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Watershed Down

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  • Sanctioned Alliance
    Independent Republic of Orange Nations
  • Nation Name
  • Alliance Name
    Independent Republic of Orange Nations
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Newbie (1/14)

  1. Just... disregard this post. These forums really need a "delete post" button.
  2. I would like to claim a portion of Northern Baja California for my nation, the Free, Independent, and Strictly Neutral City of Tijuana with its Territory, AKA The Free City of Tijuana, or just Tijuana.
  3. Thank you for both the welcome and the assistance.
  4. Hello there. Sorry if I'm butting into any heated discussions, but I'm wondering if you're willing to accept anyone else into the RP.
  5. Only a week ago, Fort Gamey was a small, abandoned military fort, devoid of human life and absolutely ignored by outsiders. Now, with the efforts of Daniel Vigrid and his Republican Planning Committee, Fort Gamey has become the site of a new , and not-so-prestigious nation-state: the Republic of Watershed. Vigrid, who had gone to the fort as a last ditch effort to escape from the global nuclear radiation permeating the atmosphere, had met up with ten other men and women, all of Celtic descent. The following influx of people as he built up the meager fortress astounded him. In his own words, "I really don't know how all these Irishmen ended up here. I think I found a few Welsh, too, and at least one Scot. Maybe a few Frenchmen. Did I interrupt some sort of meeting?" Not long ago, Mr. Vigrid was also introduced to the world at large, and the many, many coalitions blanketing the globe, often with atomic fire from the less-than-infrequent wars that ensue. His entire statement was thus: "It is... it is an honor, really, a humbling sort of honor... to know that you are essentially a bit player among bit players on a global stage, where half of the stage has been burnt beyond recognition, and the other half is in the process of being burned.." Time will tell if the small, out-of-the-way backwater dubbed Watershed will be the burner... or the burnt. This is Rupert O'Buckley, Watershed News Network, signing off.
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