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Kael Istari TTE

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Everything posted by Kael Istari TTE

  1. Thank you Ceaser. I just started on this forum yesterday to report a bug and decided to ::bump:: this thread back up to the top.
  2. Message without wanted link: Join an alliance that actually cares about its members. That's what sets us apart from other alliances. The Terran Empire doesn't have any gimmicks nations; it's just a solid alliance with a friendly group of people. We don't offer money just for signing up, but we do set up trade and tech circles for members allowing for rapid growth. Some nations get 20 million a month just dealing tech! TTE also has an active forum with one of the best spam & games sections in all of Cyber Nations. (I have 150 posts in three weeks!) And if you want to contribute to our alliance, TTE has that too. Government jobs are always available on our forums. If you have any questions about The Terran Empire or why alliances are important, contact either myself or our Chancellor Prime, Yuurei. So visit our forums: http://s1.zetaboards.com/CN_Terran_Empire/index/ You'll be glad you did. Yours Truly, Kael Istari The Terran Empire (77 characters remaining) Link I want to put in: http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=233069 (69 characters) Thus I should still have 8 characters remaining in my message, but it cuts me off with 17 remaining.
  3. I've been recruiting for my alliance recently and in my recruitment message I have 77 characters remaining, so I want to put the url of our Chancellor Prime (Yuurei) in the message. It would still be short enough to have a 8-10 characters left, but when I copy-paste it, it stops at 17 characters left. I try typing the rest in, but nothing will type. [url=http://s1328.photobucket.com/user/kaelistari/media/CNProblem_zps5c67d548.png.html][/URL]
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