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Posts posted by Vend3tta

  1. Honesty FTW

    Censure of the Green Protection Agency

    That's the title of your message. You should have made the title a bit clearer then. Any title like that is bound to piss off the alliance you are "censuring" (lol). It just shows you truthfully aren't just going to leave general GPA membership out of this. Obviously, if they back up Valid, which they have every right to do so.....then that "wub" turns into CMs and ground attacks. And we all know you are gearing up to attack ALL of the GPA, not just Valid and GPA gov.

    I sure miss the old honorable VE that wasn't just a pawn for the Orders and the alliance that dismantled you.

    Whoa whoa whoa whoa, we're gearing up for war? Well, this is news for me. Please, I invite you to wait for Viridian cruise missiles to hit the GPA.

    Not to mention I am down right offended at your attack upon our sovereignty, and find your ignorance about Viridian business rather humorous. The VE and GPA have always been buddy-buddy with one another. And here we have an instance where our friends find themselves at a potentially disastrous crossroads in their alliance's existence, and here we are urging them to take the right path. There is nothing NPO about this. There is nothing GGA about this. You are pathetic to think otherwise.

    If the GPA fails to heed our calls, we have done everything in our power to help their dismal political situation, but this certainly does not translate into war.

  2. I still say that the VE has proven that disbandment is not necessarily the end. And wouldn't letting Pacifica be destroyed do the same thing as disbanding it, albeit in a more long, drawn out, painful form? Disbanding doesn't mean sacrificing your ideals. I can see why you could argue that surrendering might be sacrificing your ideals, but disbandment for the sake of your members is sometimes the most honorable thing to do. I hope Pacifica never faces ZI or disbandment, but I'd much rather see it go away and then return later than slowly and painfully die. The VE didn't give up its ideals, it just disbanded to protect its members and returned when the time was right. FARK and FAN will take a long time to return to their former glory. Even when VE was disbanded, its members were still here, defending their ideals. FAN and FARK saw much of their membership leave, never to stand on Planet Bob and fight for their ideals again.

    Just because an alliance is gone in name doesn't mean that its ideals are dead. But when all the members of an alliance get destroyed and most of them quit the game, those ideals are greatly diminished.


    When an alliance is gone, it can no longer defend its ideals. Thusly, the ideals become inert, and in effect, dead.

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