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Nick GhostWolf

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Posts posted by Nick GhostWolf

  1. at my old job i used to go take extra long "dumps" so i could check CN on the crapper.  which, when you get right down to it, is the real and unspoken reason people buy smartphones.  so they can get paid to play games on their phone on the crapper

  2. Ah so the information is out of date.


    I wouldn't say "out of date" as much as "not totally specific".  The infra/tech damage from a DA is equal to two successful GA's.  Now picture yourself as a nation with a lot of tech and a WRC dealing oh, say 80 damage with a successful GA.  Why should a DA deal less than that?  It's inconsistent and doesn't make any sense.

  3. Most players prefer to keep their warchest information a secret.  However, there's a problem with this, affecting anyone who tends to be good at building.  This is from the awards screen as of about 5:45AM CST (server time).  This



    From this, the warchests of individuals can be precisely determined in real time, provided that individual is in both of these award categories.  While this may not affect ALL players, anyone who is running a high dollar nation (think top 10% players - the core of this game) could inadvertantly have their exact cast on hand calculated by anyone smart enough to pay attention.  For example, from the results as of right now, by subtracting the value from the "money spent" field from the "money earned" field for nations present in BOTH record categories we can determine the following:


    Freedom Nation has $91,305,361 in cash reserves.

    The Last Squirrel has $4,291,168 in cash reserves.

    ragnar has $49,826,204 in cash reserves.


    Additionally, this can be used to set upper and lower limits for warchests of anyone else in these award categories.


    Nations whose names appear in the "most money earned" category can have the lower limit for their warchest calculated.  As an example, Glanton Gang is listed as having earned $658,933,386.  Since the nation is NOT listed on the "most money spent", by taking the lowest value present in the other field and subtracting 1 (this is arbitrary, but in any kind of practice a few cents doesn't matter a bit), and then subtracting that number from Glanton Gang's known money earned, we can establish that the nation MUST have at least $157,475,905 in cash reserves.  The same formula applied to Krypton yields a lower limit of $141,397,319.


    The reverse can be applied to find the upper limits in cash reserves of nations who appear in the "most money spent" record but not the "most money earned" record.  By taking the lowest (#5 ranked) value present in the "most money spent" field, subtracting 1 (again arbitrary, but again cents don't really matter here), we can determine that Union Algo's warchest CANNOT be higher than $94,445,738 and that Wolverine CANNOT be higher than $103,036,514.


    This strikes me as unfair, as any nation who ends up on these two top 5 lists can have information about their warchest inadvertently revealed through simple subtraction.  A basic nuy close estimate can be done in anyone who is paying attention's head in about 5 seconds, provided they know how to subtract.


    I propose that the exact numeric figures for cash earned, cash spent, and any other "cash specific" prizes be made invisible for the purpose of the Current Round Awards feeds, by default.  Optionally, a feature could be added that would allow a player to "opt in" to the exact amount being shared; otherwise, the value should not be given, in the interest of warchest confidentiality.  There is precedent for this, in that some elements of the "nation activity" feature in SE were made visible only to the nation's owner due to the possibility that warchest information could be accidentally revealed.

  4. So what is this, like a delayed reaction?  Let's see, what was I doing on the 13th of December in 2013... oh yes, fighting the war that was happening at the time.  That would have been disorder, right?  You guys must have some good and plentiful weed if it takes you this long; I'd recommend sobriety as it appears to be heavily interfering with your ability to keep track of time.



    If Viluin was the biggest you dealt with to date, then you're wrong in saying that you've dealt with bigger and better funded rogue entities. He states here that he had in the neighborhood of 6 bil, which means LPS has roughly +38% more cash than Viluin. Judging by the nations he fought, LPS and Wes may both be bigger in NS than Viluin was, and as Wes stated, there's 2 of them.


    That being said, there's no doubt in my mind that Polar possesses the resolve to keep combating this threat. They did it when BF1 hit Polar. I'm sure it's much more likely that LPS and Wes will get bored with perpetual war and eventually just let their nations sink into the abyss. But Viluin states in the above linked thread that he had nothing personal against Polar, whereas LPS and Wes have stated that it is personal. I think that will play a role in how long it is before they decide to move on. I also would give them the benefit of the doubt as they've been dealing with coffeeshock for at least a year now. They have experience dealing in this type of warfare - they know firsthand the type of damage a rogue of this nature can do, so who really knows how long it'll take before logging in for a few minutes every day to send a nuke to Polar's new recruits has lost it's appeal. 


    Judging by their NS - specifically, their tech - it'll be a while before they're in our lower tier and they're going to hit every branch on the way down.  It won't take long before they're re-buying infra to keep in nuke-purchase range; it's the piles and piles of tech they have that will take the longest to remove.  And when they do enter our lower tier - they won't pose the threat they do now, and it is neither expensive nor difficult for Polaris' mid and upper tiers to keep lower-tier nations in the fight monetarily.  Our new recruits are in the least danger (the average new recruits is 1k or 2k NS) from these guys.  It also probably won't be hard to find nations willing to sell down on some infra to feed the Kiwis nukes when that time comes, but we'll cross that bridge when and if we get there.


    The last I heard they're posted in the MI6 embassy on Sengoku's forums.

    I don't have access there and as I am neither in MI6 or Sengoku, I don't expect I'd be given access.  So let me rephrase that: first person to post the logs on a neutral third party web site that allows pasted text content and post them publicly gets 100 tech.

  7. I'm confused by them numbers, either they're wrong or the cybernations information is out of date as:

    "If an attacker is unable to battle a defending nation because the defending soldier numbers are too low the defender will automatically be placed into Anarchy, up to 5 defending spies may be killed, 5% or up to 10 technology levels, 20% or up to 40 infrastructure levels, and 5% or up to $5 million in money may be destroyed (not stolen).


    tech bonuses are applied to defeat alerts.


    Wait. So those logs are "over the top" and not actually a reason and point of emphasis for you guys disliking us? Hah.


    Most of MI6 - me included - didn't know of those logs or the sentiment behind them. The embassy conversation we tried to have started out well, it got "hostile" when you brought up going to war over the non-issue (that was Petro's chat with Umb). However, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that you took Masta and Myth to be hostile (can get that), even though they had no real influence and are over-the-top characters themselves.


    This whole thing, like that embassy, have been blown out of proportion and all could be solved by simply having adult conversation. Anyway, I'm done with this line of conversation, we're going in circles now; last time: my query is open. If you want to have a profesional chat on our forums, we'll establish a gov forum for you guys and we can discuss there. But you won't.


    Out of curiosity, are these logs posted somewhere accessible?

  9. Yeah my mistake. It wasn't 5 guys with 150,000 strength, it was 7 with 210,000.


    no.  it was 7 with ~150,000 (they were higher tier nations).  your assertion that these 7 KrAbZ had a combined NS of 210,000 would mean that the ANS of these KrAbZ nations would rest around 30,000.


    when the war was declared, we had ONE nation in NDO with a strength over 30,000 (hadesflames).  150,000 came from 7 KrAbZ, who then mobilized militarily along with the rest of NDO.  Max tanks and soldiers.  Most of our fighters had at least 500 tech and were sitting on aircraft carriers, meaning air forces of 85 lv9 planes.  several of us also purchased tech to increase the punch from our WRC's.


    you need to stop lying.  you're very bad at it.

  10. So whenever you post stats in your declarations which you prize so much we all have to add on 35% to your total.


    You personally are a nasty piece of work.


    and a coward.


    Five days before the end of the round?  We are both likely to be in anarchy then.


    Whats wrong with this week?


    I don't know where you're getting this 35% number.  You certainly didn't get it from any of the statistics available.  And, I'm still perplexed as to why you've injected yourself into this, creating a problem where there is none.  I do have to ask - if Eurasia had actually defended themselves, would you be here complaining?  Go do a search on all NDO/Eurasia wars and look at how many of them never launched a single attack.  It's not "unfair" if your opponent chooses not to fight despite having the ability to do so.  Nothing prevented them from fighting except for their own decision not to, because (and I quote) "they couldn't be bothered with this round".  They are NPO guys, and there's a lot of stuff happening in SE that has their attention diverted - which is something I can both accept and respect.  You think NDO wanted this to be so... boring?  Because that's how most of us see this: we were actually bored by Eurasia's lack of participation  And I keep having to re-iterate they were out of war for nearly a month.  Nobody knew they didn't give a hoot about this round until three days into the war.


    So, I'm going to repeat the three main points again; you've proven many times over now that your reading comprehension skills are very poor:

    1. they were out of war for nearly a month; ergo it was safe to assume they were sitting on monster warchests

    2. they had defeated NDO and other alliances the previous round, showing strong coordination/fighting skills - ergo it was safe to assume they'd do so again

    3. their nations were built up with large amounts of infra and tech (not to mention 161 nukes) - ergo it was safe to assume they were active.


    As for you're calling me a "piece of work" and a "coward"... I'm all for name calling but at least try to choose insults that actually fit and use some prose for once.  For example, I'm going to call you a liar, a badly misinformed clown, and a nuisance.  Here goes: You haven't got the foggiest idea of what actually happened here despite several people attempting to explain it to you, so you're inventing !@#$%^&* that supports your personal opinion of an alliance in lieu of anything even resembling knowledge of the situation.  This makes you look like a complete clown, oversized shoes hat and all, and nobody ordered a clown to this party.  See?  Much more effective when the boot fits.


    I have duties to my alliance that supercede my desire to run amok dealing with my own personal vendettas.  NDO'll probably be at war in a week or so (it's TE, that's about the usual pace of wars around here) and they'll need me.  At the end of the round, 5 days before, that's when all hell breaks loose anyway so the timing's perfect.  But, since you insist on it being earlier, we'll move it to 6 days before end of round.  I want to face you at your strongest, to prove to you that the best you can do is nothing to me.  And I will do exactly that.


    edit - Declarations we prize so much?  You know what, at least we bothered to try.  Now I understand why Misfits didn't post a declaration - a combination of total cowardice (the only real tradition in your pathetic excuse for an alliance) and projection of your own many insecurities onto others.

  11. I've done the math.  The seven fighters Krabz supplied added 210,000 strength to the 340,000 NDO strength.


    Anyone can verify this by looking at the charts and  Oct 3 in the 30 day history of the nations.


    Krabz               210,000

    ND0 1st page  238,000

    Rest of NDO    100,000.


    That makes 548,000. You and your hand-picked mercenaries in fact had over 135,000 strength you neglected to mention.


    Here are the pre-war stats:




    and the 20 NDO nations that bulked up for war, buying planes and soldiers and tanks, that accounts for 0 in your "math" because you didn't include those figures.  if the 7 KrAbZ nations truly had "210,000 strength" that would point to an average of 30,000 - meaning all of these KrAbZ nations would have been top 10.  they weren't.  most were between 15,000 and 25,000.  a nation can put on some real NS weight when you buy max planes, tanks, and soldiers - and 20 nations did exactly that.  thus, NDO's total NS and ANS increased.


    in fact, more than just buying military, some of us also bought large piles of tech to fuel our WRCs.

  12. Nickghostwolf


    I think you'll find that this is the only war I have ever felt the need to speak about bullying.


    It is interesting that you chose to respond to a comment I made to someone else, rather than the only one I made specifically to you. I find it laughable that you think I should be imtimidated by threats from someone who appears not to notice they have been challenged.


    What pride can NDO take when they have warred with the alliance least able to defend itself. You bulked up your fighting force with seven 30,000 strength Krabz and also falsified your declaration. You stated that Eurasia had a 45,000 strength advantage. In fact YOU had a 50,000+ advantage



    What do you say tough guy - name the day our war starts.


    Are you illiterate or something?  Did you not read the DoW and what happened last time Eurasia and NDO tangled?  Are you incapable of comprehending the kind of warchest advantage a !@#$@#$ month out of war should give you?  Did you not see how Eurasia man-handled every alliance they fought last round?  We had every reason to expect this to be one hell of a war.  Here's something that might blow that very small, very pathetic mind of yours: when you turtle and refuse to fight back because IRL calls (to paraphrase Caladin's reason for not fighting back, which is a valid reason) you're going to lose the war.  You're interpreting this as a curbstomp because you're looking for an excuse to !@#$%*.  This was an even match; but Eurasia chose by-and-large to not fight back.  That's their choice, NDO didn't deploy a mind-control device and make their nukes turn into unicorn farts and their soldiers get stoned rather than launch GAs.  I know it's a lot to ask for you to do simple math but look at the number of nations in the DoW and then look at the number of nations NDO has now.  Notice anything?  Or are you too stupid for 2 digit subtraction too?  Funny how you were totally silent last round when Eurasia rolled us just out of war.  And don't play the "oh but they were poor noobs" card either; most of their guys are NPO on the SE side and as they demonstrated last round they know full well how to war.


    I didn't challenge you.  Normally, when I step in dog !@#$ I just wipe it off and forget about it but for some reason this time the dog !@#$ started mouthing off so, sure, if you want to go we'll go.  Five days before the end of the round.  You and me.  You're !@#$@#$ dead, !@#$%*.  Just don't get any ideas about bringing in your friends for backup, because I'll do the same and I have a lot more.

  13. As Wes stated to make sure I please the TE police and their pretend regulations. OP and Misfits are now at peace. A good war indeed, one that played out the way wars should. When both sides take a good beating not just one. Those we call curb stomps.


    didn't know TE Police were back.  i owe them a bunch of unpaid parking tickets

  14. So we join the crowd of not making a declare thread like many others and suddenly TDO, NDO and Krabs express there hate they have always had for us but claim it's just over our apparent stupidity with this case. Most of my haters are the ones that play this game like scums and I tell them how it is. I'm sure if I ever move on from misfits I will find a new home with ease. What I don't get is, why would I ever care what you think nick? You serve no relevance In anything

    and this is why you're a nobody in an alliance going nowhere.

  15. Don't be rididulous. Of course you bullied, and you ganged up. Not only that, but this wasn't some spur of the moment joining up. From what you say you were part of the planning. Why wasn't your 150,000+ strength mentioned in this declaration.


    It's pathetic.


    antikato if you're going to call every single war you see "bullying" then you are playing the wrong game.  this is TE.  this is a game about war.  there are winners and there are losers.  if every time someone gets rolled you yell "bullying" you'll get rolled too because you are annoying.

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