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Nick GhostWolf

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Posts posted by Nick GhostWolf

  1.  Cries, more cries ... You declare a war on an Allianc ebetter and bigger than yours and you expect anything less than annihilation?


    Big words coming from someone who ran Hellas into the ground making the same mistake against NDO.  The difference here is that TDO has both the skill and the funding to fight.  They don't make suicide runs.  How about you stop bitching, since you're so convinced of your victory ahead of time?


    no rush. L_H never forgets!


    I see no need to create a round-to-round grudge over this.  The war started heated; I admitted where I was wrong, you took a hell of a lickin' in terms of nation destruction but you did it with some dignity, and in the process you even managed to kick off the healing process of diplomacy between Misfits and NDO - which is legitimately impressive, nobody else managed that in about ten rounds.


    You can rest assured, NDO's not making any "destroy RE day 7" threats.  We would rather live and let be, and war later in the round when everyone's all built.  That way, everyone gets to experience the joy of nuclear anarchy.  Just remember this though: Lacuna is always watching.  Especially when you tip your hand ;)

  3. It isn't technically a bug just by design, the game works in three decimal places but rounds up to two decimal places.

    indeed it does, but for requirement purposes it treats 10999.999 infra as 11000 for display but still evaluates eligibility as false if you buy UHC.  i ran into the exact same problem when i bought my WRC.  since land totals display at 3 decimal places, i'm not sure why infra only displays 2 despite the value not fitting into 2 decimal places.  Only way to exactly where you stand on infra count is to go to your nation chart, hover your mouse over the part of the pie chart representing NS from infra, and then divide that number by 3 to get the 3-decimal value for your infra count (and thus, the true value used in calculations in-game)  Edit - and even that gives false values after i tested it.  posted a thread in the suggestions forum; requesting mod lock as this problem is handled here

  4. don't really care what happened last round or the rounds prior.

    you raided citadel and even stepped up the raids based on my threats. lol.

    what do you expect me to say? please peace us oh mighty one? truth is you got a bit up in the clouds at #1 and thought you could start pulling ass moves like this.

    yeah I waited till the next opportunity that I could build MP And come nuke you worthless muppets.

    this is directly due to the actions RE took expanding their xp raids or whatever.

    NDO can peace with RE. Il take you myself.


    NDO will peace with RE when we are good and ready.  Way I see it, that'll be when the first round of wars expires.


    We already negotiated an end to the spyops/blockades.  There was more to what LH said than met the eye and although I don't personally agree with his decision to use blockades and spyops on Skaullin, it was erroneous for me to assume he'd use them on NDO too.  The statement he'd made that Misfits and RE were planning to war NDO to begin with also turned out to be true.  I consider my personal beef with LH to be settled; let's just try to enjoy the rest of this war learn from the mistakes enjoy the XP and move on.


    yes, your narrative was screwed up. As you are mixing our UN/MERCS nuke threats (and dealt with) with our citidale raids. Two entirely different subjects. Of which we addressed both of them, openly and honestly. 


    I would say your opinion on Bernie and UN was a bit overblown - especially considered OE tore them apart with little difficulty - but whatever floats your boat there.  Not my problem.


    You piledrove on Citadel, and it really was a bullshit hit.  They weren't in a position to attack you.  Even if they had fully built and attacked you, you would have still held the advantage.  I read the messages, dirty ops landed right off the bat and they responded by saying they planned to hurt you for it.  What, you think you can just rogue an alliance out of the blue and then nobody would hit you back?  That's clearly not working with NDO, what makes you think it would have flown with Citadel either?  You claim a right to self defense - and then deny it to everyone else?


    we did so in retribution for a perma war threat. In fact, as stated in that thread as well- are the statements of "perma war" and "wrath" (again, nothing I can make up there)... and I would encourage anyone to do the same in those circumstances.


    That's Bernie making that threat.  He's a noob, this is his second round as far as i can tell.  Where in your weird mind does "noob make a threat" = "Citadel must pay the price for it"?





    You show me where I am a liar. This was YOUR statement on page 1 of this thread:






    Because this entire statement is !@#$%^&*. And I'll address them as numbered..


    1) Ah yes, unless their leader flat out admitted it on the OWF, see below:


    When did I say that? I simply offered them a deal that said we wouldn't use nukes of they accepted our peace when sent. That does not mean that if they don't accept my peace I'm going to nuke them. Truth is, I was planning on nuking RE. 

    Edited by PresidentBernie, 26 February 2016 - 10:44 AM.



    2) It did not happen, because their nukes were spied and knocked below 2k infra: as can be seen here, quoted by samwise:




    Who also, third party (i have no regular contact with samwise) addressed: They apparently tried to peace us so they could focus on RE.




    "So from their own statements, TUN and MERCS were supposed to hit both RE and OE, but when MERCS didn't deliver the best blitz, they decided to try to peace OE so both TUN and MERCS could focus on RE alone"






    3) Leader of UN To: The Mitten    From: President Bernie    Date: 2/24/2016 3:54:51 AM

    Subject: Peace or Nuke


    Message: I'm not sure if that was your nation that launched a spy attack destroying one of my nukes, but if it was, nukes only cost $400,000, I will purchase another one & launch it on your nation if you don't send me peace. That would make it so you have re-build your whole nation, but without 25,000,000 start-up money. Be smart about this.
    So they were obviously built up enough to buy nukes.
    Now I understand you are trying to get a PR train rolling, and I also sympathize that either you are trying too hard- and are either dramatically failing, ill-informed, or simply a moron. (i'm guessing the 3rd)
    In one sentence, I called you BS... 3 times! And this is all publicly available! visit your local library today!
    3 times, one sentence. All countered with actual facts, not your imagination.



    1. President Bernie is not the leader of citadel.  He is the leader of UN.  This attempt at deflection is sad.  Not once did we even bring up UN, or their war with Obsidian Entente.


    2. swazz is not the issue here.  swazz's war with War Doves is not the issue here either.  we are talking about your curbstomp on Citadel, this round.


    3. Once again, i don't give a !@#$ about your problem with President Bernie.  This is about your crap with Citadel.


    If I mixed up the narrative of who warred what, I apologize, that was my error.  What I called you out on was your raid on Citadel, including blockades and dirty spyops.  That's what I correctly accused you of being a worthless sack of crap about.  That's what you flew into a rage and attacked me about, no?  Or did Bernie really make you so mad that you're confusing this into every other dealing on planet steve, too?


    i looked over that thread, and out of none of that did i find anything i cared about. swazz went out of line (shocker), i told Bernie he'd be fine once he learned the ropes and never once questioned your opinion there because i didn't see any point behind doing so.  now i see why we're pissed off at each other - i keep saying Citadel, you keep hearing UN.


    no.  this is about you raiding Citadel.  and me calling bullshit.


    we'll get it done. your comment about your mutual, TDO- mind you we've hit them many times. And if you are referencing last round, the majority of bloodpact were RE members. So pretending that we don't rally against them is an again, false statement.


    and per the lies you are trying to convey this round- anyone who can read would call you a liar.


    of course, facts and nick are like oil and dirty water.


    You're trying to frame this as though it were relevant to this round and it's not working.  Citadel posed no threat to you and you know it.  Hitting NDO for daring to speak the truth about you was a reflex act of anger and what you thought was opportunism.  You will pay dearly for it.  Lord Hitchcok, you are an odious individual, a consummate liar, everybody can see it.  So go ahead, spout your propaganda.  It will prove false as it always does.  I will organize your demise and move on.


    shocked. disbelief.




    oh boo-hoo... 


    per the planning to nuke us day 7, do you know why we didn't get nuked day seven? because we spied their nukes and knocked them below 2k infra. Think it was a bluff? ask samwise... did we rogue them? or did they hit us first?... or better yet, put on your reading glasses and read thread where those intentions were clearly addressed. both by them, and by samwise.


    You are a goody-tooshoo hypocrite and a liar


    This round, buddy.  Not last round, this round.


    No, we gave retribution to citidal. and you act like we give a damn about NDO's thoughts in our matters. you called us out- so we hit you.


    However, no complaints on the war- in fact, it's the best thing that could have happened and it will set the tone for future relations with NDO.


    Exactly.  We called you out.  We exposed your lies and excuses for what they were.  So did Cazaric, but you didn't hit TDO.  Probably because as your track record consistently proves, you won't take a fight against someone with that much infra.  Last round you hid in terror from CItadel, and they had the whole round to come and bother you (they didn't).  Then you held up an excuse that they were planning to nuke you on day 7, which clearly didn't happen (in fact they weren't even attemping to nuke you on day 7, they hadn't even built yet).  I'm thinking your whole huge hullaballoo about Citadel being a dire threat was pure propaganda, because of all these dire predictions exactly zero of them came true.  Just excuses for you to rogue whoever you want - so cut the act, nobody is fooled.  You can't stand having your lies exposed, this is a trait that follows you everywhere you go.


    And yes, this will set the tone for future relations.  I think it's a shame that RE let something like you in.  Used to really like and respect those guys.  I suspect that I will again.. when you're watching down and smiling.

  11. [Insert war title here]
    Mutually assured scratching of the itch

    I may be wasting spy slots in search of those CM's :P


    I've told NDO to keep it clean with Misfits.  I won't go into the whole thing with RE as that's a different thread and I don't want this one derailed since it's off to a good start, but if you guys want to keep things dirty op/blockade free than we're good with that too.

  12. Our options weren't very good, Citadel just got raided, OP haven't built much and there isn't anyone else around us that could be attacked fairly. I think this was our only option for a war.

    Have fun!
    o/ Casualties


    We were kinda starving for war too, to the point where we were starting to raid unaligned/micros.  Not generally my favorite way to do things.  Then we got rogued, and suddenly half the answer presented itself...but there weren't enough slots for everyone.  So, thanks for tending to NDO's still-voracious need for some XP and some casualties, and providing the other half of the solution.  We'll scratch your war itch too. :)

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