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  1. @TataCalde @escuderiatelmex @Coldeportes @interproteccion @GP3_Official Vamos Tatiana con toda!

  2. RT @JRDRD: JURASSIC PARK SEQUEL IDEA: 3 Million AD. The humans are extinct. The dino-scientists find mosquitoes with human blood. Guess…

  3. @IsaFuscaldoJ @Lauraggils Esa es la mejor forma

  4. RT @jpmontoya: Official Guide #24hoursoflemans #fiawec #cars #drivers #country #teammates #colors #socialmedia https://t.co/7XE6ykDpNZ

  5. @darth @NateSilver538 Man, that would be insane, lol

  6. RT @FilmCritHULK: Today, Anthony Bourdain gave me the courage to write about the misunderstandings of suicide, a deeply-personal subject:…

  7. La política es dinámica https://t.co/BTm7hXLmTJ

  8. RT @shanselman: When you check code into production on a Friday night and leave https://t.co/uAOd06fPG6

  9. RT @prensaccmc: Cuarteto de guitarras Atemporanea - Música colombiana para guitarras - Ciclo Música de Cámara Contemporánea CCMC Martes, 29…

  10. RT @truegritrumble: INTERVIEWER: What’s your greatest weakness? ME: They’re all great, to be honest.

  11. RT @NASA: We're saddened by the passing of astronaut Alan Bean. The fourth person to walk on the Moon, he spent 10+ hours on the lunar surf…

  12. RT @DuneQuoteBot: Here, you learn what it is to be human. You are a creator of order, of beautiful shapes and systems, an organizer of chao…

  13. @opinionindepen @CarlosCortes #WinningLikeTrump ?

  14. @IsabelAMNieto Me suena conocido el concepto 😒

  15. RT @ASmallFiction: "Sam, a snake bit me," Cory said, "suck the venom out." "OK," Sam said, and sucked every drop of venom out of the snake…

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