end the battle was a Defeat. Any existing peace offers that were on the table have been automatically canceled. Now let's sing our anthem! https://youtube.com/watch?v=X_DVS_303kQ
  6. Winter Solstice Holy Celebration The most desidered gifts that year Coil Gun - the preferred of everyone! "A Coil Gun is a womyn's best friend!" A litography with the "Broken Hourglass" division symbol - the most desidered gift among schoolgirls! FX90 - submachine gun/assault rifle hybrid - a must to have! Labrys - a great classic! Extract from an article of the popular femocratic digital magazine "Viva"
  7. To: Greatest Mothers From: Jack Black Date: 12/14/2014 8:16:22 AM Subject: Nuclear Attack Message: Your nation has been attacked with nuclear weapons in a standard nuclear attack by Jack Black. You lost 14129 soldiers, 247 defending tanks, 1 cruise missiles, 165.258 miles of land, 42.025 technology, 165.258 infrastructure, 75% of your aircraft, and 25% of your nuclear vulnerable navy force. In addition to these losses your nation will experience many days of economic devastation. To: Greatest Mothers From: Jack Black Date: 12/17/2014 12:09:36 AM Subject: Nuclear Attack Message: Your nation has been attacked with nuclear weapons in a standard nuclear attack by Jack Black. You lost 12511 soldiers, 334 defending tanks, 1 cruise missiles, 164.951 miles of land, 26.503 technology, 164.951 infrastructure, 75% of your aircraft, and 25% of your nuclear vulnerable navy force. In addition to these losses your nation will experience many days of economic devastation. To: Jack Black From: Greatest Mothers Date: 12/17/2014 5:33:28 PM Subject: Battle Report Message: You have been attacked by Greatest Mothers. During the battle the enemy was reported to have taunted you with the words 'For Womynkind!'. You lost 2,086 soldiers and 407 tanks. You killed 927 soldiers and 11 tanks. Their forces razed 23.939 miles of your land, stole 5.019 technology, and destroyed 20.075 infrastructure. Their forces looted $1,000,000.00 from you and you gained $0.00 in your enemy's abandoned equipment. In the end the battle was a Defeat. Any existing peace offers that were on the table have been automatically canceled. To: Greatest Mothers From: Jack Black Date: 12/18/2014 4:24:30 PM Subject: Battle Report Message: You have been attacked by Jack Black. You lost 2,477 soldiers and 255 tanks. You killed 2,570 soldiers and 717 tanks. Their forces razed 0.000 miles of your land, stole 0.000 technology, and destroyed 0.000 infrastructure. Their forces looted $0.00 from you and you gained $1,058,694.00 in your enemy's abandoned equipment. In the end the battle was a Victory. Any existing peace offers that were on the table have been automatically canceled. To: Greatest Mothers From: Jack Black Date: 12/18/2014 4:24:37 PM Subject: Battle Report Message: You have been attacked by Jack Black. You lost 1,259 soldiers and 263 tanks. You killed 1,413 soldiers and 15 tanks. Their forces razed 0.000 miles of your land, stole 0.000 technology, and destroyed 0.000 infrastructure. Their forces looted $0.00 from you and you gained $1,019,244.00 in your enemy's abandoned equipment. In the end the battle was a Victory. Any existing peace offers that were on the table have been automatically canceled. To: Jack Black From: Greatest Mothers Date: 12/19/2014 10:46:51 AM Subject: Battle Report Message: You have been attacked by Greatest Mothers. During the battle the enemy was reported to have taunted you with the words 'For Womynkind!'. You lost 1,099 soldiers and 3 tanks. You killed 1,579 soldiers and 10 tanks. Their forces razed 17.433 miles of your land, stole 5.014 technology, and destroyed 20.056 infrastructure. Their forces looted $1,000,000.00 from you and you gained $0.00 in your enemy's abandoned equipment. In the end the battle was a Defeat. Any existing peace offers that were on the table have been automatically canceled. To: Jack Black From: Greatest Mothers Date: 12/18/2014 1:24:45 AM Subject: Battle Report Message: You have been attacked by Greatest Mothers. During the battle the enemy was reported to have taunted you with the words 'For Womynkind!'. You lost 514 soldiers and 0 tanks. You killed 1,157 soldiers and 357 tanks. Their forces razed 18.714 miles of your land, stole 5.024 technology, and destroyed 20.095 infrastructure. Their forces looted $1,000,000.00 from you and you gained $0.00 in your enemy's abandoned equipment. In the end the battle was a Defeat. Any existing peace offers that were on the table have been automatically canceled. To: Jack Black From: Greatest Mothers Date: 12/18/2014 1:22:34 AM Subject: Forces Returned Home Message: Greatest Mothers has attempted to attack your nation with overwhelming ground forces with battle odds greater than 95%. What troops you had deployed have been automatically returned home to prepare your defenses. If your opponent maintains greater than 95% battle odds and attempts to attack you further today you will not be able to retain any tanks that you may purchase. To avoid automatic redeployment of your forces in the future you must keep enough defending forces to maintain adequate defenses at all times. To: Jack Black From: Greatest Mothers Date: 12/19/2014 10:47:38 AM Subject: Battle Report Message: You have been attacked by Greatest Mothers. During the battle the enemy was reported to have taunted you with the words 'For Womynkind!'. You lost 786 soldiers and 0 tanks. You killed 1,769 soldiers and 6 tanks. Their forces razed 16.742 miles of your land, stole 5.016 technology, and destroyed 20.066 infrastructure. Their forces looted $1,000,000.00 from you and you gained $0.00 in your enemy's abandoned equipment. In the end the battle was a Defeat. Any existing peace offers that were on the table have been automatically canceled.
  8. "She's the only thing that stands between your family and the absolute horror" "Help her to defend our Holy Mothersland!!! Join today mass-military service!!!" "Sometimes wymyn are lucky, and they can really choose their destiny. What will be your choice?" "Choose your destiny!!! Join today mass-military service!!!"
  9. "What the hell is United Kingdom? It's that island where there are people whom have sex with sheeps?" - The Empress of War. "No. That's New Zeland. You're on the opposite side of the world globe, honey" - The Empress of Peace.
  10. 100,000 Femocratic Amazons will be sent in aid to our ally, the great leader Stephen Young. We are marching for victory. We'll never stop until victory. Our final victory is sure. A moment on the battlefield can be more worthy than years of peace. The Empress of War.
  11. FROM The Empress of Peace TO Monte Cristo I advise you: there's also another group, inspired by Femocratic ideology but autonomous and absolutely out of our control - they aren't Femocratic Amazons, they're local revolutionary wymyn. We consider them dangerous, because there are some important ideological differences: they support the abolishment of the right to vote, and the end of the Imperial system in favour of a thing they call "Fuhrerinprinzip" (a dictatrixship, no more no less), and so on. We suppose is secretly fueled by FWP our ultra nationalist party, officially banned from the occupied Teutonicus Empire - it's conspiration, but we haven't proofs, for the moment. If you have contact with them, please contact us, and we'll consider an action to eradicate them. This is their symbol: We don't know the name of their leader, nor we have many informations about her, all we have is an image of her, a logo:
  12. FROM The Empress of Peace TO Monte Cristo There's some chance you'll have to deal with Sisterhood of Pain troops too. With their towering height they usually scare men. We have a secret division just south of Germania: without battlesuits, and with typical Sisterhood of Pain weapons. Officially, they're terrorists of Women against Female Super-Supremacism. In fact they're good Femocratic Amazons, especially trained to pacifically deal with men. Your troops shouldn't be too scared by them, because our daughters are, on average, just only 7 feet tall, and haven't cybernetical implantations. If you need help, don't hesitate to ask. Just a little suggestion, if you'll accept our aid: please tell to your troops to never even try to touch them, or things will become immediatly...a little problematic...you know, it's a capital offence for us (even the Amazon would be severely punished if she wouldn't react)...also, our daughters, since are under cover, haven't their traditional swords, so they cannot simply wash the offence with an individual duel, and by so they're enforced to open fire (in Femocratic Lands revenge is not a right, it's a duty)...last time such thing happened we lost more than 300 Amazons, and our former male secret allies an half brigade... If you're interested, I can give even more informations, especially about their commandrix.
  13. OOC: the most interesting roleplays are evil, I think. People usually roleplays things and behaviors very different (sometimes even opposite) from their real lifes. IC: "HUMAN RIGHTS"??? AN OUTDATED PATRIARCHAL BUNCH OF SILLY IDEAS!!! We have "Womyn Rights", and we don't support "animal rights"!!!
  14. FROM The Empress of Peace TO Queen Peggy Inga Our secret service intercepted a strange message, unknown source, from your territory... "Maundering misandrists muzzled" And no more. The source of this message is unknown, and also the meaning. We suppose it's about a massive terroristical attack against your propaganda machine. Please confirm. OOC: that's "intersectional" roleplay, I suppose :-)
  15. Ooc: nobody is offended! :-) we are here to have fun! :-) Her sentences fell on it's own because it's how she think feminism work nowadays, she's criticizing it with hyrony. About your factbook: it's really god! And don't worry about that Gay and Lesbian Rights are strictly prohibited and see them as immoral. - roleplay is roleplay! And I suggest you to also outlaw feminism! :-) so you can roleplay against Peggy Inga! :-)
  16. SECRET MESSAGE TO MONTE CRISTO FROM THE EMPRESSES OF FEMOCRATIC LANDS (currently in official visit in Munchen, new capital of the Femocratic-occupied southern Teutonicus Empire) Please do not abandon your offensive: Sisterhood of Pain must be keeped under pressure, with all possible means. We are secretly managing a terroristical organization against them: the (in)famous Women against Female Super-Supremacism - we'll crush them at the very end. Our final victory is sure. OOC: in fact, she's for equality IRW, like us too, that's roleplay and also her hyrony is an homage to my brother - with her roleplay she criticize the real "F!" Swedish party because she knows he strongly despise that party IRW (due personal misadventures with his ex-wife, now member of that party) and he's observing us from outside - she hope that, doing so, the greatest player we know will join this game. Her entire nation is custom made for that, to convince him to join here: the woman here know as Peggy Inga is a great roleplayer. Sadly, it's an useless effort: he said he will not play, and his words are made of steel, like mine, because we have the same blood. @ Peggy Inga: you forget the slogan YOUR RIGHTS END WHERE MY FEELINGS BEGIN!!! :-) that was the very best one invented by him. Vampir.
  17. OFFICIAL ANNOUNCEMENT As occasion to celebrate the victory over Teutonicus Empire, and the entering of Teutonicus Empire in Femocratic Lands' sphere of influence through joining IRON alliance, the Empresses of Femocratic Lands are pleased to officially announce their visit of the newly occupied territories. The divine couple will landing tomorrow at the international airport of Munchen. For the occasion, it will be held in Munchen a very special 3-days-lasting edition of the Oktoberfest, reserved to wymyn only The divine couple will spent at least three nights in Munchen, in Nymphenburg palace Then they will move on a tour around Bavaria. The duration of that tour isn't announced. Due lack of serious threats, the divine couple choosed to travel with plane instead of their more usual armored train, the "Amerik" Obiouvsly, the plane will be one of the two available Imperial Swans. The Imperial Swan is based on the famous "Black Swan" Stealth Y-Bomber Lenght: 354.33 ft (108 m) Width: 311.01 ft (94.8 m) Crew: minimum 2, up to six for very long missions. Other specs are secret. Rumors about the defensive weapons: 16 air-to-air missiles. The Imperial Swan variant has a crew of 12 amazons plus more the two Empresses and up to 4 guests in 2 guest rooms. It's rumored that it retains the defensive weaponry of the bomber variant, while totally lacking of the offensive weapons, due the two bombs' bays are entirely occupied by the Imperial Apartments. While usually a "Black Swan" on mission is escorted by 2/4 "Terminatrix" Stealth Fighters, the Imperial Swan is usually escorted by at least 12 "Terminatrix" Stealth Fighters plus more at least 4 "Black Raptrix", long-range escort fighter directly derived by the bomber "Black Swan" which defensive capability is rumored to be more than 50 air-to-air missiles for each plane. "Empress Spider" Imperial Swan - Living Room: "Empress Spider" Imperial Swan - detail of Imperial Bedroom "Empress Spider" Imperial Sean - inner Imperial Bedroom: "Empress Vampir" Imperial Swan - Imperial Bedroom: "Empress Vampir" Imperial Swan - the little hall: "Empress Vampir" Imperial Swan - a crew's room:
  18. FROM The Empresses of Femocratic Lands, currently dancing in a discoteque in Aradia city https://youtube.com/watch?v=-9A7K-CwKA0 surrounded and praised by more than 3,000 howling university students, all 20-25 yo wymyn :-) TO Queen Peggy Inga Woomen are always disgusting. LBD is just only a myth...meh...ehm...I admit not always it's a myth: that's why we have a great consumption of lybrido in that nation! What the hell is "no-means-yes" law? A law about consumption of marijuana within your disgusting unnatural perverted harem? If it's so, you're even more perverted than how I imaginated - we are much more virtuos than you: within Imperial AFEL consumption of drugs is not compulsory but just only "highly suggested"! FROM The Empresses of Femocratic Lands, currently dancing in a discoteque in Aradia city https://youtube.com/watch?v=79v-KuCwKz8 surrounded and praised by more than 3,000 howling university students, all 20-25 yo wymyn :-) TO Symczyk Cousin??? Are you fighting against your lineage??? With firearms??? That's unjust. In such cases, when the same blood is involved, within Femocratic Lands there would be a duel... We cannot take part in a dispute involving the same lineage: it's strictly forbidden by our law!
  19. FROM The Empress of War TO All Femocratic troops on the battlefield of Teutonicus Empire UNOFFICIAL ANNOUNCEMENT Daughters! Time to stop is come: we must not fight too often with one enemy, or we will teach him all our art of war! We have just signed a peace treaty with Teutonicus Empire! We are just waiting the answer of Sisterhood of Pain for an agreement about last details! Your mothers are proud of their AMAZONS!!! When all this will end, there will be great celebrations, and fights within the Holy Arena!!! The pen may be stronger than the sword... but I'd rather have a sword in a dark alley!!! One moment on the battlefield is worth a thousand years of peace!!! I like war: travel to exotic distant lands, meet disgusting, unusual creatures and kill them!!! I have seen war. I have seen war on land and sea and sky and space. I have seen cities destroyed. I have seen the agony of men. I love war!!! I'm the war!!! And now let's hear the voices and let's see the lights of Aradia city, where our daughters are already celebrating our VICTORY!!! That's for you all!!! https://youtube.com/watch?v=ADApWRBg8_M * Long live the Mothersland!!! * imagine it sing by the voices of a chorus of schoolgirls! :-)
  20. FROM The Empress of Peace TO All Femocratic troops on the battlefield of Teutonicus Empire OFFICIAL ANNOUNCEMENT From midnight will officially start a 72-hours ceasefire. Wait for further orders. And now let's all sing our national anthem! https://youtube.com/watch?v=X_DVS_303kQ
  21. FROM The Empress of Peace, Palace of Eternal Sun and Rain, Labrys, Femocratic Lands TO Queen Peggy Inga, a-silly-crappy-palace-what-the-hell-is-the-name-i-dont-remember, Malmopenhagen, Sisterhood of Pain. Last offer: 60% territory to us 30% to you 10% to a buffer state, controlled by the natives Germania to you or to the natives or maybe split between both parts - I suggest the latter. I couldn't care less of the northern territories: I just want the castles of Bavaria, the new year's day concert of Vienna, and the city of Prague. Natives within territories occupied by Femocratic Lands also will be free to join the buffer state or the territories occupied by Sisterhood of Pain. I also strongly suggest to you to talk with the Teutonicus Empire new chief. We cannot talk with it since our holy book - The SCUM Manifesto of Valerie Jean (Solanas - but we don't use surnames anymore because it's too patriarchal :-) ) - forbid us to do it. Since you're an huge manlover that probably will be not a problem for you. The Empress of Peace.
  22. Message to field troops by The Empress of Peace Premise: As you all yet knew it, I led this war instead of The Empress of War because this is a quite different war than usual. Teutonicus Empire attacked our ally Sisterhood of Pain. Although we are all aware that the nordic %#&% clearly deserved a punishment for their disgusting behavior - and sooner or later they'll have it, I swear - we are still allied with Sisterhood of Pain. And still "our words are steel". FURTHERMORE we cannot let M-E-N to punish woomen, because that will be even more disgusting and unnatural. BUT the attack of Teutonicus Empire against Sisterhood of Pain was just only an error and not a patriarchal aggression - our spies confirmed it, multiple times. AND Teutonicus Empire requested us a peace. BUT also they request it to Sisterhood of Pain. According our sources, Teutonicus Empire and Sisterhood of Pain are ready to sign a treaty of peace, due their "racial concord". I know that sound ridicolous and disgusting, but we must face reality. We have to sign peace too, immediatly, otherwise Sisterhood of Pain will occupy the major part of Teutonicus Empire. We cannot let that happen. Teutonicus Empire requested us a "human treatment". We'll grant them it. This occupation will be totally different than others. We'll show our mercifulness at its height. Guidelines and special measures for the occupation of Teutonicus Empire: * Femocratic Lands forces will occupy 80% of Teutonicus Empire, including 75% of the capital Germania. The duration of the occupation is established in 18 months. The rest of the country and the capital will be occupied by the forces of Sisterhood of Pain, for the same duration. * It will be a very sweet occupation, led by Empress of Peace. * In order to perform a very sweet occupation, members of the ultranationalist FWP (Femocratic Wymyn Party) and followers of the Darkest Mother cult are not allowed to take part in the occupation. For the same reason, the most cruel army divisions will be immediatly retired: first of all the famigerate "Broken Hourglass" division, that is already withdrawing from the frontline, but also the divisions: "Kalika", "Krista Jane Helfin", "Stikla", "Tiina Rosenberg", "Valerie Jean Solanas", "Witchwind" and "Woomen are back". * Use of biological weapons is NOT allowed. * Permanent 24/7 curfew for all men of age over 10 days for the entire duration of occupation. * Statues and other artifacts depicting men will be not destroyed, but local authorities must ensure these things will be properly covered for the entire duration of occupation. * All artworks, from books to paintings to statues to ancient melee weapons are now property of the Empresses and will be requisited That includes even furnitures of local royal palaces and all state-owned and corporate-owned buildings, especially museums and libraries, including entire rooms - for example Pommersfelden room of mirrors and many others. When possible, entire precious buildings will be dismantled with care, sended in Femocratic Lands and rebuild in loco. The very first building to dismantle and send in Femocratic Lands will be Schloss Linderhof as gift for The Empress of War for Winter Solstice Celebration. Other private buildings will be inviolated. * Amazons whom will perform female-on-female rapes will be punished with fines heavier than usual. * Under the current program of expansion of the Imperial AFEL, beauty contests will be held in all Teutonicus Empire in order to select 72 wymyn whom will join Imperial AFEL. Participation to the beauty contests is strictly voluntary. * Forced adoptions are NOT allowed in current mission. I couldn't care less if you always dreamed about a daughter with blue eyes and blonde hair. I'm well aware you all are perceiving that as a violation of a right, but I ORDER IT! GREATER DISCIPLINE IS NEED NOW! * Military forces of Femocratic Lands will manage the healthcare system for the entire duration of occupation. In hospitals local female workers will remain active. * Men under permanent curfew are not allowed to work nor to exit from their homes - local authorities are free to help them as they like. * For the entire duration of occupation the local currency will be the Femocratic Tol * Femocratic Amazons are not allowed to open fire against the forces of Sisterhood of Pain, nor to talk with them (in order to avoid hostilities). * The terrorist organization secretly founded and managed by us, know with the extremely misleading, ridicolous, unnatural, disgusting, insulting name of "Women Against Female Super-Supremacism" will act against the forces of Sisterhood of Pain within the portion of Teutonicus Empire occupied by them. * Both Empresses will visit occupied Teutonicus Empire as soon as possible. The Empress of Peace.
  23. Transmitting... A movie shooted by a Femocratic spy infiltrated in Fuhrer's bunker: http://youtube.com/watch?v=Q7ot4-nLyCY Partial translation: "Mein Fuhrer, they're advancing from both directions: Peggy Inga's 8 feet tall blonde valkyries from north, the others from the south...we aren't able to stop them and..." "Wunderbar! I am a fetishist and the idea of ​​myself submissive to a blonde 8 feet tall valkyrie teases me very much...but...what about the other enemies?" "My Fuhrer...ehm..ehm...the others seems to be all race-mixed all-females all-lesbians all wearing dark purple battlesuits..." OOC NOTE: MESSAGE UNDER CONSTRUCTION - THE ORIGINAL YOUTUBE MOVIE IS AN HYRONICAL COMEDY ABOUT FEMINAZIS
  24. REPORTS FROM THE FRONT, AFTER THE NIGHT TIME BATTLES: To: Symczyk From: Greatest Mothers Date: 11/24/2014 1:09:57 AM Subject: Battle Report Message: You have been attacked by Greatest Mothers. During the battle the enemy was reported to have taunted you with the words 'For Womynkind!'. You lost 2,095 soldiers and 162 tanks. You killed 599 soldiers and 87 tanks. Their forces razed 13.770 miles of your land, stole 0.000 technology, and destroyed 20.200 infrastructure. Their forces looted $327,321.53 from you and you gained $0.00 in your enemy's abandoned equipment. In the end the battle was a Defeat. Any existing peace offers that were on the table have been automatically canceled. To: Symczyk From: Greatest Mothers Date: 11/24/2014 1:14:09 AM Subject: Battle Report Message: You have been attacked by Greatest Mothers. During the battle the enemy was reported to have taunted you with the words 'For Womynkind!'. You lost 960 soldiers and 162 tanks. You killed 1,011 soldiers and 15 tanks. Their forces razed 13.213 miles of your land, stole 0.000 technology, and destroyed 20.200 infrastructure. Their forces looted $175,242.91 from you and you gained $0.00 in your enemy's abandoned equipment. In the end the battle was a Defeat. Any existing peace offers that were on the table have been automatically canceled. An image of the capital of Teutonic Empire, Germania, before Femocratic attack: From bottom to top, on the center of the image: * Grand Train Station - the third major train station in the world after Labrys and Aradia ones (both in Femocratic Lands). * Train Station Place, with giant guns captured from their enemies by Teutonic Empire in past wars. * Triumph Arch. * Avenue of Splendors - 5 kilometers long pedestrian boulevard, the fourth longest pedestrian boulevard in the world after the 18.6 kilometers of Sea Avenue of Aradia (nicknamed "the longest catwalk of the world"), the 13.8 kilometers of Labrys' Grand Boulevard, and the 7.2 kilometers of the "walk on the walls" of the fortified Femocratic city of Durga. * Grosse Halle - the major building of Teutonic Empire, 360 meters tall, an half of Aradia's Universit Majn main building (720 meters tall) and a third of Aradia's Encyclopedic Palace (1080 meters tall). It's also worth to note that Teutonic Empire's Grosse Halle is a little taller than 352 meters of Labrys' Holy Arena but much smaller in total volume. This page will be frequently updated with reports about the evolutions of the actual war situation.
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