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Everything posted by Yamuliss

  1. Why don't you just join them. Maybe someone reading these posts could attack this idiot give him something else to focus on. If you don't care about the issue and find it foolish why respond. You must be bored if i could finance another war id give ya something to do! I am not a coward and I will to go to war wheh provoked don't care what my odds or whats at stake. Weak minded are you. Follow a corrupt alliance liek IRON. Ill hammer away on this post and muster a much support as I can. Expose Iron for what it is, EVIL!
  2. Look at the smug comment by one there war slaves. Look how arrogant he is. To: Yamuliss From: Josh Houghton Date: 9/1/2013 1:39:28 PM Subject: REALITY CHECK Message: 1. The entire planet bob isn't going to attack an alliance because you ask them to...NOBODY CARES! There are lots of alliances and lots of people getting attacked all the time. NOBODY CARES ABOUT YOUR PETITION! 2. Neither of us are a nuclear nation because nuclear weapons are reserved for the best players 3. Even if you had nuclear weapons you can't attack the top nations in IRON because the game only lets you attack nations within 75% to 133% of your strength range, so you can't even declare on a nation that high in nation strength. YOUR ONE PERSON IN A GAME WITH HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF PLAYERS, LOTS OF ALLIANCES, AND LOTS OF WARS. PLEASE TAKE TIME TO REALISE THAT NOBODY CARES!
  3. Lies, IRON has provoked others there charter is bent on WAR! There very alliance is focused on WAR! Sooner or later you smaller alliances will have to deal with IRON as it seeks to plunder and steal from smaller alliances and nations. IRON is a agressive, Hostile and out of control alliance and must be destroyed. This individul is a puppet of that Alliance spreading lies.
  4. No i just havent seen it yet ill go back respond but don't expect me to agree with there lies.
  5. So let me get this straight, anotehr alliance/nation threatens you with war orver somthing as stupid as deciding which allaince your gonna go with. Yous it back and do nothing. Interesting! Whatw as wrong with them asking me to just remove myself as a alliance member or as one guy pointed out above thr forum they have the ability to kick people out and ban a suggested above your comment. So really who is in the wrong? Im not in the wrong and IRON has everything it has coming to it and more.
  6. Ill continue this war past the 7 days and for months to come. I did not provoke them but they provoked me and i will finish it by what ever means i can find and take advantage of. What was wrong with saying, Hey if you don't want to join us please drop us. I would have done that with out a problem but thats not the road they took. I was not in there for days i was in there for a couple days big difference. Instead they threaten war rather then taking a less threatening form of action. You don't have to agree, just sit back and allow a bully alliance to act like a bully. History will record your in the wrong for doing so! For the record I am war lord bent on I.R.O.N annialation at this point in time i do not seek peace nor want it. I want them destroyed! There tanks turned to melted twisted mettle on the battlefield. There armies crushed and in ruins. There people torched by the hell fire of nukes raining down on all there top brass nations in there corrupt alliance. There infrastructure pillaged and there tech demolished. I don't want it to last just 7 days but weeks on end until they surrender unconditionally. There be no peace until then. Any alliance that thinks it has now come to pass to deal a blow to I.R.O.N then join me in this fight. Or go back to your tech deals, trade deals and meaningless recruitment to future wars that will never come to pass because you play it safe and are afraid to make a major move againt a corrupt alliance like I.R.O.N. Let a tyrant alliance like I.R.O.N act like a bully in a school yard towards new nations. It show weakness to those powerful alliances that would stand back idle and do nothing.
  7. Then i ask you to help aid us against I.R.O.N only way to teach them is to war with them. What good are allainces if they are afraid to make a move. Im a tiny new country they picked on. Where are all you huge alliances out there. Are you afraid to make a move against these people. There time has coem to be dealt with. NUKE THEM!
  8. If need be i may consider donations to other nations and alliances to use thermal nuclear war against the top nations in Iron to teach them a a lesson if your a nuclear nation and have the power to take on top leading people within I.R.O.N contact me and we may be able to make a deal if you willing to nuke the top leading nations of I.R.O.N.
  9. I disagree with you. This is no way to treat new nations. This kind of treatment should not go unpunished. I urge any alliance member of any alliance that agree with me to wage war against I.R.O.N and teach them a important lesson on how to properly treat new nations.
  10. With what i said above even if that is a norm i seriously doubt other Alliances threaten new nations with war if they are undecided which way they are going. I would suggest to any new nation coming into the game, DO NOT JOIN OR LOOK I.R.O.N way they will go to war with you if your undecided.
  11. As ive stated i dropped them but they used the threat of war before i was even decided on which way i was going. No matter how you look at this its still wrong and its an act of war and intemidation.
  12. I did remove my country from them. What was done is not right and should not go unpunished. I am at war wth 3 of there third world strength nations.
  13. IRON starts wars with NEW NATIONS. It's a good idea to stay away from all IRON alliance members if your a new nation!
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