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Posts posted by Vend3tta

  1. Okay then, "the green menace". I'm sure GGA considered you that too at the time since it seemed big enough to warrant a war. And yes I would know about that as I did participate in the war.

    "The Green Menace" is nothing but a jab at humor on our part. This name, along with the Neutral Menace, were simple joking terms we light heartedly called the GPA in the past. We were hoping the GPA would be able to realize and recognize the vernacular.

  2. OK. so I guess I'll post ONE more response. Only because it's you, Otis. :P

    You know I agree with much of what you said. In your position, I may have done the same. But one thing I will say.

    There have been two instances where I and a few others could have EASILY coup'd the GPA. You know I'm not blowing smoke because, well, you were there. But, by doing so, it would essentially no longer be the GPA. The GPA requires an odd tug of war between the executive and the membership... to keep each other honest on what IS neutral and keep things in check. As you know, the answer is seldom 'easy', or even 'consistent' from month-to-month. This lack of balance in the tug of war of late has been a DIRECT factor in the recent troubles.

    So. If any of the answers people have in mind involve a Viceroy or some such other nonsense that eliminates GPA's sovereignty and has outsiders dictating a 'get well' plan who have NO MORE honorable motives than serving the largest power bloc to prevent their own destruction? Then, the GPA will no longer be the GPA. In such a case, I'd rather watch the infra counter tick down to zero and do as much damage on the way down as possible. Because, we've already made that choice. And as you know, most of those left in the GPA have already made that choice.

    There is absolutely no doubt in my mind sovereignty is the most important aspect in any alliance. You and I both agree, your alliance's identity was at stake when faced with an unfortunate ultimatum. However, long before the thought of Viceroys and whatnot, the GPA had committed many actions which quite simply infringed on what the GPA was all about. This breech, unfortunately, ended up ticking off the stronger side of this game, but that's hardly an excuse. Whether it was NPO or Molly Sue's 5 man alliance that were offended is quite simply irrelevant; the GPA had breeched its own code of conduct, and it was up to your government to fix that. It's not an infringement of sovereignty, or appeasing the other side, it's reestablishing the policy you've had for the last two years.

    I am very glad that people such as yourself have decided to stay. We here at the VE have our fingers crossed that after this shtick is all said and done, only the people who actually care what the GPA stands for are left.

    Even so, I must defend the nature of our involvement. The main argument I've seen about it is that we had the choice to sign our pacts with the NPO, MCXA, and IRON. You claim that these choices led us to become nothing but sheep. This isn't so much an argument against us as it is against Defense Pacts in general. Yes, it was our choice to enter into a binding treaty with the NPO, and I continue to stand by this decision. However, this choice was made and the pact was created. You can't call into question our involvement, because you clearly know the reason. We are obliged to help out our allies when called upon, whether it's to Hell and back or to the grocery store. We will never go against our word.

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