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Posts posted by Syracuse

  1. A number of warnings have been issued for IC in OOC, following Gravitas post.

    Please be very careful to ensure that the majority of any post you make is IC and any OOC is directly relevant.

    Referencing the USSR or Russia is not, it is import to note, necessarily relevant.


  2. That will delete your nation. However, it will not delete your user account, which will remain active for thirty days after the deletion of your nation; you will not be able to register a new account during that time and thus if you want to create a new nation you will need to login to the game using your current username and password (and thus you will not be able to select a new username, though you will be able to select a new nation name)

  3. Moved from the trading harbour to the question centre.


    As for joining a trade ring, I would suggest either posting in one of the recent threads in the trading harbour or joining an alliance; most alliances of any note will help you set up a trade ring. For a list of recruiting alliances head here.

  4. iLock

    Threads within this forum are for creating trade circles only. For finding individual trades, please head to this thread.

    (As a side note, you could form almost two complete trade rings with your nations (remember, you can change resources now), so I would suggest doing that)

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