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Greatest Mothers

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Blog Comments posted by Greatest Mothers

  1. I  fully agree with an idea of a cultural revolution as the only antidote against the excesses of individualism but I think that the main problem is that individualism has already infected on a very deep level even the progressive front: identity politics is another face of individualism and it split the progressives, making  them divided and weak. A truly  progressive front would focus against the main source of privilege, that is wealth and especially family wealth. Instead wealth doesn't seems to be their main concern, nor even a concern at all sometimes.



  2. Never had a facebook or twitter or another social media account.

    It would be useless: due my job it would be necessarly extremely "official" and by so very boring.

    I can be myself just only when I'm with my family in real world, with few good friends in real world, or through an anonymous account on a game like CN.

    I think that Malik is absolutely right: good friends are extremely worthy in life, but good friends can be, by definition, just only few people, and I mean no more than a dozen, usually about half dozen. Acquaintances and the likes are absolutely unworthy, they're just a loss of time.

    I hear all my friends and relatives on average once a week, on the phone, or meeting them, and I don't need social medias for such thing.



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