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Duke of Tight Butts

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Everything posted by Duke of Tight Butts

  1. I am the Emperor of the League of Ultra Nationalist Nations and Lord Hitchcock is entirely out of line here. The LUNN distanced ourselves from our allies because we did not want them to be affected by our identity, which has been misinterpreted by other alliances. Furthermore we are in the process of a governmental identity "rebranding", and do not wish to make war with any other nation/alliance at this time. We are NOT a subsidiary of Bad Company, and Lord Hitchcock has been nothing but hostile and aggressive to our nations. We have never provoked war, nor desired to be involved in any conflict over the last 1.5 years of our existence. A little over a week ago, Lord Hitchcock declared war on 3 of our member nations without any forewarning or discussion. Our members responded with maximum force in order to protect our alliance. When the tides of war began to turn against Lord Hitchcock, he sent a messenger to inform us that he merely wanted to help our alliance become successful. I'm confused though, if you just wanted to help us then why would you declare war and then nuke members of my alliance? Our alliance has been nothing but peaceful our entire existence. With that being said, my alliance members will ensure the safety and security of their nations by whatever means necessary. We have no interest in hostility with Bad Company, but how can we be certain that Lord Hitchcock will not continue to raid our alliance members as he sees fit? With this being said, my members that were attacked will continue to defend themselves against Lord Hitchcock unless substantial reparations are made by him, a declaration that this "annexation" is invalid and has never been valid, and finally an apology to the LUNN. GH244 Emperor LUNN
  2. http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=523130 ^^My Nation Currently have 3 slots open, I will accept the first 3 foreign aid offers/PMs.
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