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Daenerys Targaryen

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Posts posted by Daenerys Targaryen

  1. To explain in a different way, people don't tend to get upset when people fight for months and spend billions of their war chest and then hit peace mode because their enemies let them escape into it.  Peace mode is typically only viewed in a negative context when you dodge an entire war by hiding in it, which is not the case here. 

    I never said there was anything wrong with hitting peace mode in fact I think it's the smart thing to do when your getting rolled. Best to fight a guerrilla warfare style in the mountains than meet them face to face on a open field. I never said they dodged a war in peace mode I just said most hid in peace mode but most also never returned to the battle fields.


    The war would've started against Umbrella regardless of if we attacked our own rogue or not.  We had a member going rogue, they attacked AI, we attacked that rogue, and then AI et all attacked us.  You would be a fool to think that that incident was anything more than a convience for the EQ coalition.   They were coming for us anyway.


    We acepted the terms because while we and a few select allies/nations could have fought on and suceeded in pushing down from the top most of the alliances on our side could not.  Nothing against them, but in the numbers game we ruled the top tier and the EQ ruled the bottom tier  we accepted terms and stopped fighting a war that we could have won, but in winning too many of our allies and coalition partners would have been crushed.

    Umbrella thought they were untouchable as yous went around raiding and bullying weaker nations/alliances and yous payed for that in the Eq war with interest. The attack from this so called "rogue" on AI was of no surprise coming from the big headed leaders of Umbrella.

  3. And you open your mouth and show your intelligence yet again ..

    If you were of an alliance that was of importance, or connected to anyone who matters (lol TTE), or understood a couple of the posts on the previous page - you'd be aware that this is not a possibility.

    I'm glad someone appreciates my intelligence but no need to brown nose Rayvon. Believe me when I say not many around here like yous. I was being sarcastic in reply to Pingu's post about permawar and the destruction of planet Bob but I guess your not smart enough to see that.

  4. NSO has literally never been on the winning side of a global war. I hardly think you have any leg to stand on to criticize others.

    NSO is just a club for the old boys. This is why the general membership of the NSO should remove these incompetent and weak leaders and replace them. The true strength of the Sith is to always have strong leaders and kill those who become to weak such as their current leaders.



    All being on the winning side takes is having two conflicting treaties before a war and choosing the one that is on the winning side.  Some AA's are better at that than others ;D

    Obviously yous ain't that good at it.

  5. Roll them all GPA If they come after you. Many will support yous as many wan't to see DBDC burn and those that aid them. I'm sure WTF, Pax Corvus and TOOTBR will stand together with yous against those who seek to destroy neutrality. They can accumulate all the tech they wan't but it won't mean much when they can't buy anything after a few rounds of fighting.

  6. The neutrals would roll DBDC hands down. Its everyone else helping DBDC that they have to worry about since they hold no treaties. Of course many will come to their defense just like last time when DBDC hit a micro neutral alliance.

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